Leahxx's Reviews > The Infinite Sea

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
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really liked it

So basically at first I was like, "Eh, this book is pretty mediocre compared to the first." And then as the book progressed I was like, "HOLY COW THIS BOOK IS FABULOUS." So yeah, I am completely and 100% in love with this book. I mean is it better than the first one? Hard to say, but they're pretty close.

!!!!!!!! SPOILERS. !!!!!!!

1. Wow, so Razor? Yeah, I want one. How is it that all these super attractive and amazing guys are surviving this apocalypse? I would really love to know. Because if this is how it's going to be during a real apocalypse, I say bring it on. Anyway, I adore him and Ringer. That was so perfect and we're going to forget the betrayal part, minor detail, minor detail. We are also going to forget the part where he gets shot in the chest. That didn't happen.
2. If Ringer is going to cling onto her feelings for Razor and Cassie refuses to stop being in love with Evan, WHO IS GOING TO END UP WITH BENJAMIN PARISH, THE BOY WHO STOLE MY HEART. I personally enjoy fantasizing about him and Cassie, but clearly we aren't headed down that road. He had better end up with someone though because he can't die and he can't be alone. Well he can be alone if it means he's not dead.
3. POUNDCAKE. WHY. HE WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. HE WAS SO ADORABLE. That made me so sad. He was so brave though. It makes me sad that no one ever really understood him.
4. So are we saying that it isn't an alien apocalypse now? That it's just a bunch of crazy intelligent, horrific human beings making it seem like an alien apocalypse? My mind is completely fried from that realization in the book.
5. At first I didn't think I'd like the Ringer POV and I dreaded reading that huge section that was hers, but it was actually so insanely good. I have so much more respect for her and I genuinely like her character now.
6. Cassie is forever one of my favorite main characters because she's so sassy and I don't know, she's just great. But sometimes I would enjoy punching her in the face because of how she fails to handle
certain situations, but she's under a lot of pressure. I get that.
7. I like this book a lot because it's about so much more than just survival and love and regular story crap like that. There are so many deep thinking parts, like how Vosch asks Ringer all those questions and how no one ever knows who to trust and there are so many crazy twists and turns. I love it.

Overview- the next one needs to be in my hands by tomorrow or I might have a meltdown, but this may be hard to accomplish because we have no idea when the next one is supposed to be released haha. Just wow. I need to stop and contemplate life for the next few hours, so this review is finished. Bye.
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Reading Progress

April 29, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
April 29, 2014 – Shelved
October 19, 2014 – Started Reading
October 19, 2014 –
page 356
100% "I like Evan and Cassie. I respect Ringer, but don't particularly like her, so I do not like her and Ben together. The real otp, for me at least, is Benjamin Parish and Cassie because yes. But this book isn't about otps anyway, it's about fighting and surviving, and I am pretty happy with that aspect of it!"
October 19, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Tayla Potayta I love your review! I was bored and then it was like BOOM

Kennila I totally agree with you: at the beginning I was like yea...yea... ok, and then waaaaaaaaaaa?? adnasbfvdihfaof

Kennila and POUNDCAKE!!? T-T we never knew his real name right? ouch me heart.

Bookloverhugger aka:Rebecca ohh, thanks god for this review, i got this book and the first page i was like, yarh yarh, meh

Bookloverhugger aka:Rebecca and whos this Razor eh? if hes hot and cool and like totally steal my heart, he better not die

Kayleigh {K-Books} I'm so glad I read your review. I'm like 50 pages in and so bored. I loved book 1 and now I'm like I'm not feeling this at all. Because of your review I am determined to continue though.

message 7: by Ehsan (new)

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Areana Lmaoo I love you, you're hilarious.
And I agree 100% about Razor

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