124,577 books
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“it’s in this moment that things shift into place, and her heart pounds with a certainty she has to call these feelings love.”
― When You Least Expect It
― When You Least Expect It
“Some things have to fall apart because they don’t belong together, but some things belong so much they could never break.”
― She Gets the Girl
― She Gets the Girl
“My heart hurts when you hurt because you are my heart.”
― Carrie Soto Is Back
― Carrie Soto Is Back
“-You want to marry me?
-I did swear an oath to you in a church already. What's another vow?
It's the most romantic thing I've ever heard.”
― Broken Vows
-I did swear an oath to you in a church already. What's another vow?
It's the most romantic thing I've ever heard.”
― Broken Vows
“I've learned that love is about finding someone who pulls you to them even when reason might tell you otherwise. Someone who pushes you out of your comfort zone, not because of them doing or saying anything, necessarily, but because they make you want to try new things. They make you want to be daring, because maybe something new and scary doesn't feel quite as scary by their side.”
― Those Who Wait
― Those Who Wait
marcelle’s 2023 Year in Books
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