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Song of the Soviet Army

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The Song of the Soviet Army (Russian: Песня о Советской Армии, romanized: Pesnya o Sovetskoj Armii) or Invincible and Legendary (Несокрушимая и легендарная) or known recently as Song of the Russian Army (Russian: Песня о Российской Армии, romanized: Pesnya o Rossiskoj Armii) is a famous World War II song written and performed at the war's end. Its performance was done by numerous artists, including the Alexandrov Ensemble. The original 1945 is highly triumphal with its brass fanfares and ecstatic chords extended upward with the aid of trumpets, as part of the V-E Day celebrations. That arrangement by A. Alexandrov is very much in the tradition of final choruses in 19th-century Italian grand opera, and shows how he originally envisaged this composition. There are many versions of the song.

This song has been sung in Russian,[1] German,[2] Hungarian,[3] Chinese,[4] and Japanese.[5]

Original lyrics

Russian Transliteration English Translation
Над страною шумят как знамёна

Двадцать семь героических лет.

Солнцем славных боёв озарённым

Весь твой путь в наших песнях воспет.


Несокрушимая и легендарная,

В боях познавшая радость побед -

Тебе любимая, родная армия

Шлёт наша Родина песню - привет.

Тебе шлёт Родина песню - привет.

Родилась ты под знаменем алым

В восемнадцатом грозном году.

Всех врагов ты всегда сокрушала,

Победишь и фашистов орду.


Ленинград мы в боях отстояли,

Отстояли родной Сталинград.

Нас ведёт в наступление Сталин,

Наши танки фашистов громят!


Победим, наша сила несметна,

Гений Сталина в бой нас ведёт.

Наша армия в битвах бессмертна,

Как бессмертен Советский Народ.


Nad stranoyu shumyat kak znamyona

Dvadtsat' sem' geroicheskikh let.

Solntsem slavnykh boyov ozaryonnym

Ves' tvoy put' v nashikh pesnyakh vospet.


Nesokrushimaya i legendarnaya,

V boyakh poznavshaya radost' pobed -

Tebe lyubimaya, rodnaya armiya

Shlyot nasha Rodina pesnyu - privet

Tebe shlyot Rodina pesnyu - privet.

Rodilas' ty pod znamenem alym

V vosemnadtsatom groznom godu.

Vsekh vragov ty vsegda sokrushala,

Pobedish' i fashistov ordu.


Leningrad my v boyakh otstoyali,

Otstoyali rodnoy Stalingrad.

Nas vedyot v nastupleniye Stalin,

Nashi tanki fashistov gromyat!


Pobedim, nasha sila nesmetna,

Geniy Stalina v boy nas vedyot.

Nasha armiya v bitvakh bessmertna,

Kak bessmerten Sovetskiy Narod.


Over the country wave the banners

Of the twenty-seven heroic years.

Sun-lit were the past glorious battles

Your whole path is sung in our songs.


Invincible and legendary,

In battle, who experienced the joy of victories -

You dear beloved, native army

Our Motherland sends this song - hello!

The Motherland sends you a song - hello!

You were born under the scarlet banner

In that vicious year of 1918.

You have always crushed your enemies,

You will defeat the fascists too.


Leningrad, we defended in battle,

And we defended our native Stalingrad.

With Stalin leading the offensive,

Our tanks are smashing the fascists!


We will win with our untold strength,

With the genius of Stalin leading us into battle.

Our army is immortal in battle,

Immortal like the Soviet people.


Later Soviet lyrics

Russian Transliteration English Translation
Над тобою шумят как знамёна

Годы наших Великих Побед.

Отзвук славных боёв отдалённых,

Весь твой путь в наших песнях воспет.


Несокрушимая и легендарная,

В боях познавшая радость побед -

Тебе любимая, родная армия

Шлёт наша Родина песню - привет.

Тебе шлёт Родина песню - привет.

Родилась ты под знаменем алым

В восемнадцатом грозном году.

Всех врагов ты всегда побеждала,

Победила фашистов орду.


Нашей партии гордое знамя,

Нас на подвиг ведёт за собой!

Словно солнце сияет над нами,

Над Великой Советской Страной.


Nad toboyu shumyat kak znamyona

Gody nashikh Velikikh Pobed.

Otzvuk slavnykh boyov otdalyonnykh,

Ves' tvoy put' v nashikh pesnyakh vospet.


Nesokrushimaya i legendarnaya,

V boyakh poznavshaya radost pobed -

Tebe lyubimaya, rodnaya armiya

Shlyot nasha Rodina pesnyu - privet.

Tebe shlyot Rodina pesnyu - privet.

Rodilas' ty pod znamenem alym

V vosemnadtsatom groznom godu.

Vsekh vragov ty vsegda pobezhdala,

Pobedila fashistov ordu.


Nashey partii gordoye znamya,

Nas na podvig vedyot za soboy!

Slovno solntse siyaet nad nami,

Nad Velikoy Sovetskoy Stranoy.


Over you wave the banners

Of the years of our Great Victories,

The distant echo of past glorious battles,

Your whole path is sung in our songs.


Invincible and legendary,

In battle, who experienced the joy of victories -

You dear beloved, native army

Our Motherland sends this song - hello!

The Motherland sends you a song - hello!

You were born under the scarlet banner

In that vicious year of 1918.

You have always defeated your enemies,

You will defeat the fascists too.


Our party's proud banner,

Leads us to great feats!

Like the sun shining over us,

Over the Great Soviet Country.


Modern Russian lyrics

Russian Transliteration English Translation
Над тобою шумят как знамёна

Годы наших Великих Побед.

Солнцем славных боёв озарённым,

Весь твой путь в наших песнях воспет.


Несокрушимая и легендарная,

В боях познавшая радость побед -

Тебе любимая, родная армия

Шлёт наша Родина песню - привет.

Тебе шлёт Родина песню - привет.

Родилась ты под знаменем алым

В восемнадцатом грозном году.

Всех врагов ты всегда побеждала,

Победила фашистов орду.


Нашей родины гордое знамя,

Нас на подвиг ведёт за собой!

Словно солнце сияет над нами,

Над Великой Российской Землой.


Nad toboyu shumyat kak znamyona

Gody nashikh Velikikh Pobed.

Solntsem slavnykh boyov ozaryonnym,

Ves' tvoy put' v nashikh pesnyakh vospet.


Nesokrushimaya i legendarnaya,

V boyakh poznavshaya radost pobed -

Tebe lyubimaya, rodnaya armiya

Shlyot nasha Rodina pesnyu - privet.

Tebe shlyot Rodina pesnyu - privet.

Rodilas' ty pod znamenem alym

V vosemnadtsatom groznom godu.

Vsekh vragov ty vsegda pobezhdala,

Pobedila fashistov ordu.


Nashey rodiny gordoye znamya,

Nas na podvig vedyot za soboy!

Slovno solntse siyaet nad nami,

Nad Velikoy Rossiyskoy Zemloy.


Over you wave the banners

Of the years of our Great Victories,

Sun-lit were the past glorious battles,

Your whole path is sung in our songs.


Invincible and legendary,

In battle, who experienced the joy of victories -

You dear beloved, native army

Our Motherland sends this song - hello!

The Motherland sends you a song - hello!

You were born under the scarlet banner

In that vicious year of 1918.

You have always defeat your enemies,

You will defeat the fascists too.


Our homeland's proud banner,

Leads us to great feats!

Like the sun shining over us,

Over the Great Russian Land.


4th Verse

Apparently, there's also a 4th missing verse in the song that rarely sung. The 1982 Red Army Choir concert use this verse as the 3rd verse when they sing the song.

Russian Transliteration English Translation
Процветай же, родная держава,

И, победная песня, звени!

В дни боёв умножали мы славу,

Приумножим и в мирные дни!


Protsvetay zhe, rodnaya derzhava,

I, pobednaya pesnya, zveni!

V dni boyov umnozhali my slavu,

Priumnozhim i v mirnyye dni!


Prosperity, dear country,

And, victory song, links!

In the days of battles we multiplied the glory,

Let's increase in peacetime too!



  1. ^ "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991) Military March "Invincible and Legendary"". YouTube.
  2. ^ "Unbesiegbar Und Legendär! - Несокрушимая и легендарная! - Invincible And Legendary! (German Version)". YouTube.
  3. ^ "Несокрушимая и Легендарная - Invincible and Legendary (Hungarian)". YouTube.
  4. ^ "苏联红军之歌(苏军之歌)/Song of the Soviet Red Army(Chinese Version)". YouTube.
  5. ^ "【NEUTRINO】ソビエト陸軍の歌(1943)/Песня о Советской армии(東北きりたん・琴葉茜)". YouTube.