Deploy to Compute Engine

This guide explains how to perform zero-downtime blue/green deployments on Compute Engine Managed Instance Groups (MIGs) using Cloud Build and Terraform.

Cloud Build enables you to automate a variety of developer processes, including building and deploying applications to various Google Cloud runtimes such as Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, GKE Enterprise, and Cloud Run functions.

Compute Engine MIGs enable you to operate applications on multiple identical Virtual Machines (VMs). You can make your workloads scalable and highly available by taking advantage of automated MIG services, including: autoscaling, autohealing, regional (multiple zone) deployment, and automatic updating. Using the blue/green continuous deployment model, you will learn how to gradually transfer user traffic from one MIG (blue) to another MIG (green), both of which are running in production.

Design overview

The following diagram shows the blue/green deployment model used by the code sample described in this document:

Blue/green model

At a high level, this model includes the following components:

  • Two Compute Engine VM pools: Blue and Green.
  • Three external HTTP(S) load balancers:
    • A Blue/Green load balancer, that routes traffic from end users to either the Blue or the Green pool of VM instances.
    • A Blue load balancer that routes traffic from QA engineers and developers to the Blue VM instance pool.
    • A Green load balancer that routes traffic from QA engineers and developers to the Green instance pool.
  • Two sets of users:
    • End users who have access to the Blue/Green load balancer, which points them to either the Blue or the Green instance pool.
    • QA engineers and developers who require access to both sets of pools for development and testing purposes. They can access both the Blue and the Green load balancers, which routes them to the Blue Instance pool and the Green instance pool respectively.

The Blue and the Green VMs pools are implemented as Compute Engine MIGs, and external IP addresses are routed into the VMs in the MIG using external HTTP(s) load balancers. The code sample described in this document uses Terraform to configure this infrastructure.

The following diagram illustrates the developer operations that happens in the deployment:

Developer operations flow

In the diagram above, the red arrows represent the bootstrapping flow that occurs when you set up the deployment infrastructure for the first time, and the blue arrows represent the GitOps flow that occurs during every deployment.

To set up this infrastructure, you run a setup script that starts the bootstrap process and sets up the components for the GitOps flow.

The setup script executes a Cloud Build pipeline that performs the following operations:

  • Creates a repository in Cloud Source Repositories named copy-of-gcp-mig-simple and copies the source code from the GitHub sample repository to the repository in Cloud Source Repositories.
  • Creates two Cloud Build triggers named apply and destroy.

The apply trigger is attached to a Terraform file named main.tfvars in the Cloud Source Repositories. This file contains the Terraform variables representing the blue and the green load balancers.

To set up the deployment, you update the variables in the main.tfvars file. The apply trigger runs a Cloud Build pipeline that executes tf_apply and performs the following operations:

  • Creates two Compute Engine MIGs (one for green and one for blue), four Compute Engine VM instances (two for the green MIG and two for the blue MIG), the three load balancers (blue, green, and the splitter), and three public IP addresses.
  • Prints out the IP addresses that you can use to see the deployed applications in the blue and the green instances.

The destroy trigger is triggered manually to delete all the resources created by the apply trigger.


  • Use Cloud Build and Terraform to set up external HTTP(S) load balancers with Compute Engine VM instance group backends.

  • Perform blue/green deployments on the VM instances.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  3. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  4. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  5. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  6. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  7. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  8. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  9. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

Trying it out

  1. Run the setup script from the Google code sample repository:

    bash <(curl
  2. When the setup script asks for user consent, enter yes.

    The script finishes running in a few seconds.

  3. In the Google Cloud console, open the Cloud Build Build history page:

    Open the Build history page

  4. Click on the latest build.

    You see the Build details page, which shows a Cloud Build pipeline with three build steps: the first build step creates a repository in Cloud Source Repositories, the second step clones the contents of the sample repository in GitHub to Cloud Source Repositories, and the third step adds two build triggers.

  5. Open Cloud Source Repositories:

    Open Cloud Source Repositories

  6. From the repositories list, click copy-of-gcp-mig-simple.

    In the History tab at the bottom of the page, you'll see one commit with the description A copy of made by Cloud Build to create a repository named copy-of-gcp-mig-simple.

  7. Open the Cloud Build Triggers page:

    Open Triggers page

  8. You'll see two build triggers named apply and destroy. The apply trigger is attached to the infra/main.tfvars file in the main branch. This trigger is executed anytime the file is updated. The destroy trigger is a manual trigger.

  9. To start the deploy process, update the infra/main.tfvars file:

    1. In your terminal window, create and navigate into a folder named deploy-compute-engine:

      mkdir ~/deploy-compute-engine
      cd ~/deploy-compute-engine
    2. Clone the copy-of-gcp-mig-simple repo:

      gcloud source repos clone copy-of-mig-blue-green
    3. Navigate into the cloned directory:

      cd ./copy-of-mig-blue-green
    4. Update infra/main.tfvars to replace blue with green:

      sed -i'' -e 's/blue/green/g' infra/main.tfvars
    5. Add the updated file:

      git add .
    6. Commit the file:

      git commit -m "Promote green"
    7. Push the file:

      git push

      Making changes to infra/main.tfvars triggers the execution of the apply trigger, which starts the deployment.

  10. Open Cloud Source Repositories:

    Open Cloud Source Repositories

  11. From the repositories list, click copy-of-gcp-mig-simple.

    You'll see the commit with the description Promote green in the History tab at the bottom of the page.

  12. To view the execution of the apply trigger, open the Build history page in the Google Cloud console:

    Open the Build history page

  13. Open the Build details page by clicking on the first build.

    You will see the apply trigger pipeline with two build steps. The first build step executes Terraform apply to create the Compute Engine and load balancing resources for the deployment. The second build step prints out the IP address where you can see the application running.

  14. Open the IP address corresponding to the green MIG in a browser. You'll see a screenshot similar to the following showing the deployment:


  15. Go to the Compute Engine Instance group page to see the Blue and the Green instance groups:

    Open the Instance group page

  16. Open the VM instances page to see the four VM instances:

    Open the VM Instance page

  17. Open the External IP addresses page to see the three load balancers:

    Open the External IP addresses page

Understanding the code

Source code for this code sample includes:

  • Source code related to the setup script.
  • Source code related to the Cloud Build pipelines.
  • Source code related to the Terraform templates.

Setup script is the setup script that runs the bootstrap process and creates the components for the blue/green deployment. The script performs the following operations:

  • Enables the Cloud Build, Resource Manager, Compute Engine, and Cloud Source Repositories APIs.
  • Grants the roles/editor IAM role to the Cloud Build service account in your project. This role is required for Cloud Build to create and set up the necessary GitOps components for the deployment.
  • Grants the roles/source.admin IAM role to the Cloud Build service account in your project. This role is required for the Cloud Build service account to create the Cloud Source Repositories in your project and clone the contents of the sample GitHub repository to your Cloud Source Repositories.
  • Generates a Cloud Build pipeline named bootstrap.cloudbuild.yaml inline, that:

    • Creates a new repository in Cloud Source Repositories.
    • Copies the source code from the sample GitHub repository to the new repository in Cloud Source Repositories.
    • Creates the apply and destroy build triggers.
set -e


echo -e "\n${GREEN}######################################################"
echo -e "#                                                    #"
echo -e "#  Zero-Downtime Blue/Green VM Deployments Using     #"
echo -e "#  Managed Instance Groups, Cloud Build & Terraform  #"
echo -e "#                                                    #"
echo -e "######################################################${NC}\n"

echo -e "\nSTARTED ${GREEN}${NC}"

echo -e "\nIt's ${RED}safe to re-run${NC} this script to ${RED}recreate${NC} all resources.\n"
echo "> Checking GCP CLI tool is installed"
gcloud --version > /dev/null 2>&1

readonly EXPLICIT_CONSENT="$2"

if [ -z "$EXPLICIT_PROJECT_ID" ]; then
    echo "> No explicit project id provided, trying to infer"
    PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project)"

if [ -z "$PROJECT_ID" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: GCP project id was not provided as parameter and could not be inferred"
    exit 1
    readonly PROJECT_NUM="$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)')"
    if [ -z "$PROJECT_NUM" ]; then
        echo "ERROR: GCP project number could not be determined"
        exit 1
    echo -e "\nYou are about to:"
    echo -e "  * modify project ${RED}${PROJECT_ID}/${PROJECT_NUM}${NC}"
    echo -e "  * ${RED}enable${NC} various GCP APIs"
    echo -e "  * make Cloud Build ${RED}editor${NC} of your project"
    echo -e "  * ${RED}execute${NC} Cloud Builds and Terraform plans to create"
    echo -e "  * ${RED}4 VMs${NC}, ${RED}3 load balancers${NC}, ${RED}3 public IP addresses${NC}"
    echo -e "  * incur ${RED}charges${NC} in your billing account as a result\n"

if [ "$EXPLICIT_CONSENT" == "yes" ]; then
  echo "Proceeding under explicit consent"
    echo -e "Enter ${BLUE}'yes'${NC} if you want to proceed:"
    read CONSENT

if [ "$CONSENT" != "yes" ]; then
    echo -e "\nERROR: Aborted by user"
    exit 1
    echo -e "\n......................................................"
    echo -e "\n> Received user consent"

# Executes action with one randomly delayed retry.
function do_with_retry {
    echo "Trying $COMMAND"
    (eval $COMMAND && echo "Success on first try") || ( \
        echo "Waiting few seconds to retry" &&
        sleep 10 && \
        echo "Retrying $COMMAND" && \
        eval $COMMAND \

echo "> Enabling required APIs"
# Some of these can be enabled later with Terraform, but I personally
# prefer to do all API enablement in one place with gcloud.
gcloud services enable \
    --project=$PROJECT_ID \ \ \ \ \
    --no-user-output-enabled \

echo "> Adding Cloud Build to roles/editor"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
    "$PROJECT_ID" \
    --member="serviceAccount:[email protected]" \
    --role='roles/editor' \
    --condition=None \
    --no-user-output-enabled \

echo "> Adding Cloud Build to roles/source.admin"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
    "$PROJECT_ID" \
    --member="serviceAccount:[email protected]" \
    --condition=None \
    --role='roles/source.admin' \
    --no-user-output-enabled \

echo "> Configuring bootstrap job"
rm -rf "./bootstrap.cloudbuild.yaml"
cat <<'EOT_BOOT' > "./bootstrap.cloudbuild.yaml"
- "mig-blue-green-bootstrapping"
- id: create_new_cloud_source_repo
  name: ""
  script: |
    set -e

    echo "(Re)Creating source code repository"

    gcloud source repos delete \
        "copy-of-mig-blue-green" \
        --quiet || true

    gcloud source repos create \
        "copy-of-mig-blue-green" \

- id: copy_demo_source_into_new_cloud_source_repo
  name: ""
  script: |
    set -e

    readonly GIT_REPO=""

    echo "Cloning demo source repo"
    mkdir /workspace/from/
    cd /workspace/from/
    git clone $GIT_REPO ./original
    cd ./original

    echo "Cloning new empty repo"
    mkdir /workspace/to/
    cd /workspace/to/
    gcloud source repos clone \
    cd ./copy-of-mig-blue-green

    echo "Making a copy"
    cp -r /workspace/from/original/mig-blue-green/* ./

    echo "Setting git identity"
    git config \
        "[email protected]"
    git config \
        "Cloud Build"

    echo "Commit & push"
    git add .
    git commit \
        -m "A copy of $GIT_REPO"
    git push

- id: add_pipeline_triggers
  name: ""
  script: |
    set -e

    echo "(Re)Creating destroy trigger"
    gcloud builds triggers delete "destroy" --quiet || true
    gcloud builds triggers create manual \
        --name="destroy" \
        --repo="$PROJECT_ID/r/copy-of-mig-blue-green" \
        --branch="master" \
        --build-config="pipelines/destroy.cloudbuild.yaml" \
        --repo-type=CLOUD_SOURCE_REPOSITORIES \

    echo "(Re)Creating apply trigger"
    gcloud builds triggers delete "apply" --quiet || true
    gcloud builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
        --name="apply" \
        --repo="copy-of-mig-blue-green" \
        --branch-pattern="master" \
        --build-config="pipelines/apply.cloudbuild.yaml" \
        --included-files="infra/main.tfvars" \


echo "> Waiting API enablement propagation"
do_with_retry "(gcloud builds list --project "$PROJECT_ID" --quiet && gcloud compute instances list --project "$PROJECT_ID" --quiet && gcloud source repos list --project "$PROJECT_ID" --quiet) > /dev/null 2>&1" > /dev/null 2>&1

echo "> Executing bootstrap job"
gcloud beta builds submit \
    --project "$PROJECT_ID" \
    --config ./bootstrap.cloudbuild.yaml \
    --no-source \
    --no-user-output-enabled \
rm ./bootstrap.cloudbuild.yaml

echo -e "\n${GREEN}All done. Now you can:${NC}"
echo -e "  * manually run 'apply' and 'destroy' triggers to manage deployment lifecycle"
echo -e "  * commit change to 'infra/main.tfvars' and see 'apply' pipeline trigger automatically"

echo -e "\n${GREEN}Few key links:${NC}"
echo -e "  * Dashboard:$PROJECT_ID"
echo -e "  * Repo:$PROJECT_ID/copy-of-mig-blue-green"
echo -e "  * Cloud Build Triggers:;region=global?project=$PROJECT_ID"
echo -e "  * Cloud Build History:$PROJECT_ID"

echo -e "\n............................."

echo -e "\n${GREEN}COMPLETED!${NC}"

Cloud Build pipelines

apply.cloudbuild.yaml and destroy.cloudbuild.yaml are the Cloud Build config files that the setup script uses to set up the resources for the GitOps flow. apply.cloudbuild.yaml contains two build steps:

  • tf_apply build build step that calls the function tf_install_in_cloud_build_step, which installs Terraform. tf_apply that creates the resources used in the GitOps flow. The functions tf_install_in_cloud_build_step and tf_apply are defined in and the build step uses the source command to call them.
  • describe_deployment build step that calls the function describe_deployment that prints out the IP addresses of the load balancers.

destroy.cloudbuild.yaml calls tf_destroy that deletes all the resources created by tf_apply.

The functions tf_install_in_cloud_build_step, tf_apply, describe_deployment, and tf_destroy are defined in the file The build config files use the source command to call the functions.

  - id: run-terraform-apply
    name: ""
    script: |
      set -e
      source /workspace/lib/

  - id: describe-deployment
    name: ""
    script: |
      set -e
      source /workspace/lib/

  - "mig-blue-green-apply"
  - id: run-terraform-destroy
    name: ""
    script: |
      set -e
      source /workspace/lib/

  - "mig-blue-green-destroy"

The following code shows the function tf_install_in_cloud_build_step that's defined in The build config files call this function to install Terraform on the fly. It creates a Cloud Storage bucket to record the Terraform status.

function tf_install_in_cloud_build_step {
    echo "Installing deps"
    apt update
    apt install \
        unzip \
        wget \

    echo "Manually installing Terraform"
    unzip -q
    mv ./terraform /usr/bin/
    rm -rf

    echo "Verifying installation"
    terraform -v

    echo "Creating Terraform state storage bucket $BUCKET_NAME"
    gcloud storage buckets create \
        "gs://$BUCKET_NAME" || echo "Already exists..."

    echo "Configure Terraform provider and state bucket"
cat <<EOT_PROVIDER_TF > "/workspace/infra/"
terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13"
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket = "$BUCKET_NAME"
  required_providers {
    google = {
      source  = "hashicorp/google"
      version = ">= 3.77, < 5.0"

    echo "$(cat /workspace/infra/"

The following code snippet shows the function tf_apply that's defined in It first calls terraform init that loads all modules and custom libraries and then runs terraform apply to load the variables from the main.tfvars file.

function tf_apply {
    echo "Running Terraform init"
    terraform \
        -chdir="$TF_CHDIR" \

    echo "Running Terraform apply"
    terraform \
        -chdir="$TF_CHDIR" \
        apply \
        -auto-approve \
        -var project="$PROJECT_ID" \

The following code snippet shows the function describe_deployment that's defined in It uses gcloud compute addresses describe to fetch the IP addresses of the load balancers using the name and prints them out.

function describe_deployment {
    echo -e "Deployment configuration:\n$(cat infra/main.tfvars)"
    echo -e \
      "Here is how to connect to:" \
      "\n\t* active color MIG: http://$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${NS}splitter-address-name --region=us-west1 --format='value(address)')/" \
      "\n\t* blue color MIG: http://$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${NS}blue-address-name --region=us-west1 --format='value(address)')/" \
      "\n\t* green color MIG: http://$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${NS}green-address-name --region=us-west1 --format='value(address)')/"
    echo "Good luck!"

The following code snippet shows the function tf_destroy that's defined in It calls terraform init that loads all modules and custom libraries and then runs terraform destroy that unloads the Terraform variables.

function tf_destroy {
    echo "Running Terraform init"
    terraform \
        -chdir="$TF_CHDIR" \

    echo "Running Terraform destroy"
    terraform \
        -chdir="$TF_CHDIR" \
        destroy \
        -auto-approve \
        -var project="$PROJECT_ID" \

Terraform templates

You'll find all the Terraform configuration files and variables in the copy-of-gcp-mig-simple/infra/ folder.

  • this is the Terraform configuration file
  • main.tfvars: this file defines the Terraform variables.
  • mig/ and splitter/: these folders contain the modules that define the load balancers. The mig/ folder contains the Terraform configuration file that defines the MIG for the Blue and the Green load balancers. The Blue and the Green MIGs are identical, therefore they are defined once and instantiated for the blue and the green objects. The Terraform configuration file for the splitter load balancer is in the splitter/ folder .

The following code snippet shows the contents of infra/main.tfvars. It contains three variables: two that determine what application version to deploy to the Blue and the Green pools and a variable for the active color: Blue or Green. Changes to this file triggers the deployment.

MIG_VER_BLUE     = "v1"
MIG_VER_GREEN    = "v1"

The following is a code snippet from infra/ In this snippet:

  • A variable is defined for the Google Cloud project.
  • Google is set as the Terraform provider.
  • A variable is defined for namespace. All objects created by Terraform are prefixed with this variable so that multiple versions of the application can be deployed in the same project and the object names don't collide with each other.
  • Variables MIG_VER_BLUE, MIG_VER_BLUE, and MIG_ACTIVE_COLOR are the bindings for the variables in the infra/main.tfvars file.
variable "project" {
  type        = string
  description = "GCP project we are working in."

provider "google" {
  project = var.project
  region  = "us-west1"
  zone    = "us-west1-a"

variable "ns" {
  type        = string
  default     = "ns1-"
  description = "The namespace used for all resources in this plan."

variable "MIG_VER_BLUE" {
  type        = string
  description = "Version tag for 'blue' deployment."

variable "MIG_VER_GREEN" {
  type        = string
  description = "Version tag for 'green' deployment."

variable "MIG_ACTIVE_COLOR" {
  type        = string
  description = "Active color (blue | green)."

The following code snippet from infra/ shows the instantiation of the splitter module. This module takes in the active color so that the splitter load balancer knows which MIG to deploy the application.

module "splitter-lb" {
  source               = "./splitter"
  project              = var.project
  ns                   = "${var.ns}splitter-"
  active_color         = var.MIG_ACTIVE_COLOR
  instance_group_blue  =
  instance_group_green =

The following code snippet from infra/ defines two identical modules for Blue and Green MIGs. It takes in the color, the network, and the subnetwork which are defined in the splitter module.

module "blue" {
  source                               = "./mig"
  project                              = var.project
  app_version                          = var.MIG_VER_BLUE
  ns                                   = var.ns
  color                                = "blue"
  google_compute_network               = module.splitter-lb.google_compute_network
  google_compute_subnetwork            = module.splitter-lb.google_compute_subnetwork_default
  google_compute_subnetwork_proxy_only = module.splitter-lb.google_compute_subnetwork_proxy_only

module "green" {
  source                               = "./mig"
  project                              = var.project
  app_version                          = var.MIG_VER_GREEN
  ns                                   = var.ns
  color                                = "green"
  google_compute_network               = module.splitter-lb.google_compute_network
  google_compute_subnetwork            = module.splitter-lb.google_compute_subnetwork_default
  google_compute_subnetwork_proxy_only = module.splitter-lb.google_compute_subnetwork_proxy_only

The file splitter/ defines the objects that are created for the splitter MIG. The following is a code snippet from splitter/ that contains the logic to switch between the Green and the Blue MIG. It's backed by the service google_compute_region_backend_service, which can route traffic to two backend regions: var.instance_group_blue or var.instance_group_green. capacity_scaler defines how much of the traffic to route.

The following code routes 100% of the traffic to the specified color, but you can update this code for canary deployment to route the traffic to a subset of the users.

resource "google_compute_region_backend_service" "default" {
  name                  = local.l7-xlb-backend-service
  region                = "us-west1"
  load_balancing_scheme = "EXTERNAL_MANAGED"
  health_checks         = []
  protocol              = "HTTP"
  session_affinity      = "NONE"
  timeout_sec           = 30
  backend {
    group           = var.instance_group_blue
    balancing_mode  = "UTILIZATION"
    capacity_scaler = var.active_color == "blue" ? 1 : 0
  backend {
    group           = var.instance_group_green
    balancing_mode  = "UTILIZATION"
    capacity_scaler = var.active_color == "green" ? 1 : 0

The file mig/ defines the objects pertaining to the Blue and the Green MIGs. The following code snippet from this file defines the Compute Engine instance template that's used to create the VM pools. Note that this instance template has the Terraform lifecycle property set to create_before_destroy. This is because, when updating the version of the pool, you cannot use the template to create the new version of the pools when it is still being used by the previous version of the pool. But if the older version of the pool is destroyed before creating the new template, there'll be a period of time when the pools are down. To avoid this scenario, we set the Terraform lifecycle to create_before_destroy so that the newer version of a VM pool is created first before the older version is destroyed.

resource "google_compute_instance_template" "default" {
  name = local.l7-xlb-backend-template
  disk {
    auto_delete  = true
    boot         = true
    device_name  = "persistent-disk-0"
    mode         = "READ_WRITE"
    source_image = "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10"
    type         = "PERSISTENT"
  labels = {
    managed-by-cnrm = "true"
  machine_type = "n1-standard-1"
  metadata = {
    startup-script = <<EOF
    #! /bin/bash
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
    sudo a2ensite default-ssl
    sudo a2enmod ssl
    vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
    sudo echo "<html><body style='font-family: Arial; margin: 64px; background-color: light${var.color};'><h3>Hello, World!<br><br>version: ${var.app_version}<br>ns: ${var.ns}<br>hostname: $vm_hostname</h3></body></html>" | \
    tee /var/www/html/index.html
    sudo systemctl restart apache2
  network_interface {
    access_config {
      network_tier = "PREMIUM"
    network    =
    subnetwork =
  region = "us-west1"
  scheduling {
    automatic_restart   = true
    on_host_maintenance = "MIGRATE"
    provisioning_model  = "STANDARD"
  tags = ["load-balanced-backend"]

  # NOTE: the name of this resource must be unique for every update;
  #       this is wy we have a app_version in the name; this way
  #       new resource has a different name vs old one and both can
  #       exists at the same time
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources.

Delete individual resources

  1. Delete the Compute Engine resources created by the apply trigger:

    1. Open the Cloud Build Triggers page:

      Open Triggers page

    2. In the Triggers table, locate the row corresponding to the destroy trigger, and click Run. When the trigger completes execution, the resources created by the apply trigger are deleted.

  2. Delete the resources created during bootstrapping by running the following command in your terminal window:

    bash <(curl

Delete the project

    Delete a Google Cloud project:

    gcloud projects delete PROJECT_ID

What's next