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filingDate 1993-05-11^^<>
publicationDate 1995-04-28^^<>
publicationNumber KR-950701505-A
titleOfInvention Thin floss brush manufacture and product
abstract The dental silk brush 2 comprises at least two thread sections 6, 8 having a diameter of at least 2.5 mm, with the thread relaxed. The thread sections 6 and 8 are spaced apart by the brush sections 4 having a diameter of 1.7-3.0 mm under a 0.05 N tension of 4 mm or less in a relaxed state of the brush. The brush section 4 may be coated with a low melt wax composition, most preferably with polyethylene glycol esters of beeswax, wherein the product comprises a group of anti-twisted high toughness nylon eye composed of nylon, polyurethane and mixtures thereof in volatile solvents It is prepared by coating with a solution of a polymer selected from.n n n The solvent is then vaporized selectively from the seal portions 6, 8 while preventing the vaporization of the solvent from the brush portion 4 while the eye is maintained under a tension of 0.15-1N. The brush portion 4 is steamed while the eye is under tension without the brush portion recovering at least 100% of the uncoated relaxed eye diameter. The residual solvent is then removed from the brush portion 4 while the eye is under tension.
priorityDate 1992-05-15^^<>

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