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filingDate 1966-12-06^^<>
publicationDate 1969-05-21^^<>
publicationNumber GB-1152520-A
titleOfInvention Standpipe coupling means.
abstract 1,152,520. Standpipe couplings. WRIGHT RAIN Ltd. 4 March, 1968 [6 Dec., 1966], No. 54445/66. Heading F2G. In order to couple a standpipe 3 to the end of a branch pipe 5 of an irrigation pipeline 16 which is buried in the ground below ploughing depth, a coupling arrangement is provided which consists of a housing 21 projecting above and below an anchoring plate, e.g. in the form of a block of concrete 14, to which it is secured as by bolts 15, the housing comprising an upwardly facing socket 2 sealingly receiving the standpipe 3, a seal 7 being provided for this purpose, locking means for releasably securing the standpipe in the socket 2, a downwardlyfacing socket having a seal 12 for receiving the branch pipe 5, or alternatively a spigot for receiving a sealed socket on the end of the branch pipe 5, and a valve 11 which is normally closed by the pressure of water in the pipeline 16 but is opened by the lower end of the standpipe when the latter is inserted in the socket 2. In the embodiment of Fig. 2 shown, the locking means consists of a lever 22 which is acted on by a compression spring 25 to cause a pair of jaws (not shown), which project through a slot in the housing 21, to grip the standpipe 3, in co-operation with fixed jaws (not shown) within the housing, as is described in Specification 1,104,664. In the embodiment of Fig. 1 (not shown), the locking means is a slotted plate (8) which is pivoted to the housing and through which the standpipe extends, a spring acting on the plate to cause it to grip the standpipe, as described in Specification 1,031,383.
priorityDate 1966-12-06^^<>

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