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filingDate 1938-04-13^^<>
publicationDate 1939-10-19^^<>
publicationNumber GB-513701-A
titleOfInvention Arrangements for transmission and reception of sound waves
abstract 513,701. Subaqueous signalling apparatus. ELECTROACUSTIC GES. April 13, 1938, Nos. 11427 and 11428. Convention dates, April 22,1937, and April 23,1937. [Class 40 (iv)] In a subaqueous sound transmitter or receiver comprising an oscillating element 1 producing or responding to the desired sound waves and a portion also set into oscillation in a casing 3, a member for damping the undesired sound field comprises an air-containing and completely closed ampoule 6 containing porous material arranged to support the walls which are of material sufficiently flexible to transmit sound waves to the interior of the capsule and sufficiently rigid to resist, in collaboration with the porous material, collapse under the pressure of water which may fill the interior of the casing through the rubber insert 4 by which the oscillator is mounted in the casing. The capsule may be made of nickel-plated or chromiumplated metal and its walls may be corrugated. As shown in Fig. 3, the capsule is arranged ona carrier 8 on which the surface of the oscillating element 9 is mounted in order to provide its principal transmission or reception in a direction perpendicular to the carrier. In other arrangements for a similar purpose, Figs. 4, 6 (not shown), one or more capsules are arranged between a pair or pairs of oscillating elements arranged on the carrier. In further arrangements, Figs. 5, 7 (not shown) the capsules are disposed on the carrier and opposite the soundproducing elements, or are located centrally between pairs of sound-producing elements which are unequally spaced in separate rows on the carrier. Specification 149,679, [Class 118 (ii)], is referred to.
priorityDate 1937-04-22^^<>

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