Relationship Advice Quotes

Quotes tagged as "relationship-advice" Showing 31-60 of 624
Cindy Woodsmall
“In any serious relationship, if you don't gather your partner's opinion before making a decision that impacts you both, you're just storing up trouble for the future.”
Cindy Woodsmall, The Christmas Singing

Mallika  Nawal
“She turned and bolted out the door. She had learnt an important lesson - "When a man paid 'for' paid 'to' him." It was her first Valentine slaughter.”
Mallika Nawal, I'm a Woman & I'm on SALE

“you can't hold on and let go to (at the sametime) of you worthless, unhappy, failing relationship”
Joanne Williams, Escaping From The Victim Or Volunteer Role In Your Relationship

“When you model your relationship on someone else's, your partner can never match up to the fantasy.”
Nikki Bayley

“are you a victim or volunteer in your unhappy, failing relationship.”
Joanne Williams, Escaping From The Victim Or Volunteer Role In Your Relationship

Steve Maraboli
“Being in a relationship with some people is like pushing a boat through sand. I used to have the time and energy for that kind of nonsense, but not anymore. Relationships should be a wonderful journey of exploration and love; not grinding resistance.”
Steve Maraboli

Yasmina Diallo
“Find yourself first, and be surprised at how quickly and logically “the” one just appears in front of you.”
Yasmina Diallo, From Catwalk To Freedom

Sayyid Qutb
“Penegakan sistem Islam dan pemberlakuan syariat Islam tidak dapat dilakukan dengan cara merebut kekuasaan yang datang dari lapisan atas. Akan tetapi, melalui perubahan masyarakat secara keseluruhan—atau pemahaman beberapa kelompok masyarakat dalam jumlah yang mencukupi untuk mengarahkan seluruh masyarakat—pada pemikirannya, nilai-nilainya, akhlaknya, dan komitmennya dengan Islam. Sehingga tumbuh kesadaran dalam jiwa mereka, bahwa menegakkan sistem dan syariat Islam itu merupakan sebuah kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan.”
Sayyid Quthb

“Jealousy. It’s an ugly word. It has a bad reputation. But in the end, it’s an instinctive feeling. It’s not something we choose to feel any more than anger or pain. It is how we react to it that is the key.”
Linda Maria

Tyson Yunkaporta
“Engaging with them (malignant narcissists) alone is futile - never wrestle a pig, as the old saying goes; you both end up covered in shit, and the pig likes it. The fundamental rules of human interaction do not apply to them, although they weaponize those rules against everyone else.”
Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World

Sira Mas
“A deep connection isn’t about how much you talk, but how much you understand without words.”
Sira Mas

Sira Mas
“A relationship flourishes when two people see each other’s flaws as a canvas for growth, not a reason to part.”
Sira Mas

Angelika Seelaff
“Don’t build castles on first impressions—those foundations might just be cardboard.”
Angelika Seelaff, Why You Choose Assholes: A Survival Manual for Spotting and Escaping the Wrong Men

“A deep connection isn’t about how much you talk, but how much you understand without words.”
Sira Masetti

Sira Mas
“Trust is the sunlight that makes love bloom.”
Sira Mas

“Therefore, in every situation we have a choice. Choosing to believe the best in one another and looking for the opportunities to extend grace causes God's character to grow within us.”
Greg Gorman & Julie Gorman, Thrive in Marriage: Unlocking 10 Secrets to a Thriving Marriage

“If you want to enjoy a marriage filled with friendship, laughter, and genuine love, you must resist the devil's lies by embracing God's truth.”
Greg Gorman & Julie Gorman, Thrive in Marriage: Unlocking 10 Secrets to a Thriving Marriage

“A Christian marriage takes as much commitment, energy, and determination as does your own spiritual journey with Christ.”
Greg Gorman and Julie Gorman

“Expectations often remain unmentioned because we aren't aware of what we've adopted as normal.”
Greg Gorman and Julie Gorman, Thrive in Marriage: Unlocking 10 Secrets to a Thriving Marriage

Greg Gorman
“I believe when we examine and interrogate our beliefs, we learn that some of our expectations are unfounded and may be causing confrontations.”
Greg Gorman, Thrive in Marriage: Unlocking 10 Secrets to a Thriving Marriage

“I believe when we examine and interrogate our beliefs, we learn that some of our expectations are unfounded and may be causing confrontations.”
Greg Gorman and Julie Gorman, Thrive in Marriage: Unlocking 10 Secrets to a Thriving Marriage

Kennedy Ryan
“That is the risk of love, what makes it a radical act. You pour everything into another person who is bound by fragile humanity. You could lose them at any time, but you can’t reason with your heart.”
Kennedy Ryan, Reel

Anoir Ou-chad
“Jealousy can morph into a suffocating web of control, accusations, and suspicion, ultimately damaging the very relationship it seeks to protect.”
Anoir Ou-chad

Soufiane El Alaoui
“Toxic relationships aren’t just challenges—they’re urgent signals to redefine boundaries, reclaim your emotional health and unlock the possibility of respect.”
Soufiane El Alaoui

“The death of all relationships reveal a slow decay in mutual courtesy. An erosion of respect.”
Anje Kruger