
Prior studies have claimed that, with evolving technologies, continuity processes in Development and Operations (DevOps) needs to be re-evaluated consistently. In this context, this study examines a relatively new continuity process -- continuous software security. With regulatory compliance and ubiquitous cyberattacks, it becomes increasingly important to integrate security into DevOps. Presently, DevOps developers assume the role of systems operators and software developers to facilitate Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). Assuming multiple roles involves role transitioning that requires developers to psychologically disengage from their current role and engage in another. Gradually, this may cause mental exhaustion. Therefore, implementing continuous security may add more complexity to DevOps, instigating more stress to software developers. Given this concern, we draw on Role Transition Theory and Cognitive Load Theory to examine whether integrating security into DevOps would aggravate developers’ job burnout, which would eventually undermine continuous security practices.
