Will the use of artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, and smart machines be the end of journalism as we know it―or its savior? In Newsmakers , Francesco Marconi, who has led the development of the Associated Press and Wall Street Journal ’s use of AI in journalism, offers a new perspective on the potential of these technologies. He explains how reporters, editors, and newsrooms of all sizes can take advantage of the possibilities they provide to develop new ways of telling stories and connecting with readers.
Marconi analyzes the challenges and opportunities of AI through case studies ranging from financial publications using algorithms to write earnings reports to investigative reporters analyzing large data sets to outlets determining the distribution of news on social media. Newsmakers contends that AI can augment―not automate―the industry, allowing journalists to break more news more quickly while simultaneously freeing up their time for deeper analysis. Marshaling insights drawn from firsthand experience, Marconi maps a media landscape transformed by artificial intelligence for the better. In addition to considering the benefits of these new technologies, Marconi stresses the continuing need for editorial and institutional oversight. Newsmakers outlines the important questions that journalists and media organizations should consider when integrating AI and algorithms into their workflow. For journalism students as well as seasoned media professionals, Marconi’s insights provide much-needed clarity and a practical roadmap for how AI can best serve journalism.
God bok om hvordan kunstig intelligens kan brukes til å utvide journalistikkens påvirkning og effektivitet. Den tar for seg hele samlebåndet: fra idéutvikling til oppfølging av publiserte saker. Den er skrevet på et lettlest språk, men vær forberedt på å ha en oversetter på siden, spesielt om du ikke er kjent med journalistisk terminologi på engelsk. Den får fire av fem stjerner fra meg utelukkende fordi jeg synes den er litt for kort og kunne gjerne fokusert mer på farene og eventualiteter som kan komme med bruken av kunstig intelligens i nyhetsformidling. Den tar opp disse temaene, men ikke nok. Dette blir likevel hovedlitteratur til min bacheloroppgave.
The case for government intervention for the lazy and stupid, the ones who got into school expecting nothing will change from the days of their grandfather. Of course, Marconi wants his smartphone, but he also wants the taxpayer to be fleeced for his guild's personal gains.