- Asplenium platyneuron (syn. Asplenium ebeneum), commonly known as ebony spleenwort or brownstem spleenwort, is a fern native to North America east of the Rocky Mountains. It takes its common name from its dark, reddish-brown, glossy stipe and rachis (leaf stalk and midrib), which support a once-divided, pinnate leaf. The fertile fronds, which die off in the winter, are darker green and stand upright, while the sterile fronds are evergreen and lie flat on the ground. An auricle at the base of each pinna points towards the tip of the frond. The dimorphic fronds and alternate, rather than opposite, pinnae distinguish it from the similar black-stemmed spleenwort. The species was first described in 1753 by Linnaeus as Acrostichum platyneuros, although Linnaeus' type drew on material from several other species as well. It was more commonly called Asplenium ebeneum, a name published by William Aiton in 1789, until the rediscovery and revival of the Linnaean epithet in the late nineteenth century. Several forms and varieties of the species have been described, but few are recognized today; in particular, larger and more fertile specimens, those with more or less toothed leaves, and those with proliferating buds are considered to fall within the natural range of variation of the species, and do not require taxonomic distinction. A. platyneuron f. hortonae, a sterile form with the pinnae cut to toothed pinnules, and f. furcatum, with forking fronds, are still recognized. The formation of proliferating buds is one of several unusual adaptations for reproduction in this species. The buds form near the base of the stipe, and when covered with soil, can grow into new individuals as the frond that bore them dies. Ebony spleenwort is also well-adapted to propagate by spores: the upright sterile fronds help the spores enter the airstream for long-distance dispersal, and a low genetic load allows spores that have grown into a gametophyte to self-fertilize with a high degree of success. This dispersal ability seems to have helped the species spread rapidly in the Great Lakes region in the late 20th century. Long-distance dispersal may also explain its naturalized appearance in South Africa, and the existence of an isolated population found in Slovakia in 2009, its first known occurrence in Europe. Ebony spleenwort has broad habitat preferences, growing both on rocks like many other North American spleenworts and in a variety of soils. Unlike many other spleenworts, it is not particularly sensitive to soil pH. It hybridizes with several other spleenworts, particularly mountain spleenwort and walking fern; these species, their sterile hybrid offspring, fertile allotetraploid hybrids, and backcrosses between allotetraploids and the parents are collectively known as the "Appalachian Asplenium complex". Two hybrids between A. platyneuron and spleenworts outside of this complex are also known. (en)
- Asplenium platyneuron biasa disebut ebony spleenwort adalah pakis asli Missouri yang selalu hijau, tumbuh setinggi 15 inci dan muncul di tepian berbatu, lereng berbatu, dan tepi berlumut. Daunnya steril dan subur melengkung dan berwarna hijau tua. Batang berwarna coklat keunguan gelap. Kata Ebony artinya tangkai berubah menjadi hitam berkilauan seiring bertambahnya usia. Daunnya bisa berukuran 2-6 inci dan jika subur bisa mencapai 1-2 kaki. Pakis jenis ini terdiri dari daun individu. Setiap daun majemuk memiliki 10-40 pasang selebaran, disusun bergantian di sepanjang tangkai pusat tapi bukan berpasangan yang berlawanan. Selebaran di bagian atas dan bawah disetiap daun berukuran lebih kecil daripada daun yang ada di tengah. Baik tangkai pusat dan tangkai daun akan memiliki berwarna terete dan gelap. coklat keunguan, biasanya gundul, tetapi kadang-kadang terdapat sejenis rambut berwarna putih. Sedangkan daun yang sangat muda akan muncul dari tanah, tangkai pusat dan tangkai daun dapat berwarna hijau muda. Panjang sekitar 1-4 inci atau jauh lebih pendek. Selebaran daun muda sering memiliki kualitas yang berkilau. (in)
- Asplenium platyneuron är en svartbräkenväxtart som först beskrevs av Carl von Linné och som fick sitt nu gällande namn av Nathaniel Lord Britton, och . Asplenium platyneuron ingår i släktet Asplenium och familjen Aspleniaceae. Utöver nominatformen finns också underarten Asplenium platyneuron bacculum-rubrum. (sv)
- Asplenium platyneuron är en svartbräkenväxtart som först beskrevs av Carl von Linné och som fick sitt nu gällande namn av Nathaniel Lord Britton, och . Asplenium platyneuron ingår i släktet Asplenium och familjen Aspleniaceae. Utöver nominatformen finns också underarten Asplenium platyneuron bacculum-rubrum. (sv)
- Asplenium platyneuron (syn. Asplenium ebeneum), commonly known as ebony spleenwort or brownstem spleenwort, is a fern native to North America east of the Rocky Mountains. It takes its common name from its dark, reddish-brown, glossy stipe and rachis (leaf stalk and midrib), which support a once-divided, pinnate leaf. The fertile fronds, which die off in the winter, are darker green and stand upright, while the sterile fronds are evergreen and lie flat on the ground. An auricle at the base of each pinna points towards the tip of the frond. The dimorphic fronds and alternate, rather than opposite, pinnae distinguish it from the similar black-stemmed spleenwort. (en)
- Asplenium platyneuron biasa disebut ebony spleenwort adalah pakis asli Missouri yang selalu hijau, tumbuh setinggi 15 inci dan muncul di tepian berbatu, lereng berbatu, dan tepi berlumut. Daunnya steril dan subur melengkung dan berwarna hijau tua. Batang berwarna coklat keunguan gelap. Kata Ebony artinya tangkai berubah menjadi hitam berkilauan seiring bertambahnya usia. Daunnya bisa berukuran 2-6 inci dan jika subur bisa mencapai 1-2 kaki. (in)