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filingDate 1969-11-14^^<>
publicationDate 1971-04-21^^<>
publicationNumber GB-1229085-A
abstract 1,229,085. Control of A.C. motors. FORNEY INTERNATIONAL Inc. 14 Nov., 1969 [14 Nov., 1968], No. 55967/69. Heading H2J. A three-phase motor is started in either direction by means of static power switches 12 associated with relays RL1, RL2, which are controlled by a logic circuit having forward and reverse sections 16, 18. Command signals for operating the motor are applied to terminal 28 or 26. To start the motor, two logic "0" inputs must be applied to either transistor Q9 or Q4, respectively. Transistors Q7 and Q2 provide interlocking through conductors 20, 22, between forward and reverse operation. For forward operation a "1" signal is applied to transistors Q6, Q8, whereby transistor Q6 is turned-on and transistor Q7 is turned-off. Transistor Q4 conducts so that transistor Q5 prevents energization of relay RL1. Transistor Q8 provides the second "0" input to transistor Q9 which is thus turnedoff. Transistor Q10 then energizes relay RL2 for forward operation. Operation in the reverse direction is similar and provides closure of contacts RL1-2, RL1-3, and RL1-4. As long as relay RL2 is energized, contact RL2-1 is open and transistor Q6 is turned-on so that transistor Q7 controls transistor Q4 to prevent energization of relay RL1. Even when relay RL2 is deenergized, the input to transistor Q7 remains a logical "0" until capacitor C2 charges through resistor 19 to the logical "1" level. This delay allows the power switches for the forward direction to turn-off before those for the reverse direction are turned-on. Capacitor C 1 and resistor R4 perform a similar function for the reverse direction. A power switch 12 may comprise a pair of back-to-back silicon controlled rectifiers which are gated through a respective diode and resistor network when a pair of contacts are closed, Fig. 3 (not shown). The relays may be replaced by other forms of coupling such as those of the optical or transformer types.
priorityDate 1968-11-14^^<>

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