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Madeleine de Scudéry
“Love is a capricious creature which desires everything and can be contented with almost nothing.”
Madeleine de Scudéry

Gabrielle Zevin
“Sometimes books don't find us until the right time.”
Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry

Stephen Greenblatt
“I think the writing of literature should give pleasure. What else should it be about? It is not nuclear physics. It actually has to give pleasure or it is worth nothing.”
Stephen Greenblatt

Shannon L. Alder
/ˈdignitē/ noun

1. The moment you realize that the person you cared for has nothing intellectually or spiritually to offer you, but a headache.

2. The moment you realize God had greater plans for you that don’t involve crying at night or sad Pinterest quotes.

3. The moment you stop comparing yourself to others because it undermines your worth, education and your parent’s wisdom.

4. The moment you live your dreams, not because of what it will prove or get you, but because that is all you want to do. People’s opinions don’t matter.

5. The moment you realize that no one is your enemy, except yourself.

6. The moment you realize that you can have everything you want in life. However, it takes timing, the right heart, the right actions, the right passion and a willingness to risk it all. If it is not yours, it is because you really didn’t want it, need it or God prevented it.

7. The moment you realize the ghost of your ancestors stood between you and the person you loved. They really don't want you mucking up the family line with someone that acts anything less than honorable.

8. The moment you realize that happiness was never about getting a person. They are only a helpmate towards achieving your life mission.

9. The moment you believe that love is not about losing or winning. It is just a few moments in time, followed by an eternity of situations to grow from.

10. The moment you realize that you were always the right person. Only ignorant people walk away from greatness.”
Shannon L. Alder

Gabrielle Zevin
“You know everything you need to know about a person from the answer to the question, What is your favorite book?
Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry

year in books
Laura Leeb
90 books | 4 friends

101 books | 6 friends

55 books | 16 friends

427 books | 7 friends

The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Best Young Adult Books
12,731 books — 83,906 voters
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Best American Civil War Books
993 books — 993 voters


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