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filingDate 2012-11-30^^<>
publicationDate 2013-05-27^^<>
publicationNumber UA-80362-U
abstract A method for determining heat loss in a water heat network for a first time interval in which heat meters of consumers are installed at the consumers inlet, in the absence of indicators of at least one such meter for a second time interval that belongs to the first interval and is smaller than the first one, which includes: a) determining the amount of thermal energy for the first time interval at the output of the heat source of the heat network, for which a1) measure the heat meters of the source, installed x at the outlet of the heat source; b) determining the amount of thermal energy for the first time interval at the input of all consumers, for which b1) measure the amount of thermal energy for the first interval on the basis of the heat meters of each consumer, b2) determine the amount of thermal energy at the input of each consumer, and b2.1) for that consumer, regarding which the indicators of heat meters are present on the entire first time interval, to determine the thermal energy, directly use the indicators of his heat meters, and b.2.2) To that user with respect to which the second time interval, which belongs to the first interval is less than the first missing indicators heat meter to determine its thermal energy quantity is calculated based on the data concerning the thermal network; c) determination of heat loss for the first time interval as the difference between the amount of heat energy determined in step a) at the output of the heat source of the heat network and the amount of heat energy determined in step b) for the first time interval at the input of all consumers, which differs in that b2 .2.1) for that consumer with respect to whom in the second time interval, which belongs to the first interval and is shorter than the first, there are no indicators of heat meters to determine its thermal energy the amount of EMBED Equation.3 is calculated taking into account data on the consumer of the heating network, which are indicators of at least one heat meter of this consumer, which were present for the third time interval, which belongs to the first interval and does not equal the specified second time interval, according to the following formula: EMBED Equation .3, where EMBED Equation.3 is the connected heat load for heating, kW; EMBED Equation.3 - the number of days of supply of the coolant; EMBED Equation.3 - average indoor air temperature, ° C; EMBED Equation.3 - average temperature of external air, ° C; EMBED Equation.3 - calculated temperature of the external air to determine the heating load, ° C; EMBED Equation.3 - an experimental coefficient that characterizes the ratio of the measured and a certain amount of consumer thermal energy, which is determined on the basis of the counter indicators for the third time interval, EMBED Equation.3; EMBED Equation.3, EMBED Equation.3 - respectively, the measured and determined amount of thermal energy of the consumer according to the heat meter for the third time interval, kW * hour.
priorityDate 2012-11-30^^<>

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