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filingDate 1957-06-05^^<>
publicationDate 1961-12-13^^<>
publicationNumber GB-884366-A
titleOfInvention Improvements in or relating to electric relay devices employing transistors
abstract 884,366. Protective arrangements. REYROLLE & CO. Ltd., A. May 30, 1958 [June 5, 1957], No. 17883/57. Class 38 (5). [Also in Group XL (c)] A transistor relay circuit suitable for a protective arrangement comprises a bridge having a supply voltage connected across one diagonal and a relay connected across the other, one arm of the bridge being constituted by a non-linear impedance and an adjacent arm by the collector circuit of a transistor whose emitter circuit constitutes the control circuit for the relay. The Figure shows a protective arrangement comprising relay A connected across one diagonal of a normally balanced bridge constituted by resistors D and D<SP>1</SP>, a non-linear resistor C and the collector-base path of a transistor B, the supply voltage for the bridge being provided by a full wave rectifier E2. The emitter-base circuit of the transistor is connected to a core balance leakage current detecting transformer F associated with the trailing cable of a machine in a coal mine. The transformer is connected to a full wave rectifier G, G<SP>1</SP> circuit so that if the leakage current exceeds a predetermined value sufficient current is supplied to the emitter circuit of the transistor to cause the relay to operate. Excess emitter current is prevented by arranging for the transformer to saturate and by providing a non-linear resistor H constituted by a rectifier in shunt with the input circuit. The non-linear bridge resistor C has the same temperature characteristics as the transistor and the linear resistor D<SP>1</SP> has such a value that the voltage across the non-linear resistor C remains substantially constant with the supply voltage variations. In an alternative circuit (Fig. 3, not shown), the relay circuit is used in a remote control arrangement, the emitter circuit being connected in series with a rectified A.C. voltage supply and a switch located at a remote point.
priorityDate 1957-06-05^^<>

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