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The history of the Baháʼí Faith is often traced through a sequence of leaders, beginning with the Báb's declaration in Shiraz on the evening of May 22, 1844, and ultimately resting on an Administrative Order established by the central figures of the religion. The Baháʼí Faith had its background in two earlier movements in the nineteenth century, Shaykhism and Bábism. Shaykhism centred on theosophical doctrines and many Shaykhis expected the return of the hidden Twelfth Imam. Many Shaykhis joined the messianic Bábí movement in the 1840s where the Báb proclaimed himself to be the return of the hidden Imam. As the Bábí movement spread in Iran, violence broke out between the ruling Shiʻa Muslim government and the Bábís, and ebbed when government troops massacred them, and executed the Báb in 1

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  • تعود جذور البهائية إلى البابية، والتي نشأت في إيران، أثناء حكم السلطنة القاجارية الفارسية آنذاك، في منتصف القرن التاسع عشر (سنة 1260هـ/ 1844م). أما البهائية نفسها فأسسها حسين علي النوري المعروف بلقب بهاء الله، وأعلن عن دعوته في حديقة النجيبية (المعروفة بحديقة الرضوان لدى البهائيين) بنواحي بغداد في أبريل 1863م، في النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر. بعد ما يزيد عن عقدٍ من الزمان بعد إعدام الباب رميًا بالرصاص، أصبح أتباعه يؤمنون بـ بهاءالله الذي وعد الباب بقدومه في كتاباته بـ «مَن يُظهِرُهُ الله». وضع بهاءالله نظامًا أساسيًا يُعرف باسم «العهد والميثاق»، لضمان وحدة الجامعة البهائية وحفظها من الانشقاق والانقسام بعد وفاته ومع مرور الوقت؛ فوضّح كيفية الاستمرار في عملية الهداية ومسألة الخلافة وجواز شرح وتفسير آثاره وكتاباته بتعليماتٍ مكتوبةٍ واضحةٍ لا لبس فيها. وبهذه الطريقة تم تعيين عبد البهاء في «كتابُ عهدي» ليقوم بإدارة شؤون الجامعة البهائية، ثم عّين عبد البهاء في «ألواح الوصايا» حفيده شوقي أفندي من بعده، وأخيرًا تم انتخاب بيت العدل الأعظم الذي ذكره بهاءالله في «الكتاب الأقدس». وفقًا لعبد البهاء، فإن العهد والميثاق هو من أهم ما يميّز الدين البهائي، فمحور وحدة العالم البشري هو قوة العهد والميثاق. وقد حاول البعض خلال فتراتٍ مختلفةٍ إيجاد الانقسام في الجامعة البهائية وادعاء الخلافة، ولكن لم تجدِ جهودهم بنتيجةٍ، نظرًا لوجود وصيةٍ مكتوبةٍ ونصٍ صريحٍ لمن سيقوم بإدارة شؤون البهائيين في كل مرحلةٍ من تقدم الدين. (ar)
  • Die Geschichte der Bahai-Religion beginnt mit der Offenbarung von Sayyid Ali Muhammad, genannt „der Bab“ (arabisch: „Das Tor“), dem Stifter des Babismus. Die zweite wichtige Person ist Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri, genannt „Baha’u’llah“ (arabisch: „Herrlichkeit Gottes“), der Stifter der Bahai-Religion. Die Vorgeschichte beginnt mit dem Wirken von Scheich Ahmad al-Ahsā'ī und von Sayyid Kāzim Raschti im Schaichismus. (de)
  • The history of the Baháʼí Faith is often traced through a sequence of leaders, beginning with the Báb's declaration in Shiraz on the evening of May 22, 1844, and ultimately resting on an Administrative Order established by the central figures of the religion. The Baháʼí Faith had its background in two earlier movements in the nineteenth century, Shaykhism and Bábism. Shaykhism centred on theosophical doctrines and many Shaykhis expected the return of the hidden Twelfth Imam. Many Shaykhis joined the messianic Bábí movement in the 1840s where the Báb proclaimed himself to be the return of the hidden Imam. As the Bábí movement spread in Iran, violence broke out between the ruling Shiʻa Muslim government and the Bábís, and ebbed when government troops massacred them, and executed the Báb in 1850. The Báb had spoken of another messianic figure, He whom God shall make manifest. As one of the followers of the Báb, Baháʼu'lláh was imprisoned during a subsequent wave of massacre by the Persian government against Bábís in 1852, was exiled to Iraq, and then to Constantinople and Adrianople in the Ottoman Empire. Amidst these banishments, in 1863 in Baghdad, Baháʼu'lláh claimed to be the messianic figure expected by the Báb's writings. Baháʼís consider their religion to have started at the time of Baháʼu'lláh's statements in 1863. At the time of Baháʼu'lláh's death the tradition was mostly confined to the Persian and Ottoman empires, at which time he had followers in thirteen countries of Asia and Africa. Leadership of the religion then passed on to ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, Baháʼu'lláh's son, who was appointed by Baháʼu'lláh, and was accepted by almost all Baháʼís. Under the leadership of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, the religion gained a footing in Europe and America, and was consolidated in Iran, where it still suffers intense persecution. After the death of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá in 1921, the leadership of the Baháʼí community was passed on to his grandson, Shoghi Effendi, who was appointed in ʻAbdu'l-Bahá's will. The document appointed Shoghi Effendi as the first Guardian, and called for the election of the Universal House of Justice once the Baháʼí Faith had spread sufficiently for such elections to be meaningful. During Shoghi Effendi's time as leader of the religion there was a great increase in the number of Baháʼís, and he presided over the election of many National Spiritual Assemblies. Shoghi Effendi died in 1957, and because he was childless it was found impossible to appoint another Guardian to succeed him. In 1963, the Universal House of Justice was elected for the first time, and since that time the Universal House of Justice has been the highest body in the Baháʼí administration, with its members elected every five years. Baháʼí sources and most scholarly works estimate the current worldwide Baháʼí population to be from five to eight million. (en)
  • Er is veel bekend over de omstandigheden van het ontstaan van het bahai-geloof. De ontstaansgeschiedenis valt in een aantal perioden op te delen. (nl)
  • Bahá'í-trons historia börjar med en shia-muslimsk sekts sökande efter "den utlovade", som de till slut fann i profeten Báb. Efter Bábs död 1850 blev Bahá'u'lláh den ledande gestalten, och en ny religion – Bahá'í – med egna heliga skrifter, helgdagar och "bud" börjar framträda. Efter Bahá'u'lláh ansvarar 'Abdu'l-Bahá och Shoghi Effendi för trons konsolidering och spridning. Från år 1963 är det en vald församling – Universella Rättvisans Hus – som är Bahá'í-trons högsta organ. (sv)
  • A história da Fé Bahá'í é frequentemente traçada através de uma sequencia de líderes, iniciando com a declaração do Báb em 23 de Maio de 1844 em Shiraz, e finalmente fixada em uma ordem administrativa estabelecida por figuras centrais da religião. A religião tem sua origem de dois movimentos anteriores no século XIX, Shaykhism e a religião Babí. Shaykism centralizava-se em doutrinas teosóficas e muitos Shaykhis esperavam o retorno do décimo segundo Imame. Muitos Shaykhis aderiram ao movimento messiânico Babí na década de 1840, sendo que o Báb declarou Ser o retorno do Imame. Sendo que o movimento Babí espalhou-se pelo Irã, a violência estourou com as autoridades do governo e os cleros xiitas contra os Babís, e terminou quando o governo massacrou milhares de Babis, e executou o Báb em 1850. O Báb mencionou uma outra figura messiânica prestes a surgir, Aquele Que Deus tornará manifesto. Um dos seguidores do Báb, Bahá'u'lláh foi aprisionado no Irã pelo governo persa depois da execução do Báb e a seguir Ele foi exilado para o Iraque, e após para a Constantinopla e Adrianópolis no Império Otomano, e por fim foi exilado para a cidade-prisão de Akká, na Palestina (atual Israel). Em 1863 em Bagdá, Bahá'u'lláh declarou ser o Prometido esperado nos escritos do Báb. Os Bahá'ís consideram que o início da religião tenha surgido com a declaração de Bahá'u'lláh em 1863. Na época do falecimento de Bahá'u'lláh a tradição foi na maioria das vezes confinada pelos impérios Persa e Otomano, sendo que na época existiam seguidores em somente treze países da Ásia e África. A liderança da religião foi passada para ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, filho de Bahá'u'lláh, que foi apontado por Bahá'u'lláh, e foi aceita por quase todos os bahá'ís. Sob a liderança de ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, a religião espalhou-se pela Europa e América, e foi consolidada no Irã, mesmo com a intensa perseguição. Após o falecimento de ‘Abdu’l-Bahá em 1921, a liderança da comunidade bahá'í foi passada para seu neto, Shoghi Effendi, que foi apontado por ‘Abdu’l-Bahá em seu testamento. O documento apontava Shoghi Effendi como o primeiro Guardião, e exigia a eleição da Casa Universal de Justiça até a Fé Bahá'í ter se espalhado o suficiente para haver eleições de tamanho significativo. Durante a época em que Shoghi Effendi foi o líder da Fé Bahá'í houve um grande crescimento em números de bahá'ís, e ele testemunhou o estabelecimento das eleições de muitas . Shoghi Effendi faleceu em 1957, e por ele ter não ter tido filhos ele achou impossível ter um Guardião após ele para sucedê-lo. Em 1963 a Casa Universal de Justiça foi eleita. Desde 1963 a Casa Universal de Justiça foi eleita a cada cinco anos e permanece como o sucessor e instituição que lidera a Fé Bahá'í. (pt)
  • 巴哈伊信仰历史常常以其领导权的传承为线索进行描述,即从巴孛于1844年5月22日在设拉子宣示,至巴哈伊行政体系的最终确立。巴哈伊信仰的出现,与19世纪发生谢赫派运动与巴比教的传播有一定关系。谢赫派关注教义理论,很多谢赫派人士期待着隐遁的第十二任伊玛目的回归。18世纪40年代巴孛宣示其为隐遁伊玛目,许多谢赫派人士因此加入了巴比教。巴比教在伊朗的传播开后,什叶派政府与其教徒发生了暴力冲突。该冲突直至政府军队对巴比教徒进行大规模屠杀,并将巴孛被执行死刑后才结束。 巴孛曾谈到在其之后将出现另一个一个弥赛亚,即“上帝将昭示天下者”。巴孛的一位追随者巴哈欧拉在巴孛被行刑后被伊朗政府囚禁,并且依次流放至伊拉克、及奥斯曼帝国的君士坦丁堡与阿德里安堡。巴哈欧拉于1863年在巴格达宣示其即为巴孛预言的弥赛亚。巴哈伊一般将巴哈欧拉宣示之日看作巴哈伊信仰的开端。 巴哈欧拉去世时,其追随者分布在亚洲和非洲的13个国家。根据巴哈欧拉的任命,信仰的领导权由其儿子阿博都巴哈继承,阿博都巴哈的地位被大多数巴哈伊所接受。在阿博都巴哈任职期间,信仰在欧洲和美洲得到了发展,并在伊朗得到了巩固。 在1921年阿博都巴哈去世后,根据其遗嘱,巴哈伊社区的领导权转移至其外孙守基·阿芬第。阿博都巴哈的遗嘱中任命守基·阿芬第为第一任圣护,并号召在巴哈伊信仰传播足够广泛的时候,举行世界正义院的选举。在守基·阿芬第任职期间,巴哈伊信徒的人数得到巨大的增长。此外,守基·阿芬第主持了多个国家灵体会的选举。 守基·阿芬第去世于1957年,因其未育有子女,所以已无可能指定另一位圣护接替其职位。在1963年,世界正义院举行了首次选举,并在其后每5年定期举行。世界正义院作为信仰的领导机构存续至今。 (zh)
  • 2359514 (xsd:integer)
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  • Die Geschichte der Bahai-Religion beginnt mit der Offenbarung von Sayyid Ali Muhammad, genannt „der Bab“ (arabisch: „Das Tor“), dem Stifter des Babismus. Die zweite wichtige Person ist Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri, genannt „Baha’u’llah“ (arabisch: „Herrlichkeit Gottes“), der Stifter der Bahai-Religion. Die Vorgeschichte beginnt mit dem Wirken von Scheich Ahmad al-Ahsā'ī und von Sayyid Kāzim Raschti im Schaichismus. (de)
  • Er is veel bekend over de omstandigheden van het ontstaan van het bahai-geloof. De ontstaansgeschiedenis valt in een aantal perioden op te delen. (nl)
  • Bahá'í-trons historia börjar med en shia-muslimsk sekts sökande efter "den utlovade", som de till slut fann i profeten Báb. Efter Bábs död 1850 blev Bahá'u'lláh den ledande gestalten, och en ny religion – Bahá'í – med egna heliga skrifter, helgdagar och "bud" börjar framträda. Efter Bahá'u'lláh ansvarar 'Abdu'l-Bahá och Shoghi Effendi för trons konsolidering och spridning. Från år 1963 är det en vald församling – Universella Rättvisans Hus – som är Bahá'í-trons högsta organ. (sv)
  • تعود جذور البهائية إلى البابية، والتي نشأت في إيران، أثناء حكم السلطنة القاجارية الفارسية آنذاك، في منتصف القرن التاسع عشر (سنة 1260هـ/ 1844م). أما البهائية نفسها فأسسها حسين علي النوري المعروف بلقب بهاء الله، وأعلن عن دعوته في حديقة النجيبية (المعروفة بحديقة الرضوان لدى البهائيين) بنواحي بغداد في أبريل 1863م، في النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر. (ar)
  • The history of the Baháʼí Faith is often traced through a sequence of leaders, beginning with the Báb's declaration in Shiraz on the evening of May 22, 1844, and ultimately resting on an Administrative Order established by the central figures of the religion. The Baháʼí Faith had its background in two earlier movements in the nineteenth century, Shaykhism and Bábism. Shaykhism centred on theosophical doctrines and many Shaykhis expected the return of the hidden Twelfth Imam. Many Shaykhis joined the messianic Bábí movement in the 1840s where the Báb proclaimed himself to be the return of the hidden Imam. As the Bábí movement spread in Iran, violence broke out between the ruling Shiʻa Muslim government and the Bábís, and ebbed when government troops massacred them, and executed the Báb in 1 (en)
  • A história da Fé Bahá'í é frequentemente traçada através de uma sequencia de líderes, iniciando com a declaração do Báb em 23 de Maio de 1844 em Shiraz, e finalmente fixada em uma ordem administrativa estabelecida por figuras centrais da religião. A religião tem sua origem de dois movimentos anteriores no século XIX, Shaykhism e a religião Babí. Shaykism centralizava-se em doutrinas teosóficas e muitos Shaykhis esperavam o retorno do décimo segundo Imame. Muitos Shaykhis aderiram ao movimento messiânico Babí na década de 1840, sendo que o Báb declarou Ser o retorno do Imame. Sendo que o movimento Babí espalhou-se pelo Irã, a violência estourou com as autoridades do governo e os cleros xiitas contra os Babís, e terminou quando o governo massacrou milhares de Babis, e executou o Báb em 1850. (pt)
  • 巴哈伊信仰历史常常以其领导权的传承为线索进行描述,即从巴孛于1844年5月22日在设拉子宣示,至巴哈伊行政体系的最终确立。巴哈伊信仰的出现,与19世纪发生谢赫派运动与巴比教的传播有一定关系。谢赫派关注教义理论,很多谢赫派人士期待着隐遁的第十二任伊玛目的回归。18世纪40年代巴孛宣示其为隐遁伊玛目,许多谢赫派人士因此加入了巴比教。巴比教在伊朗的传播开后,什叶派政府与其教徒发生了暴力冲突。该冲突直至政府军队对巴比教徒进行大规模屠杀,并将巴孛被执行死刑后才结束。 巴孛曾谈到在其之后将出现另一个一个弥赛亚,即“上帝将昭示天下者”。巴孛的一位追随者巴哈欧拉在巴孛被行刑后被伊朗政府囚禁,并且依次流放至伊拉克、及奥斯曼帝国的君士坦丁堡与阿德里安堡。巴哈欧拉于1863年在巴格达宣示其即为巴孛预言的弥赛亚。巴哈伊一般将巴哈欧拉宣示之日看作巴哈伊信仰的开端。 巴哈欧拉去世时,其追随者分布在亚洲和非洲的13个国家。根据巴哈欧拉的任命,信仰的领导权由其儿子阿博都巴哈继承,阿博都巴哈的地位被大多数巴哈伊所接受。在阿博都巴哈任职期间,信仰在欧洲和美洲得到了发展,并在伊朗得到了巩固。 守基·阿芬第去世于1957年,因其未育有子女,所以已无可能指定另一位圣护接替其职位。在1963年,世界正义院举行了首次选举,并在其后每5年定期举行。世界正义院作为信仰的领导机构存续至今。 (zh)
  • تاريخ البهائية (ar)
  • Geschichte der Bahai-Religion (de)
  • History of the Baháʼí Faith (en)
  • Geschiedenis van het bahai (nl)
  • História Bahá'í (pt)
  • Bahá'ís historia (sv)
  • 巴哈伊信仰历史 (zh)
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