The Technology Partnerships Office (TPO) plays a key role in the support of cutting-edge research that will promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness. TPO achieves this success by helping to connect external partners to the cadre of world-class researchers, facilities, inventions, and knowledge within NIST’s laboratory programs and industry services. TPO also oversees and manages NIST’s intellectual property portfolio and technology licensing and assists external partners with navigating the technology development and commercialization pathway, from the point of discovery and invention development to patenting and licensing.
TPO's Vision: Engaged partnerships that benefit U.S. research, innovation, and industrial competitiveness.
TPO's Mission: To enable and guide research collaborations and invention development and licensing to advance today’s discoveries in ways that stimulate innovation, foster industrial competitiveness, enhance economic security, and improve our quality of life.
TPO provides an excellent customer experience to connect NIST research laboratories with industrial and academic partners and non-profit organizations to develop and commercialize cutting-edge science and technology research.
TPO achieves its mission by applying specialized technology transfer expertise that includes: