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filingDate 1926-12-24^^<>
publicationDate 1928-03-26^^<>
publicationNumber GB-287957-A
titleOfInvention Improvements in electric switches for use on motor vehicles
abstract 287,957. Parrish, E. W. Dec. 24, 1926. Switches, quick - action; contacts. - A snap - action double-pole switch for disconnecting the battery from the lighting circuit of a motor vehicle. is provided with an .extra contact or switching member fixed to the handle of the switch and adapted to earth the magneto when the switch handle is turned to break the battery circuit, before the battery circuit is actually broken. The snap-action mechanism may be of the kind shown in Figs. 2 and 3, in which rotation of the handle 4 in either direction rotates a member 14 which stresses a spring 13 which then tends to rotate a member 12 fixed to the movable contact carrying member 11. The latter rotation is prevented by the engagement of a projection 19, on a slide 16 mounted on the member 11, with one of four arc-shaped projections 15 on the base. until the slide and projection are sufficiently moved by the rotation of a pinion 20 driven by the handle whereupon the slide and member 11 and contacts 7, 8 rotate through 90‹ into or out of bridging engagement with the pairs of contacts 5, 6 which are arranged at different levels. In accordance with the invention, the switch has an additional contact 22, Figs. 6 and 7, fixed to its spindle 2 and thus to the handle 4. The contact takes the form of a .disc of phosphor bronze 22 with cut-away portions 23, which is adapted to engage a fixed contact 21. In modifications, the additional elements may comprise a cut-away insulating disc which passes between co-operating fixed contacts, or a disc of metal connected to a cut-away insulating disc may pass between the contacts.
priorityDate 1926-12-24^^<>

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