Inner Mongolia
Flag of the People's Republic of China
内蒙古 - 内蒙古自治区[1] 内蒙古自治区,简称内蒙古,是中華人民共和国北部边疆的一个自治区。首府是呼和浩特。
Өвөр Монголын - Өвөр Монголын Өөртөө Засах Орон[3]
БНХАУ-ын хойд хэсэгт орших Монгол угсаатны автономит эрх бүхий улс. Нийслэл нь Хөх хот. 1947 онд Хятадын коммунист намын нөлөөн дор Улаанхүү нар Өвөр Монголын өөртөө засах орныг байгуулсан. Монгол угсаатны газар нутаг боловч эдүгээ хүн амын 80 илүү хувь нь нангиад үндэстэн эзэлж буй.
Inner Mongolia - Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is a Mongol autonomous region of the People's Republic of ► China. Inner Mongolia borders, from east to west, the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, ► Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Gansu, while to the north it borders Mongolia and Russia. It has an area of 1.18 million km² occupying 12% of China's land area, about the same as France and Spain added together, or Texas and California added together. It has a population of 23,84 million as of 2004. The capital is Hohhot.
Short name
Inner Mongolia
Official name
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Autonomous region of the People's Republic of ► China
呼和浩特[4] (Hohhot) Хөх хот[5]
24,706,291 inhabitants
1,183,000 km²
Major languages
Chinese, Mongolian
Major religions
Chinese folk religion, Buddhism
More information
Inner Mongolia, Geography of Inner Mongolia, History of Inner Mongolia and Politics of Inner Mongolia
More images
Inner Mongolia - Inner Mongolia (Category).