Travis's Reviews > Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis by Brad Meltzer
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M 50x66
's review

did not like it
bookshelves: comic-books

A mystery novel of a comic book that relies on writing numerous DC heroes out of character as well as some fairly tasteless bits involving a villain.
Manages to suck most of the fun and nobility out of the Justice League, as well as setting a trend for some really dark, dreary stories that relied on forced plot twists to make them work.

Another prime example of the genre I like to call 'if it's going to be realistic then lots of characters must be unpleasant and have lots of really horrible things happen to them'.
If you're always thought 'Y'know, there's not enough rape and murder in comics', then this is the book for you.

On top of that Meltzer wrote several members of the Justice League into corners that made them practically unusable for any writer who came after him.

Meltzer gets lots of praise for his writing, but between this and Green Arrow I'm baffled as to why. His novels must be great, because his comic work has been pretty dismal.

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Finished Reading
July 22, 2008 – Shelved
August 9, 2008 – Shelved as: comic-books

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