- The 1722 British general election elected members to serve in the House of Commons of the 6th Parliament of Great Britain. This was the fifth such election since the merger of the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland in 1707. Thanks to the Septennial Act of 1715, which swept away the maximum three-year life of a parliament created by the Meeting of Parliament Act 1694, it followed some seven years after the previous election, that of 1715. The election was fiercely fought, with contests taking place in more than half of the constituencies, which was unusual for the time. Despite the level of public involvement, however, with the Whigs having consolidated their control over virtually every branch of government, Walpole's party commanded almost a monopoly of electoral patronage, and was therefore able to increase its majority in Parliament even as its popular support fell. In the midst of the election, word came from France of a Jacobite plot aimed at an imminent coup d'état. Led by Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, Lord North and Grey, and other Tory opponents of Walpole, this was later known as the "Atterbury Plot". Previously election results had broadly reflected the opinion of at least the minority of adult males who had the vote, although the system had always been subject to the influence of corruption and patronage. However, now that one-party government had been established, those influences could be used systematically to ensure the governing party's victory. This election set the pattern for much of the rest of the eighteenth century; as partisan feeling began to decline during the years of the Whig oligarchy, the rigging of elections became ever easier, so that British governments could almost always guarantee victory. (en)
- Les élections générales britanniques de 1722 se sont déroulées en Grande-Bretagne du 19 mars au 9 mai 1722. Ces élections sont remportées par le parti whig.
* Portail de la politique britannique
* Portail du XVIIIe siècle (fr)
- 휘그당은 각 지방의 통제력 강화를 통해, 선거 후원을 거의 독점하다시피 함으로써, 지지율이 떨어졌음에도 불구하고 의석수를 더욱 늘리는데 성공한다. 이전 선거결과들에도 항상 부패와 후원의 영향은 있었지만 적어도 유권자들의 의견을 반영했다. 하지만 단일정당 정부가 성립되면서, 그 영향이 여당의 승리를 보장하기 위해 쓰이게 된다. 이 선거는 18세기의 선거패턴을 설정하게 됐다; 휘그당 과두정치 동안 계파갈등이 감소하면서, 선거장비가 쉬워졌고, 영국 정부는 거의 항상 승리를 보장하게 된다. (ko)
- 1722年イギリス総選挙(英語: British general election, 1722)は、第6期の議員を選出するために行われた選挙。 (ja)
- Les élections générales britanniques de 1722 se sont déroulées en Grande-Bretagne du 19 mars au 9 mai 1722. Ces élections sont remportées par le parti whig.
* Portail de la politique britannique
* Portail du XVIIIe siècle (fr)
- 휘그당은 각 지방의 통제력 강화를 통해, 선거 후원을 거의 독점하다시피 함으로써, 지지율이 떨어졌음에도 불구하고 의석수를 더욱 늘리는데 성공한다. 이전 선거결과들에도 항상 부패와 후원의 영향은 있었지만 적어도 유권자들의 의견을 반영했다. 하지만 단일정당 정부가 성립되면서, 그 영향이 여당의 승리를 보장하기 위해 쓰이게 된다. 이 선거는 18세기의 선거패턴을 설정하게 됐다; 휘그당 과두정치 동안 계파갈등이 감소하면서, 선거장비가 쉬워졌고, 영국 정부는 거의 항상 승리를 보장하게 된다. (ko)
- 1722年イギリス総選挙(英語: British general election, 1722)は、第6期の議員を選出するために行われた選挙。 (ja)
- The 1722 British general election elected members to serve in the House of Commons of the 6th Parliament of Great Britain. This was the fifth such election since the merger of the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland in 1707. Thanks to the Septennial Act of 1715, which swept away the maximum three-year life of a parliament created by the Meeting of Parliament Act 1694, it followed some seven years after the previous election, that of 1715. (en)