"Whenever there is a problem, repeat over and All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe." In this healing tour de force, best-selling authors Louise L. Hay and Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz have teamed up for an exciting reexamination of the quintessential teachings from Heal Your Body. All Is Well brings together Louise’s proven affirmation system with Mona Lisa’s knowledge of both medical science and the body’s intuition to create an easy-to-follow guide for health and well-being. And, for the first time ever, they present scientific evidence showing the undeniable link between the mind and body that makes these healing methods work. Bringing focus and clarity to the effects of emotions on the body, All Is Well separates the body into seven distinct groups of organs—or emotional centers—that are connected by their relationship to certain emotions. Structured around these emotional centers, the authors outline common imbalances and probable mental causes for physical illness. They also include case studies that show a complete program for healing that draws from all disciplines, including both traditional and alternative medicine, affirmations, nutritional changes, and so much more. Using the self-assessment quiz, the holistic health advice, and an expanded version of Louise’s original affirmation chart, you can learn how to heal your mind and body with affirmations and intuition and live a balanced, healthy life.
Louise Hay was born to a poor mother who married Hay's violent stepfather. When she was about five, she was raped by a neighbor. At fifteen she dropped out of high school without a diploma, became pregnant, and on her sixteenth birthday gave up her newborn baby girl for adoption.
She moved to Chicago, where she worked in menial jobs, before moving in 1950 to New York. At this point she changed her name and began a career as a fashion model. She was successful at this, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigere.
In 1954, she married Andrew Hay, but after fourteen years of marriage Louise was devastated when Andrew left her for another woman.
Hay said that she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the metaphysical works of authors like Florence Scovel Shinn and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes.
In the early 1970's Hay became a Religious Science practitioner. In this role she led people in spoken affirmations meant to cure their illnesses. She also became popular as a workshop leader.
She studied transcendental meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at his university in Fairfield, Iowa.
In 1977 or 1978 she found she had cervical cancer, and she concluded that its cause was her unwillingness to let go of resentment over her childhood abuse and rape. She refused medical treatment, and began a regimen of forgiveness, therapy, reflexology, nutrition, and occasional enemas, and claims she rid herself of the cancer. She declared that there is no doctor left who can confirm this story, but swore that it is true.
In 1976 Hay wrote a small pamphlet, which came to be called "Heal Your Body." This pamphlet was enlarged and extended into her book You Can Heal Your Life, which was published in 1984. As of February 2008, it is still on the New York Times best sellers list.
Around the same time she began leading support groups for people living with H.I.V. or AIDS that she called Hay Rides. These grew from a few people in her living room to hundreds in a large hall in West Hollywood. Her work with AIDS patients drew fame and she was invited to appear on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and "Donahue" in the same week in March, 1988.
You Can Heal Your Life immediately landed on the New York Times Best Sellers List. More than 35 million copies are now in print around the world in more than 30 languages and has been made into a movie.
Louise Hay established Hay House Publishing. It is the primary publisher of books and audio books by Deepak Chopra and Doreen Virtue, as well as many books by Wayne Dyer.
In addition to running her publishing company, Hay runs a charitable organization called Hay Foundation that was established in 1985.
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for review purposes, I was not financially compensated for my opinion. That said, I rate this book at a full 5 out of 5 stars. Brilliant. This is a home run. Louise Hay has brought so much public awareness to the mind/body connection since the 1980's, and now Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz has taken those ideas to a level of deeper understanding. If you've enjoyed any of their previous works, this one is a no-brainer, you'll love it. And if you're new to the idea that our thoughts manifest in the body as conditions, you'll enjoy it too. The research that backs up the theory is astonishing. The authors do a great job of explaining how thought patterns affect the human body, and then go on to teach an integrated treatment approach; never a one size fits all prescription. The reader is given a lot of information on the seven emotional centers, and how and why they affect they body the way they do. At the end of each section case studies are offered, and their treatment plans are detailed. Patients were given daily affirmation work to help heal and strengthen their mindset. Diseases were treated, not just with medical drugs, but through adjustments in nutrition, supplementation, visualization, and exercise or activity levels as well. This book gives me hope that more people will get the lesson, and start taking responsibility for their health. This is a very empowering book. It could very well change, or even save your life.
When reading this book, you take a quick self assessment quiz as to the nature of your health and how you handle situations in your life. There was one section where my health could use a little work, then I read the corresponding chapter. I was internally dropping my jaw the entire time I read to see how closely it lined up with instances in my life and especially how it became apparent in slight physical impairments. I loved the affirmation tables index, where you can see mental ailments manifesting themselves physically in our body. A quick flip through other chapters gave me insightful information for my self and helped me understand the different nature of people (it's so hard to pinpoint the reason behind actions so often). I really appreciated all the references to the case studies, endnotes, and the bibliography section. I know I will be going back and reading the articles referenced in my health area of concern. Maybe too bizarre for some people to accept but I believe there is a direct correlation between our mental and physical health. Will buy this book and gift it to others.
Отдавна не бях посягала към такъв тип книга за т.нар "самопомощ". Преди много време бях чела книги на Луиз Хей и съм запозната с нейната теория за мислите, болестите/ здравето и успехите/ неуспехите в живота. И до ден днешен в резултат на нейните книги при някакво по-неприятно събитие в живота не спирам да си повтарям някои от по-известните й утвърждения и най-вече универсалното такова " Всичко в моя свят е наред". Затова ми беше любопитно да разбера какво повече ще намеря в тази книга и я започнах в Сторител.
Всъщност книгата е стъпила като основа на книгата "Излекувай тялото си" на Луиз Хей и е допълнена с някакви практически казуси на реални пациенти и техните резултати. Чудесен вариант за припомняме на прочетеното в другата книга, което с годините бях позабравила. Но ако скоро си чел "Излекувай тялото си", не мисля, че тази книга ще ти даде нещо много по-различно. За мен беше полезно, защото наистина ме върна към някои позабравени мисли и утвърждения.
Книгата, обаче, не е удобна за прочит в аудиовариант, тъй като има въпросник, а накрая цяла таблица със заболявания и подходящите за тях утвърждения. Никой няма нужда да чете/ слуша абсолютно всичко. Може би само нещата, които касаят него. Определено хартиеният носител е по-добър вариант за конкретно тази книга. Иначе написаното и истините в него са неоспорими. Изпитвала съм ги от личен опит! И беше чудесно припомняне.
As much as I like to believe in the benefits of positive thinking, I did not care for the way it was presented in this book. Affirmations are good, yes, but they are not a cure all, and while the book did cover many methods used for healing, with specific case studies on many common ailments, it seemed to me that the authors were trying to say all illnesses are in the head of the person who has them, and can be fixed by repeatedly telling oneself that you are joyous and at peace. It took me weeks to get through this book, although the body of the text is only 181 pages, because I simply could not buy into it.
If I could have given this book less than one star, I would have.
This book was published through Louise Hay's own publishing house - Hay House - and as I read through the text is became obvious why; no reputable publisher would touch it.
The voice throughout the text was Schulz's, although it became clear that this was only a ploy to make the tales they spin more reputable. While Schulz may have her M.D and P.hD, they were not used at all in the formation of her misguided opinions, "My mind's eye could see ahead of time what my trained medical eye would eventually see." If Schulz was ever my doctor, I would be concerned.
Schulz and Hay seem to confuse correlation with causation. Just because two things happen at the same time, does not mean they are related. For example, the similar stress levels found in B-52 Bomber crews does not equate to them becoming synchronized biologically. However, it may indicate that being a member of such a crew is a stressful occupation.
The outdated sexist ideals Schulz and Hay peddle are toxic, at the very least. Schulz presents flimsy data suggesting that women's brains "... have a much easier time putting their emotions [together], while men have a much harder time." This is pure conjecture, as it is well known that social conditioning forces men to abide by toxic masculinity and reject emotional ties. By reinforcing this concept, the authors support the very systems of oppression that dictate the lives of men and women. Furthermore, the women exclude the LGBTI community by unfairly judging people that express their femininity in alternate ways. Hay rams her ideas about femininity down reader's throats, and even goes so far as to suggest that women who reject their femininity are more prone to sexual diseases.
The way Schulz presents her 'scientific data' is deeply flawed. In order to convince the reader that problem A is connected to problem B, she creates sentences that causes the reader to infer that the scientific data supports her conjecture. For example, "Men have higher levels of testosterone, which makes them perhaps biologically and socially to higher levels of assertiveness, especially when it comes to speaking." This quote repeats a well known fact, men have higher levels of testosterone, and confuses this data with assertiveness and communication - which are not correlated to testosterone. The phrase 'perhaps' is even included, outlining the link between testosterone and communication is faulty, at best. In this way, Schulz undermines her own scientific analysis as it becomes unreliable and opinion based.
The 'Case Studies' included in the book are unrelated to the positive affirmations Hay is selling. In the case of Mary - a woman diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder - a complete lifestyle change was explained. She engaged with behavioural therapy, starting taking medication, began exercising and changed her diet. She also said a few of Hay's affirmations for good measure. Hay attributes Mary's recovery and management to her own positive affirmations; rather than the array of proven medical treatment that she was receiving.
Finally, the referencing Schulz includes is utter nonsense. As a researcher, I am very familiar with finding data to support theories. Not only does Schulz cherry pick her sources, but they are unreliable! Adding ten sources to one foot note is unethical, as it makes the data hard to trace without reading all ten articles. One 'fact' should only have one or two - at the maximum - sources, otherwise it becomes obvious that the evidence you are using is unreliable. Additionally, Schulz uses outdated sources, with one source from 1891, a time when xrays and vaccines weren't invented. The sources Schulz uses are intended to fool the reader into thinking her opinions are based on scientific rigor, when in fact, they have been created to sell books.
TL;DR: This book is not based on any type of scientific analysis or credible data, and is a mere fabrication of the affirmations that Schulz and Hay are desperate to sell. The sources are unreliable, the case studies flawed, and the writing intentionally vague. I wouldn't recommend this book if my life depended on it.
Absolutely there is a relationship between the mind and the body, and positive thinking can improve your life in lots of ways. But that does not necessarily mean that everything that happens in your body is caused by negative thinking. When you accidentally cut yourself, it's not a form of self punishment for not following your own rules. Cancer is not caused by deeply held secrets; and birth defects are not "karmic," they are not "chosen" by either the parent or the child.
Sometimes life just sucks, and we get dealt a rotten hand. When that happens, positive thinking is certainly going to be more helpful than negative thinking, but to say that negative thinking is the single direct cause of every bad thing that happens just isn't correct. It also displays an astounding lack of empathy - especially coming from a medical doctor.
Силата на мисълта - сила да ни лекува (плацебо ефекта), но и сила да ни разболява. Честно казано не знам до колко вярвам съвсем в прочетеното, но определено ми беше интересно. Не съм голям привърженик на Луис Хей, но е интригуващо как е описана връзката между негативните мисли, емоции или преживявания с различните болестите.
It's difficult to really rate this book - I believe it's one of the type that you get out what you put in, and while some aspects are quite interesting / valuable, others are not. I did get some good stuff out of it, so five stars.
I love Louise Hay. I've watched her videos, LOVED "You Can Heal Your Life" which told as much about her amazing story as it did about how you can heal your life and I also remember seeing the co-author of this book, Mona Lisa, on the video of You Can Heal Your Life - In fact, she was one of the most memorable people from the video.
The book was not what I thought it would be. First of all, Louise has done only the forward and the afterword, the book is by Mona Lisa Schulz. I enjoyed doing the comprehensive quiz at the beginning of the book but then it was hard to read through all the clinic case studies ... I went through the whole book, reading major chunks and getting the main message which is powerful and I don't think any doctor denies it: the big connection between mind and body and the power of healing that isin our own hands. It's just that the healing is not what the medical world focuses on. It focuses on fixing symptoms.
I applaud Dr. Schulz for sharing these insights with us. The format and layout of the book was just not very intuitive to me. I also was really hoping that Louise Hay had done some of the writing as it has her name on the book.
The books explores the healing of all diseases and illnesses using a combination of medicine and affirmations. As a regular user of affirmations, I know that a lot of my unhappiness and even physical ailments have improved with improving my mind and awareness so a 5 star on that, but the layout, the long clinic studies and the writing voice and style makes this a very dry and hard-to-read book.
الكتاب يتناول الأساس النفسي والشعوري لكل مرض، ويركز على تلت جوانب الصحة الطبية، الصحة الغذائية، الصحة العاطفية. الاقتباسات: _إذا أردنا الشفاء التام، فيجب أن نولي اهتمامنا للرسائل التي ترسلها أجسامنا من خلال الحدس، كما نحتاج للمنطق والحقائق لفهم جوانب عدم التوازن في نمط حياتنا والتي تؤثر على صحتنا فهماً تاماً. _العمل ��لهام الذي تحتاج القيام به لحماية صحتك هو أن تصبح على تماس أكثر مع عواطفك وأن تتعلم التعبير عنها بطرق ستساعدك في التحرك عبرها، تأكد من إبلاء اهتمام لمشاعرك ولكن لا تطلق حكماً عليها. _ما إن تستطيع التعبير عن نفسك، حتى يصبح تطوير العلاقات أسهل. وهذا أمر هام. _يجب عليك العمل قدر استطاعتك، كي تمنع نفسك من العيش حياة انعزالية. _تذكر أن التواصل هو شارع ذو اتجاهين، فالإصغاء والتحدث يحتاجان للتواصل الفعال الذي يعتمد على سماعك للآخرين وسماعهم لك.
رائعه جدا لويز هاي هنا ، الكتاب ملخص لكل افكارها ومدعم برأي طبي حكيم الفكره ببساطه انك من تقرر ازدياد حدة مرضك او اختفاؤه بافكارك الداخليه وعواطفك وطريقة تعاملك مع نفسك ومجريات الحياه تشرح هاي هنا ان للجسد 7 مراكز للعاطفه ..واي اختلال باي عاطفه سيؤثر على العضو المعني وعلى باقي الاعضاء ايضا وتمنحك في النهاية جدولا بغالبية الامراض واسبابها النفسيه المحتمله وطرق الشفاء عبر التاكيدات الايجابيه
كتاب رائع رائع. واعتبره الكنز الذي بمكتبتي. ومرجعي. دوما علمني هذا الكتاب كيفيه الاستماع لجسدي وللاشارات التي يرسلها الجسد علمني ايضا ان الافكار والمشاعر. والجسد. كلها مرتبطه ببعضها البعض ف بهذا الكتاب سوف تتعلم كيف تتحكم بافكارك ومشاعرك لتصل الى صحة جسدك كتاب جميل ويستحق القراءه والاقتناء في مكتبتك المنزليه 😊😊
Vindecarea minţii şi corpului cu ajutorul afirmaţiilor, remediilor şi intuiţiei reprezintă un teritoriu care a devenit din ce în ce mai bine explorat în ultimii 30 de ani. Deşi există numeroşi indivizi de geniu şi foarte pasionaţi care au contribuit la deschiderea drumului, puţini pot contesta faptul că pionieră în acest domeniu de activitate a fost Louise Hay. De fapt, această mişcare a devenit una de masă abia prin anii 80, după ce „cărticica ei albastră" s-a vândut ca pâinea caldă. Un număr din ce în ce mai mare de oameni au cumpărat atunci cartea intitulată „ Vindecă-ţi corpul: cauzele mentale ale bolilor fizice şi modalitatea metafizică de vindecare a lor", aflând astfel pentru prima oară care sunt tiparele mentale ce conduc la boli şi la dezechilibre. Nu aş fi bănuit niciodată cât de mult îmi va schimba viaţa această cărticică albastră. Întreaga mea practică medicală a fost influenţată de ea, iar teoria de la baza ei m-a călăuzit de-a lungul unei căi noi, ce m-a ajutat să îmbunătăţesc sănătatea pacienţilor mei, dar şi propria mea stare de sănătate. În acest context, nu este de mirare că am fost cuprinsă de entuziasm atunci când editura Hay House mi-a propus să scriu o carte împreună cu Louise în care să combinăm împreună puterea vindecătoare a intuiţiei, afirmaţiilor pozitive şi remediilor medicale, atât din medicina occidentală cât şi din terapiile alternative. Într-adevăr, acesta ar putea fi metoda supremă de vindecare! Să lucrez la o astfel de carte... şi încă împreună cu Louise! Cum aş fi putut refuza? Am purtat tot timpul la mine cartea „Vindecă-ţi corpul", atât în anii facultăţii cât şi de-a lungul lungilor ani în care am făcut cercetări în domeniul creierului pentru a-mi scrie teza de doctorat.
This book is a good reminder that we need to be careful how we speak to ourselves. Even re-examining that in my life as a result made the book useful for me.
It was interesting, albeit unscientific (only clinical cases). I suspect to some extent it may be like with horoscopes - generic enough so we can all recognise ourselves in the broad descriptions. Highly possible.
For some reason I got stuck on the last couple of examples for months - I felt it was too much of the same and dreaded spending any more time on it. In reality, I was minutes away from the last chapter which is a long list of tables and things. I didn’t know that and expected that the examples will go ooon and on. In practice, the book finished exactly where it should have.
A book that outlines how we manifest health issues in parts of our body when we don't understand how our thinking can make it so. Louise Hay is a spiritual teacher who teaches the power of your affirmations or self-talk and how this can lead to healing. In this book, a Dr Schulz explains her own experiences of using both modern medicine and affirmations to heal, putting her on a path toward fully healing her body. Contains a helpful self-quiz so you can understand what parts of your body may be affected by your current beliefs and then gives you some affirmations and other suggestions that may be helpful to follow when seeking to heal this area.
All is Well Heal Your Body with medicine, Affirmations and Intuitions By Louise Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz This book separates the body into seven groups of organs/emotional center that are linked by their relationships to certain emotions. These emotional centers show common imbalances and probable causes for physical illness. The book gives many case studies that illustrate the illnesses and gives both traditional and alternative medicine, affirmations, nutritional changes and other treatments- a complete treatment. It begins with a quiz that you follow throughout the book to give you help.
Read half on my kindle and the other half as an audio book.
Overall I was very interested in the book and loved the concept of using more spiritual practises with traditional medicine to achieve the correct treatment.
The book itself was ok but I felt like it could have gone more in depth or shown more case studies for each health center.
I wanted to love this since Louise Hay's name is on it and I adore her. But this book was boring and overly repetitive. I found myself skimming through cause it was so annoying. The concepts are great but I enjoy Louise's books better. This is not written for me. ▪︎ ♡ ▪︎ All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe. ▪︎ ♡ ▪︎
I like how this book blended medicine and affirmations and was more straightforward and less “woo-woo” than the last book I read on the topic. I found some useful information for my life and may refer back to this book as necessary.
Detailed guide to various physical and mental conditions and what to do about them incorporating traditional medical advice, alternative suggestions and powerful affirmations. Has a useful table of ailments.
Interesting book that gives a biological explanation for how our feelings manifest into physical ailments. - The majority of the book is a huge table that lists all of the physical ailments, the emotional cause of the ailments, and what affirmation to use!
There is lots of good information in this book. However, the narration wasn't for me. I've listened to the narrators before, but this time it wasn't for me. Otherwise there is lots of good information in this book.
Boeiende materie! Nog een beetje ver van mijn bed, maar een goede introductie tot affirmaties. Zeker als je gaat kijken naar de verbanden tussen fysieke klachten en mentale struikelblokken.