pinkgal's Reviews > Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton
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it was ok
bookshelves: alternate-futures

Well. I'd made the mistake of picking up one of Laurell K. Hamilton's later Anita Blake books and reading it first. I had to stop halfway because to be frank, it sucked. It really, really sucked. I couldn't believe people were paying money for that garbage. But many of my friends insisted that the first few books of the series were actually pretty good and not quite so wlsh fulfillment-esque. So I read the first book.

... it wasn't bad. In fact, it was a much better scale than her later books. But I still couldn't like it. =( In this world, vampires and lycanthropes and all the supernatural live side by side in wary acceptance. As long as one doesn't try to cross to the other. That's actually a bit interesting. A bit.

Vampire fiction is overdone and often overwrought. I think the times of Buffy and Anne Rice are over; I just couldn't bring myself to care in the least bit about the characters, not even the enigmatic Jean-Claude. And the less said of Anita, perhaps the better. I've skimmed the later books to get a feel of where Hamilton is going with Blake's character and it's not good. Not good at all.

It was disappointing because so many people adore the series and I totally though I'd love it. But alas, that was not to be.
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March 8, 2007 – Shelved
March 8, 2007 – Shelved as: alternate-futures

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A'ledyn Not that I am supporting this book... but it is older than Buffy... so your statement is a bit of a fallacy saying the time of Buffy and such is over. Since this book dates to the same year Buffy came out...1993

moontea I know what you're saying though. I read this book just recently, but was into BtVS and Anne Rice long ago. Her work does not measure up in comparison. It might to tweens and Twilight fans. *shrugs*

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