- Ren Zhigu (任知古) was a Chinese politician of Wu Zetian's Zhou Dynasty, serving briefly as chancellor. Despite Ren's high status, little is firmly established about his background or career except for the time that he served as chancellor—as, unusual for a chancellor, he did not have a biography in either the Old Book of Tang or the New Book of Tang. He was not even listed as a chancellor in the table of the chancellors' family tree, among the Rens. As of 691, Ren was serving as Fengge Shilang (鳳閣侍郎), the deputy head of the legislative bureau of government (鳳閣, Fengge), when Wu Zetian gave him the designation Tong Fengge Luantai Pingzhangshi (同鳳閣鸞臺平章事), making him a chancellor de facto. In 692, he, along with fellow chancellors Di Renjie and Pei Xingben and other officials Cui Xuanli (崔宣禮), Lu Xian (盧獻), Wei Yuanzhong, and Li Sizhen (李嗣真), were accused of treason by Wu Zetian's secret police official Lai Junchen. Eventually, they escaped death when Di was able to hide a secret petition inside clothes that his family members took back home and was able to persuade Wu Zetian that they were not plotting treason. However, they were still exiled—in Ren's case, he was demoted to be the magistrate of Jiangxia County (江夏, in modern Wuhan, Hubei). There was no further reference in history about him, and it is not known when he died. (en)
- 任知古(7世纪-8世纪),武周官员,曾短暂拜相。 尽管任知古身居高位,但他的家世和拜相前的仕途几无记载。作为宰相,《旧唐书》和《新唐书》反常地都没有他的传,他甚至没有被列入《新唐书·宰相世系表》中的任氏表。仅知垂拱三年(687年)任朝议郎、行麟台郎,并作《宁义寺经藏碑》。 天授二年六月庚戌(691年),任知古在鳳閣侍郎任上被武则天授同鳳閣鸞臺平章事。 天授三年(692年)一月(一作二月、十月),他和宰相地官侍郎狄仁杰、冬官侍郎裴行本、、前、御史中丞魏元忠、潞州刺史李嗣真被武则天手下酷吏御史中丞来俊臣弹劾谋反。来俊臣奏请降敕,一问即承认谋反者可以减免死罪,并以此诱惑任知古等承认谋反。由于狄仁杰将一份表章藏在衣物中让家人带回,得以向武则天澄清众人并未谋反,武则天说:“古人以杀止杀,我今以恩止杀。就听群公为知古等所请,赐他们再生,各授以官职,以观后效。”来俊臣与文昌左相武承嗣、侍御史、凤阁舍人、侍御史张知默都请求诛杀任知古、狄仁杰等,武则天不许。于是众人免于一死,但仍被外贬。任知古被贬为江夏县令。 唐玄宗先天二年(713年),唐玄宗发动先天政变,诛杀政敌皇姑太平公主一党。时太上皇唐睿宗听闻鼓噪声,召宰相郭元振升承天楼,宣诏闭关自守,时任侍御史的任知古在朝堂招募数百人于朝堂,被其拦住不能入内。 開元初年,他仗着官威在朝上诟骂官员,右拾遗严挺之很责怪他不敬,反遭御史台弹劾被贬为万州员外参军。 (zh)