After Non-chan-the girl who assaulted Hotaru many years ago -- moves back into town, things between Hotaru and Hananoi-kun grow tense. Hananoi-kun's attempt to prevent Hotaru from getting hurt again itself hurts her. Can he work through this problem and leave his harmful tendencies behind him? Or will this be the end for our couple?! Their mismatched love story takes a new turn!
Ich konnte Band 10 nicht einfach weglegen, ohne Band 11 direkt im Anschluss zu lesen. Ich bin so so froh, dass sich die Dinge geklärt haben und für mich persönlich haben Hananoi und Hotaru extrem große Entwicklungsschritte im Hinblick auf ihre Persönlichkeit gemacht. Jetzt heißt es warten, dass bald der Folgeband rauskommt und ihre Geschichte weitergeht. 🙏🏻❤️
I think I need a few minutes to sit and cry about this book. These characters are all so precious and must be protected at all costs. I love the relationships they all have, and I love seeing them grow and communicate and figure out what they want in life.
Hananoi is making progress! This volume has an evolution for their relationship, as Hananoi has to face some truths about himself and making Hotako his only support. He takes the criticism to heart and truly wants to do what is best for her - he’s really a good guy. Its like what the manager said, they’re young and will make mistakes, but they’ll figure it out and move on, that’s part of the charm of young people.
Sakura…hmm. TBH, I personally don’t share Hotako’s fear of being friends with her again, that she might repeat her betrayal. But I understand that Hotako was deeply traumatized and agree that she could never have the same level of trust and friendship as before. So for people who feel that they must be able to 100% trust their friends and won’t consider someone a friend if they can’t be that close, that makes sense. Lol. That makes it sound like my friends aren’t trustworthy…It’s more like I understand that they have their faults (as do we all!) and may act in a manner that I see as a betrayal but they do not. If that makes sense. So while they *should* act in a rational manner at all times, when strong emotions are involved that’s not what actually happens. So from Sakura’s POV, Hotako was betraying her first - that didn’t make what she did right, but she acted on an impulse and regretted it later. If she didn’t feel guilt, *that* would make her a person that couldn’t be trusted in my book.
Anyway, I do think she was dead wrong to say that Hotako’s first love was Yao. If she wasn’t aware of it, it wasn’t her first love. At that age, Hotako didn’t seem interested in that sort of thing yet, which is totally understandable. She didn’t seem to have any awareness or self consciousness about hugging him or anything, so its pretty clear he was just a friend.
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It is not perfect. The characters don't always make good decisions, and many readers have been scared off by Hananoi's personality. However, I would argue the best part of this series is the enormous growth Hananoi experiences from the first volume to now. That frightening intensity he has regarding romance is finally ripped wide open as he is forced to see his thoughts and actions through the eyes of others. His selfishness, his refusal to let anyone in besides Hotaru, his aggressive behavior towards those who want to care for her too - this volume doesn't shy away from calling out his abuses and excuses.
At last, Hananoi realizes he has to change.
I know for many, it's too little too late to love this series. I, however, cannot wait for volume 12.
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This volume is a bit more focused on Hananoi and how he’s trying to change for the better. I’m so glad he started to think about other people and not only himself. His friendship with Keigo is so precious! Keigo is really outgoing and he never gave up on Hananoi, I also liked that Hananoi asked Keigo for advice and followed through with it, even if Sakura ran away every time she saw him! And we saw Hananoi asking Yao for help, even if they’re not friends, I think they’re on better terms. Finally, we got to see Hananoi and Hotaru talking again and getting back together!! I’m so happy about that. They both grew so much and I think this will make their relationship stronger.
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Un volum amb evolució de personatges en què valoro molt positivament la comunicació i la calma després d'una discussió de parella. És poc habitual veure exemples sans i madurs d'adolescents fent les paus i m'ha agradat, sobretot perquè el noi entén que la seva actitud és sovint tòxica amb la qual cosa ha de créixer si vol que la relació progressi. De totes maneres, em falta un pèl d'intensitat i versemblança en les reaccions de la noia, que la veig molt bleda innocentota i fa ràbia...
This volume mainly focused on giving Hananoi-kun some character development, that was very much needed after the chaos involved with Non-chan. It was nice seeing Hananoi-kun have some difficult conversations because even though he ultimately did what he did for Hotaru, he needed to truly understand that what he did was wrong and he was putting an unhealthy amount of his social/emotional health into Hotaru’s hands; unbeknownst to sweet Hotaru.
Man, I am so happy for Hananoi right now! All the experiences that he had throughout the series led to him turning over a new leaf and welcoming other individuals into his life instead of just Hotaru. I literally cheered for him when he asked Kurata to be his first friend ever. I can't wait to see all the new experiences that they will try to share now that his relationship with Hotaru is stronger than ever before.
Hanananoi seems to have a bit of a breakthrough after the fight following meeting Non-chan and Yao laying into him a bit, even outright admitting he likes Hotaru. Yao and Kei rally with him to try and set things right, though Hanananoi still really does not do well when Hotaru isn't by his side. At least he finally was able to give her his friendship card, though it may be a bit surprising he still has something that old that he's held on to still with the intent of giving it to her.
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Hananoi making a friend. Yessss and he and Hotaru having a mature conversation about everything… perfect!!! This mangaka did soooooo good. Just like Wake Up Sleeping Beauty. I’m glad I gave this a chance, even after reading some of the bad reviews for vol one. I can’t wait to see how this ends. Everything is wrapped up so I bet the next volume is the last?
El drama se ha puesto bueno. Nuestra pareja favorita está distanciada. Cada uno tratando de superar esta situación a su manera. Hananoi-kun se disculpó con Sakura y finalmente pidió ayuda para hacerlo. Me ha hecho muy feliz ver cómo nuestro protagonistas se reconcilian, fueron capítulos llenos de tensión y lágrimas.
The drama seems so over the top but I still enjoyed the volume, it’s nice to see Hananoi realizing that he can’t put all of his social and emotional needs on Hotaru.
Cap 42 - 45. Hananoi... my lil boy. *sobs* Hananoi si que es un personaje bastante complejo, es bueno que por fin se enfrentara con algunas realidades sobre si mismo y sus miedos, y mirar en retrospectiva para mejorar como persona.
Chapter 42: His First Confrontation Chapter 43: His First Consultation Chapter 44: His First Table for Three Chapter 45: His First Reconciliation Bonus Chapter