Honeymooners (Trainer class)

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ハネムーン Honeymoon
SM Sightseers Saito.png
Art from Sun and Moon by Naoki Saito
Other names
Introduced in Generation VI
Appears in X and Y
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Gender One male, one female
Counterpart Tourist
Notable members {{{members}}}
Animated debut
TCG debut [[(TCG)|]]
TCG card {{{card}}}
Manga debut {{{manga}}}

Honeymooners (Japanese: ハネムーン Honeymoon) are a pair of Pokémon Trainers introduced in Generation VI.

In Generation VI, Honeymooners are depicted as a male and a young female Tourist on their honeymoon who can challenge the player to a Double Battle.

In Generation VII, the pair is formed by a male and a female Sightseer. Like Sightseers, Honeymooners in Alola use the Kantonian variants of Pokémon that have Alolan forms.



XY Honeymooners.png
Art from X and Y

Sprites and models

VSHoneymooners.png Spr SM Sightseer M.pngSpr SM Sightseer F.png VSHoneymooners SM.png
VS portrait from
X and Y
In-battle models from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
VS model from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Tourist m XY OD.pngTourist f B XY OD.png Sightseer m SM OD.pngSightseer f SM OD.png
Overworld models from
X and Y
Overworld models from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon

Trainer list

Pokémon X and Y

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

X & Y arc

Honeymooners in Pokémon Adventures

A pair of Honeymooners appeared in Kangaskhan...Kangascan't and What Does Charmander Do When It Dozes, where they were looking at maps while in Santalune City and Lumiose City.

In Zygarde Agitated, a pair of Honeymooners were briefly shown at the Ambrette Aquarium.


Honeymooners's Hoppip

Hoppip appears with the Honeymooners in Kangaskhan...Kangascan't and What Does Charmander Do When It Dozes.

None of Hoppip's moves are known.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 蜜月夫婦 Mahtyuht Fūfúh
Mandarin 蜜月夫婦 / 蜜月夫妇 Mìyuè Fūfù
France Flag.png French Jeunes Tourtereaux
Germany Flag.png German Hochzeitsreisende
Italy Flag.png Italian Sposini
South Korea Flag.png Korean 허니문 Honeymoon
Spain Flag.png Spanish Recién Casados
Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Kalos Ace DuoAce TrainerArtistArtist FamilyBackpackerBattle GirlBeautyBlack BeltBrains & Brawn
ButlerChampionChefDriverElite FourFairy Tale GirlFishermanFurisode GirlGarçonGardener
Hex ManiacHikerHoneymoonersLassLeaderLumiose Gang MemberMysterious SistersOwner
Poké FanPoké Fan FamilyPokémon BreederPokémon ProfessorPokémon RangerPokémon Trainer
PreschoolerPsychicPunk CouplePunk GirlPunk GuyRangersRising StarRoller Skater
SchoolboySchoolgirlScientistSky TrainerSuccessorSuspicious ChildSuspicious Lady
Suspicious WomanSwimmerTeam FlareTeam Flare AdminTeam Flare BossTeam Flare Grunt
Battle Chateau ranks:
By male: BaronViscountEarlMarquisDukeGrand Duke
By female: BaronessViscountessCountessMarchionessDuchessGrand Duchess
Battle Institute and Battle Maison only:
Battle ChatelaineLadyMadameMaidMonsieurRich Boy
Unused Trainer classes:
Ace SurferSwimmers
Alola Ace DuoAce TrainerAether Branch ChiefAether FoundationAether Foundation Employee
Aether PresidentAthletic SiblingsBackpackerBeautyBellhopBlack BeltCaptainCollectorCookDancer
Eevee UserElite FourEspeon UserFirefighterFishermanFlareon UserGAME FREAKGentlemanGlaceon User
Golf BuddiesGolferHikerHoneymoonersIsland KahunaJanitorJolteon UserKarate FamilyLassLeafeon User
MadameOffice WorkerPokémon BreederPokémon ProfessorPokémon TrainerPolice OfficerPreschooler
PrincipalPunk GirlPunk GuyPunk PairRising StarRising Star DuoScientistSightseerSwimmerSwimmers
Swimmer GirlsSylveon UserTeacherTeam SkullTeam Skull AdminTeam Skull BossTeam Skull Grunt
Trial GuideTwinsUmbreon UserVaporeon UserVeteranVeteran DuoWorkerYoungsterYouth Athlete
ActorUSUMCapoeira CoupleUSUMDancing FamilyUSUMKantonian GymUSUMMaster & ApprenticeUSUM
ReporterUSUMSparring PartnersUSUMSurferUSUMTeam AquaUSUMTeam FlareUSUMTeam GalacticUSUM
Team MagmaUSUMTeam PlasmaUSUMTeam Rainbow RocketUSUMTeam Rainbow Rocket GruntUSUM
Tourist CoupleUSUMUltra Forest KartenvoyUSUltra Recon SquadUSUM
Battle Tree, Battle Royal Dome, and Battle Agency only:
Battle LegendPokémon Center LadyPro Wrestler

Project CharacterDex logo.png This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.