Font de Canaletes
Font de Canaletes (Catalan name); is an ornate fountain, crowned by a lamp post, in Barcelona, Catalonia, in Rambla de Canaletes, the upper part of La Rambla, near Plaça de Catalunya. A late 19th century design, it replaced a fountain dating back to the 16th century, next to the Estudis Generals, a no longer existing university introduced in 1714 by Philip V of Spain after the banning and closure of the University of Barcelona. Nowadays it is the city's most popular meeting point, and a fixture of football fans and hooligans after Barça football matches since the 1930s.[1]
Tradition has that the one who drinks from the Font de Canaletes will come back to Barcelona, as the inscription on the floor suggests. The fountain is named after the northern wall of the city (dating from the 14th century), called Canaletes because of the water pipes that went through it supplying Barcelona's old city.