With his first (and bestselling) book, "F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way", John C. Parkin established that saying 'Fuck It' was a spiritual act: helping us let go and realise that things don't matter so much after all. This book packs a similar punch in wisdom and style, but with fewer words and more illustrations. Full of quick tips with big effects, with lines such as 'Say Fuck It to being happy: just doing that will cheer you up no end'. This is a unique book: quick and easy to read but potentially huge in its effect on people's lives.
Absolutely fantastic. It's hilarious, uplifting and extremely motivating. It's very, very handy for those times where you don't know what to do, who to turn to and you can't even begin to fathom where to go next. There are many useful (and hilarious) life mottos in here and I very, very much enjoyed it!
The illustrations are utterly charming, too, and they really do add so much to the book. I love them; I think the style is witty and unique without being overly complicated and I really love them.
I picked it up on a whim and I'm glad I did - humour and motivation go together perfectly well in this gem, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it.
Prosta książeczka z rysunkami i bardzo prostymi hasłami. Na prezent dla współpracownika jak znalazł, ale ogromnej treści w niej raczej nie znajdziecie.
"Czasami masz po prostu ochotę wrzeszczeć, krzyczeć i beczeć jak dziecko. Pieprz to i do dzieła. (Zatłoczony autobus może jednak nie być najlepszym miejscem).
Reflections and lessons learned: “F**k It. Say yes when you’d normally say ‘no’”
We’d just set up in our first flat, bought furniture, organised a suitable shoe rack layout etc - we invited some friends around and they wanted to play hide and seek in our new grown up abode… they were ahead of us in the life organisation/settling down stakes so I couldn’t quite understand why we were doing student type things again… come, look at our Japanese style tea pot and talk politics?! They already got this concept in life - the approach of when to take things seriously and when to throw caution to the wind and go with your gut - have two starters or a kids meal rather than admired, expensive, trendy main course; do a terrible drawing and stick it on the fridge or sing out of tune; stay in bed and eat a pack of after eight mints for lunch. Sometimes we all need to work out when to play a game of hide and seek… just the book that I need for inspiration at the start of a week off work
Book of the year? Probably not. Comforting book of the (pandemic) year? Definitely YES!
Seriously, this book is idiotic and funny at the same time, can we even consider it a book? (my bf would definitely argue) 🙄 Yet in these crazy times I found comfort and relief in its message. Focus on the good and the worthy... What is beyond your influence - fak*it
Přečteno asi za deset minut, poselství jednoduché, prostě fak* it. Takový zlatý střed - neurazí, ale ani nenadchne - na spoustu věcí si člověk přijde sám a může si říct fak* it snad u všeho, jen to někoho napadlo vydat.
I mean, with a title like that, I just HAD to read it. And in all honesty, I had few expectations. But, while it was entertaining, I found myself yelling in my mind, "YES!!!! Oh heck (actually, a more profane version of heck but I'm keeping this PG) yes!" How often do we get caught up in the flotsam of life? The dull bits that don't really matter, but we somehow feel like they do, and then we let that junk rule our lives. I went through an experience a few years ago that taught me, some of that stuff really DOESN'T matter. So it's easier to let it go now. But for anyone who hasn't learned that, or struggles with it, this book is for you. I read it in an hour, so it really won't take up much of your time. And you will likely (hopefully) chuckle at the little nuggets of wisdom within. And maybe you too will learn, it's ok to say F**k It every now and then.
Těžký tuhle knížečku nějak ohodnotit. Je to pár vět na papíře, ale mám s ní hezký vzpomínky. Když jsem pracovala na jednom projektu, kterej jsem milovala - a ty lidi tam - tak jsem chodila každý den s touhle knížkou a nutila všechny, aby listovali a otevřeli ji na náhodný stránce a vzali si k srdci to, co tam budou mít. Knížka nebyla moje. A po konci projektu (což pro mě bylo - a stále je - hodně bolavý) za mnou přišla kolegyně a dala mi ji. Přišlo mi to jako krásný gesto a od té doby ji mám na pracovním stole - pořád na očích.
Líbí se mi myšlenka té knížky a ilustrace uvnitř! Některý věci v ní jsou vážně vtipný, některý trochu k zamyšlení. Taková malá připomínka, ať nebereme všechno tak moc vážně.
Konceptet lyder fint, men bogen blev kedelig at læse og jeg synes også der kom mange ting ind som man ikke rigtig bare kan blæse på i hverdagen, så det er en smule ikke brugbart