- Luisa Kapp-Young, coneguda també pel nom artístic de Luisa Cappiani (Trieste, Itàlia, 23 d'abril de 1835 – Zuric, Suïssa, 27 de setembre de 1919), fou una soprano dramàtica operística austríaca, pedagoga musical i assagista, que va utilitzar el principi de l'emissió d'arpa eòlica de to, que exclou tot esforç en la gola i preserva la veu. Kapp-Young va debutar l'any 1859 després de la mort del seu marit, Gisbert Kapp. El 1861 va cantar òperes de Wagner a Rotterdam. Als Estats Units d'Amèrica va aparèixer l'any 1867 encara sota el cognom de Kapp-Young. Després de romandre diverses temporades a Itàlia, va tornar als EUA i es va establir com a professora, ja sota el nom de Cappiani. Va exercir com a tal a Boston i a la ciutat de Nova York. El 1884 va ser un dels fundadors originals de la Federació Americana de Músics, sent l'única dona escollida com a fundadora. Després de 1899 va viure permanentment a Milà, morint a Zuric l'any 1919. (ca)
- Luisa Kapp-Young (née , Young; pseudonym, Luisa Cappiani; 23 April 1835 – 27 September 1919), was an Austrian dramatic operatic soprano, musical educator, and essayist who used the principle of the Aeolian harp emission of tone, which excluded all effort in the throat, and preserved the voice. Kapp-Young made her debut after the death of her husband, Gisbert Kapp, in 1859. In 1861, she sang Wagner roles in Rotterdam. In the United States, she appeared in 1867 as Mme. Kapp-Young. After several seasons in Italy, she came back to the United States, and established herself under the name of Cappiani as a teacher in Boston and New York City. In 1884, she was one of the original founders of the American Federation of Musicians, and the only woman initially elected. After 1899, she lived permanently in Milan, and died in Zürich in 1919. Her essays on the voice were reproduced in many musical papers in the U.S. and other countries. She died in 1919. (en)
- Luisa Kapp-Young, coneguda també pel nom artístic de Luisa Cappiani (Trieste, Itàlia, 23 d'abril de 1835 – Zuric, Suïssa, 27 de setembre de 1919), fou una soprano dramàtica operística austríaca, pedagoga musical i assagista, que va utilitzar el principi de l'emissió d'arpa eòlica de to, que exclou tot esforç en la gola i preserva la veu. (ca)
- Luisa Kapp-Young (née , Young; pseudonym, Luisa Cappiani; 23 April 1835 – 27 September 1919), was an Austrian dramatic operatic soprano, musical educator, and essayist who used the principle of the Aeolian harp emission of tone, which excluded all effort in the throat, and preserved the voice. Kapp-Young made her debut after the death of her husband, Gisbert Kapp, in 1859. In 1861, she sang Wagner roles in Rotterdam. In the United States, she appeared in 1867 as Mme. Kapp-Young. After several seasons in Italy, she came back to the United States, and established herself under the name of Cappiani as a teacher in Boston and New York City. In 1884, she was one of the original founders of the American Federation of Musicians, and the only woman initially elected. After 1899, she lived permanen (en)