- A controlling interest is an ownership interest in a corporation with enough voting stock shares to prevail in any stockholders' motion. A majority of voting shares (over 50%) is always a controlling interest. When a party holds less than the majority of the voting shares, other present circumstances can be considered to determine whether that party is still considered to hold a controlling ownership interest. In the United States, Delaware corporations have a 2/3 vote requirement for a motion to pass. In theory, this could mean that a controlling interest would have to be over two-thirds of the voting shares. A 2019 study published in the Virginia Law Review said dual-class stock structures, common to newly public technology companies, creates governance risks and costs, including the potential loss of economic value for non-voting shares held by public investors. (en)
- Controle acionário é a posse, por um acionista ou grupo de acionistas, da maior parcela de ações com direito ao voto, de uma empresa, garantindo o poder de decisão sobre ela. (pt)
- 控制股權(Controlling interest)或稱控制權益,指對公司擁有話事權的持股比率。這些股份可以由一人或多人擁有。基於少數服從多數的前提下,理論上這比率可以是50%加1股,或更低的比率,視乎剩餘的股份有多集中。擁有控制股權的股東,於董事局及股東大會上,持有決定性的票數,於公司營運擁有話事權。 部份國家或地區的公司法,要求3份之2的股東同意方可以通過議案,是以持有稍微多於3份之1股權的股東已經可以左右大局。福特汽車於1990年代,以33.4%小股東身份控制萬事得汽車便是其中一個較知名的例子。 (zh)