Sidharth Vardhan's Reviews > The Third Reich of Dreams: The Nightmares of a Nation 1933-1939

The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt
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it was amazing
bookshelves: non-fiction
Read 2 times

I don't know why this book is not more widely read with so much reading being done on Hitler's times. It's critical to understand how politics and propaganda can affect not only our actions and thoughts but also subconscious and dreams. That is particularly true for Third Reich and other totalarian regions. After all, totalarianism is about seizing the control of every one of the subjects - every aspect of social life, every action and every thought. Totalarianism inspires fear and anxiety about things you took for granted; things you probably didn't even know you were taking for granted (a math teacher has a dream where equations are banned). It is hardly a great leap from that into a person's dreams. Beradt says loudspeakers and the familar voices from them were common elements in these dreams.

Many dreams mentioned in here are awe-inspiring. Some are about choices between rebellion and submission (the book begins with a dream about a man struggling to make the Hitler salute in his dream). Some are about a fear of loss of privacy (a person dreams that walls have been banned). The impact of dreams is worst on Jews. The propaganda of Third Reich has also encroached how people look at their bodies (with Jewish young girls being worse affected, and people often seeing themselves as similar to caricatures popularised by propagandists. Lastly, there is that age-old relationship power and sex which showcases itself even more potently in this dreams.

One of Jung's key ideas - probably the most dramatic one, is where he suggests that dreams could give us clues about coming events. The subconscious has a wisdom of its own, and can forecast upcoming tragedies. That elements is visible in these dreams as well. It is easy to read in many of these dreams, the predictions of horrors yet to come.

Beradt's fight to get these dreams out of Third Reich is another story worth mentioning. How she had to change the name of people and do other tricks to save these dreams.
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