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filingDate 1992-12-21^^<>
publicationDate 1994-07-19^^<>
publicationNumber JP-H0652463-U
titleOfInvention Film for trapping
abstract (57) [Summary] [Purpose] It has a strong adhesive force, is convenient for storage, facilitates entanglement with the mouse, and improves the efficiency of the mouse. [Structure] Mainly a film, a strong adhesive layer 2 of a water-based acrylic resin is provided on the surface of the film material 1 and a silicone layer 3 is provided on the back surface to prevent adhesion with the adhesive layer 2. A large number of through holes are formed or irregularities are formed on the surface of the silicone layer 3 to allow air to flow in between the surface of the silicone layer 3 and the floor when the mouse is set at a mouse trap setting location. A film for rodents that makes it easy to entangle.
priorityDate 1992-12-21^^<>

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