The Emperor's New Groove (2000) Poster

John Goodman: Pacha



  • [Kuzco and Pacha are tied to a tree branch floating in a river] 

    Pacha : Uh-oh.

    Kuzco : Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall.

    Pacha : Yep.

    Kuzco : Sharp rocks at the bottom?

    Pacha : Most likely.

    Kuzco : Bring it on.

  • Kuzco : So, you lied to me.

    Pacha : I did?

    Kuzco : Yeah. You said when the sun hits this ridge just right, these hills sing. Well, pal, I was dragged all over those hills and I did not hear any singing.

    [takes Kuzcotopia] 

    Kuzco : So, I'll be building my summer home on a more *magical* hill. Thank you.

    Pacha : Heh. Couldn't pull the wool over your eyes, huh?

    Kuzco : No, no, I'm sharp. I'm on it.

    [puts the model of Pacha's house back on the hilltop] 

    Kuzco : Looks like you and your family are stuck on the tuneless hilltop forever, pal.

    [Kuzco and Pacha sit in silence] 

    Pacha : You know, I'm pretty sure I heard some singing on the hill next to us. In case you're interested.

  • Pacha : Why did I risk my life for a selfish brat like you? I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but, oh, you proved me wrong.

    Kuzco : Oh, boo-hoo. Now I feel really bad. Bad llama.

    Pacha : I could've let you die out there in that jungle, and then all my problems would be over.

    Kuzco : Well, that makes you ugly *and* stupid.

    Pacha : Let's end this.

    Kuzco : Ladies first.

  • Kuzco : Wait a minute. I remember you. I remember telling you that I was building my pool where your house was, and then you got mad at me. Oh! And you turned me into a llama!

    Pacha : What? No, I did not.

    Kuzco : Yes, and then you kidnapped me!

    Pacha : Why would I kidnap a llama?

    Kuzco : I have no idea. You're the criminal mastermind, not me.

    Pacha : What?

    Kuzco : You're right. That's giving you way too much credit.

  • Pacha : What happened?

    Old Man : Well, I threw off the Emperor's groove.

    Pacha : What?

    Old Man : His groove! The rhythm in which he lives his life. His pattern of behavior. I threw it off. And the Emperor had me thrown out the window.

    Pacha : Oh, really? I'm supposed to see him today.

    Old Man : Don't throw off his groove!

    Pacha : Oh, okay.

    Old Man : Bewaaare, the grooove.

    Pacha : Hey, are you gonna be all right?

    Old Man : Grooove...

  • Pacha : Emperor Kuzco?

    Kuzco : Yeah. Who did you think you were talking to?

    Pacha : Um... How did... uh... you don't... *look* like the emperor.

    Kuzco : What do you mean I don't look like the emperor?

    Pacha : Um... do this.

    [wiggles fingers] 

    Kuzco : What is this, some little game you country folk like to play?

    [sees his hoofed hand, gasps] 

    Kuzco : It can't be! I...

    [looks at his reflection in the water] 

    Kuzco : [Gasps]  My face! My beautiful, beautiful face! I'm an ugly, stinky llama! Wah-hah-hah! Llama face!

  • Pacha : Where'd you come from, little guy?

    Kuzco : No... touchy.

    Pacha : Demon llama!

    Kuzco : Demon llama? Where?

    [Turns around and sees Misty, a real llama] 

    Misty : Maaah.

    Kuzco : Aaah!

  • Kuzco : Woo-yeah! Look at me and my bad self! I snatched you right out of the air! "Ooh, I'm a crumbly canyon wall, and I'm taking you with me." Well, not today, pal! Uh-huh! Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!

    Pacha : You just saved my life!

  • ChiCha : So what did the emperor want?

    Pacha : [Unable to explain that Emperor Kuzco was planning to destroy their village to make room for his Summer home, Kuzcotopia]  Uh, you know what? He couldn't see me.

    ChiCha : Couldn't see you? Why not?

    Pacha : I don't know.

    ChiCha : Well, that's just rude!

    Pacha : Well, he is the emperor. I'm sure he's busy.

    ChiCha : No no no no. Emperor or no Emperor, it's called common courtesy. If it were me, I'd march right back there and *demand* to see him. You know I would!

    Pacha : Sweetie, sweetie, think of the baby.

    ChiCha : Pacha, I'm fine. This baby's not coming out for a while, but even if it was, I'd give that guy a piece of my mind. That kind of behavior just, just...


    ChiCha : I gotta go wash something.

  • [Pacha has gotten himself and Kuzco tied to a dead tree branch] 

    Kuzco : Maybe I'm just new to this whole rescuing thing, but this, to me, might be considered kind of a step backwards, wouldn't you say?

    Pacha : No, no, no. It's... It's okay. This is all right. We can figure this out.

    [the branch cracks] 

    Kuzco : I hate you.

  • [Pacha and Kuzco diner in disguise as a woman are approached by the Waitress] 

    Pacha : We're on our honeymoon.

    Waitress : Bless you for coming out in public.

  • Pacha : Okay, once we cross this bridge, it's just an hour to your palace.

    Kuzco : Good, because believe it or not, I think I need a bath.

    Pacha : I believe it.

    Kuzco : What's that?

    Pacha : Nothing.

  • Tipo : Dad! I ate a bug today!

    Pacha : Oh! Was Mom baking again? Heh. Don't tell her I said that.

    ChiCha : I heard that!

  • Kronk : Hey, don't I know you?

    Pacha : I... I don't think so.

    Kronk : Wrestled you in high school.

    Pacha : I don't remember that, no.

    Kronk : Metal shop? Oh, I know, Miss Nalca's interpretive dance, two semesters. I was usually in the back because of my weak ankles. C'mon, you gotta help me out here.

    Pacha : Look, I don't think we've ever met, but... I gotta go.

    [Gets up] 

    Kronk : Don't worry, I'll think of it!

  • Pacha : [after Kuzco quickly betrays him on their way back to Kuzco's Palace]  We shook hands on it!

    Kuzko : You know, the funny thing about shaking hands is...

    [wiggles hoofs] 

    Kuzko : need hands.

  • Townsman #1 : Hey, Pacha, you just missed your relatives.

    Pacha : My relatives?

    Townsman #1 : Yeah, we just sent them up to your house.

    Pacha : What'd they look like?

    Townsman #1 : Well there was this big guy, and this older woman who was... well, how would you describe her?

    Townsman #2 : Ah, scary beyond all reason?

    Townsman #1 : Yeah, that's it.

  • Kuzco : There's two people in there looking for you.

    Kuzco : Who?

    Pacha : A big guy and a skinny old woman.

    Kuzco : Wait, was this woman scary beyond all reason?

    Pacha : Oh, yeah!

    Kuzco : That's Yzma and Kronk! I'm saved!

  • Kuzco : When will you learn that all my ideas are good ones?

    Pacha : Well, that's funny. Because I thought that you going into the jungle by yourself, being chased by jaguars, lying to me to take you back to the palace were all really *bad* ideas.

    Kuzco : Oh, yeah. Anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude.

  • Pacha : [hanging off the bridge]  Kuzco!

    Kuzco : Yeah?

    Pacha : Quick, pull me up!

    Kuzco : No, I don't think I will.

    Pacha : You're gonna leave me here?

    Kuzco : Well, I was gonna have you imprisoned for life, but I kinda like this better.

    Pacha : I thought you were a changed man.

    Kuzco : Come on, I had to say *something* to get you to take me back to the palace.

    Pacha : So all of it was a lie?

    Kuzco : Well yeah. No, wait... Oh, yeah, it all was a lie. Toodles!

  • Pacha : [Both hanging from a bridge, Pacha hits Kuzco in anger]  That's for going back on your promise!

    Kuzco : [Kuzco hits Pacha]  Yeah! And that's for kidnapping me and taking me back to your village! Which I'm still gonna destroy, by the way. Hehehe. No touchy!

    [Pacha hits him back] 

  • Kuzco : [as a parrot, whilst testing out each of the potions]  We're not getting anywhere with you picking the vials. I'm picking the next one.

    Pacha : Fine by me!

    Kuzco : Give me that one.

    [drinks a potion and turns into a whale] 

    Kuzco : Not a word...

  • Pacha : You know what? Someday, you're gonna wind up all alone, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

    Kuzko : [sarcastically rolls his eyes]  Thanks for that. I'll log *that* away. Now, for the final time, I order you to take me back to the palace!

    Pacha : Looks to me like you're stuck out here, because unless you change your mind, I'm not taking you back.

  • [after telling Pacha that he intends to destroy Pacha's villiage and build "Kuzcotopia"] 

    Pacha : But, but, um, where will *we* live?

    Kuzco : Hmm. Don't know, don't care. How's that?

  • [after Pacha attempted to breathe into Kuzco's mouth after saving him from drowning to see if he was still alive] 

    Pacha : For the last time, it was not a kiss.

    Kuzco : Well, whatever you call it, it was disgusting.

  • Kuzco : Hey, tiny. I wanna get out of this body. Wouldn't you? Now let's go.

    Pacha : Build your summer house somewhere else.

    Kuzco : You wanna run that by me again?

    Pacha : I can't let you go back unless you change your mind and build your summer home somewhere else.

    Kuzco : I got a little secret for you. Come here. No, closer.

    [Pacha comes closer] 

    Kuzco : [loudly, in Pacha's ear]  I don't make deals with peasants!

  • Pacha : [to ChiCha]  So we have to get back to the palace, find the lab, and change him back.

    Kuzco : [Appears outside of the window]  Hi there.

    [ChiCha hits him with a frying pan] 

    Kuzco : Aah!

    Pacha : That was him.

    ChiCha : Whoops.

  • ChiCha : Okay, okay, you two. Our deal was that you could stay awake until Daddy came home. Now say good night.

    Tipo , Chaca : Dad, do we have to?

    [gives him the sad face with their big sad eyes] 

    Pacha : No, you two can stay up. We're just gonna be sitting here telling each other how much we love each other. Right, honey?

    Tipo , Chaca : Good night.

  • [after saving Kuzco from some jaguars while swinging on a vine] 

    Pacha : Don't worry your highness, I gotcha!

  • [Kuzco falls off the bridge, gets tangled up in vines and hangs next to Pacha] 

    Pacha : Are you OK? Are you all right?

    Kuzco : Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm all right.

    Pacha : [angrily]  Good!

    [punches Kuzco in the face] 

    Pacha : That's for going back on your promise!

    Kuzco : Hi-ya!

    [kicks Pacha in the stomach and swings on the vines] 

    Kuzco : That's for kidnapping me and taking me to your village, which I'm still gonna destroy, by the way!


    Kuzco : No touchy.

    [Pacha headbutts him in the chest] 

See also

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