gcloud alpha topic arg-files

gcloud alpha topic arg-files - supplementary help for arg-files to be used with gcloud firebase test
(ALPHA) Supplementary help for arg-files to be used with gcloud firebase test.

All gcloud firebase test android run arguments may be specified by flags on the command line and/or via a YAML-formatted ARG_FILE. The optional, positional ARG_SPEC argument on the command line is used to specify a single ARG_FILE:ARG_GROUP_NAME pair, where ARG_FILE is the path to the YAML argument file, and ARG_GROUP_NAME is the name of the argument group to load and parse. The ARG_FILE must contain valid YAML syntax or gcloud will respond with an error.

The basic format of a YAML argument file is:

  arg1: value1  # a comment
  arg2: value2
# Another comment
  arg3: value3

List arguments may be specified within square brackets:

directories-to-pull: [/sdcard/dir1, /data/dir2]

or by using the alternate YAML list notation with one dash per list item:

  - /sdcard/dir1
  - /data/dir2

If a list argument only contains a single value, you may omit the square brackets:

directories-to-pull: /sdcard/dir1


A special include: [ARG_GROUP1, …] syntax allows merging or composition of argument groups (see EXAMPLES below). Included argument groups can include: other argument groups within the same YAML file, with unlimited nesting.


An argument which appears on the command line has the highest precedence and will override the same argument if it is specified within an argument file.

Any argument defined directly within a group will have higher precedence than an identical argument which is merged into that group using the include: keyword.

Here are the contents of a very simple YAML argument file which is assumed to be stored in a file named excelsior_args.yaml:
# Run a quick 'robo' test on the 'Excelsior' app for
# 90 seconds using only the default Test Lab device.
  app: path/to/excelsior.apk
  type: robo
  max-steps: 100
  timeout: 90s
  async: true

To invoke this test, run:

gcloud firebase test android run excelsior_args.yaml:quick-robo-test

To select which device(s) you wish to test against in an argument file, use device: to specify one or more devices, with each device having one or more dimensions. For example, to specify the LG G3 device in the Chinese locale and with landscape orientation, use:

  device: [{model: g3, orientation: landscape, locale: zh}]

To specify multiple devices, use any of the following equivalent YAML formats:

  device: [{model: flo}, {model: g3, version: 19, locale: zh}, {model: mako, version: 21}]
    - {model: flo}
    - {model: g3, version: 19, locale: zh}
    - {model: mako, version: 21}
    - model: flo
    - model: g3
      version: 19
      locale: zh
    - model: mako
      version: 21

If your app has a login screen, or has additional UI elements which require input text, you may specify the resource names of the Android target UI elements, along with their corresponding input values, in the 'robo-directives' map argument. You may also specify the elements which the Robo test should prioritize clicking. In the example below, "username_resource" is the resource name of the username field and "username" is the input for that field (similarly for password), and "signin_button_resource" is the resource name of the sign in button.

# Run a 'robo' test on the 'Excelsior' app with login credentials.
  app: path/to/excelsior.apk
  type: robo
    "text:username_resource": username
    "text:password_resource": password
    "click:sigin_button_resource": ""

Assuming the above YAML text is appended to the arg-file named excelsior_args.yaml, you may invoke the test by running:

gcloud firebase test android run excelsior_args.yaml:robo-test-with-login

Here is a slightly more complicated example which demonstrates composition of argument groups using the legacy device dimension arguments (device: is now the preferred way to specify test devices). Assume the following YAML text is appended to the arg-file shown above named excelsior_args.yaml:

# Specify some unit tests to be run against a test matrix
# with one device type, two Android versions, and four
# locales, for a total of eight test variations (1*2*4).
  type: instrumentation
  app: path/to/excelsior.apk
  test: path/to/excelsior-test.apk  # the unit tests
  timeout: 10m
  device-ids: NexusLowRes
  include: [supported-versions, supported-locales]
  os-version-ids: [21, 22]
  locales: [en, es, fr, it]

To invoke this test matrix, run:

gcloud firebase test android run excelsior_args.yaml:unit-tests

To run these unit tests with the same locales and os-version-ids, but substituting a sampling of three physical Android devices instead of the single virtual NexusLowRes device, run:

gcloud firebase test android run excelsior_args.yaml:unit-tests --device-ids shamu,htc_m8,g3

In the last example, the --device-ids argument on the command line overrides the device-ids: specification inside the arg-file because command-line arguments have higher precedence.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available:
gcloud topic arg-files
gcloud beta topic arg-files