- سلمون بورتلاند تشيس (بالإنجليزية: Salmon P. Chase) (و. 13 يناير 1808 – 7 مايو 1873 م) هو سياسي، وقاضي من الولايات المتحدة. شغل منصب رئيس القضاة السادس للولايات المتحدة. كما شغل منصب الحاكم الثالث والعشرين لولاية أوهايو، ومثل ولايته في مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي، وشغل منصب وزير الخزانة الأمريكي الخامس والعشرين. ولد تشيس في كورنيش، نيوهامشير، ودرس القانون بإشراف النائب العام وليام ويرت قبل أن يؤسس عمله القانوني الخاص في سينسيناتي. وأصبح ناشطا مناهضا للرق وكثيرا ما دافع عن العبيد الهاربين في المحاكم. غادر تشيس حزب الويغ في عام 1841 ليصبح زعيم حزب الحرية في أوهايو. ثم ساعد في تأسيس في عام 1848 وطلب من الرئيس السابق مارتن فان بيورين أن يكون المرشح الرئاسي للحزب. فاز تشيس بانتخابات مجلس الشيوخ في العام التالي، وعارض . وفي أعقاب هذا القانون، ساعد تشيس في إنشاء الحزب الجمهوري الذي عارض توسع الرق في الأراضي الغربية. ترك تشيس مجلس الشيوخ، وشغل منصب حاكم ولاية أوهايو من عام 1856 إلى 1860. سعى تشيس للترشح عن الحزب الجمهوري في الانتخابات الرئاسية عام 1860، ولكن المؤتمر الوطني الجمهوري في تلك السنة رشح أبراهام لينكون. وبعد فوز لينكون بالانتخابات، طلب من تشيس أن يكون وزيرا للخزانة. خدم تشيس في هذا المنصب من عام 1861 إلى 1864، وضمن تمويل الاتحاد بما يكفي من الأموال خلال الحرب الأهلية. استقال تشيس من مجلس الوزراء في يونيو 1864، لكنه احتفظ بدعم الجمهوريين الراديكاليين. وقام لينكون بترشيح تشيس لملء الشواغر في المحكمة العليا بعد وفاة رئيس المحكمة روجر بروك تاني، وذلك لاسترضاء الجمهوريين الراديكاليين. عمل تشيس رئيسا للقضاة من عام 1864 حتى وفاته في مدينة نيويورك في عام 1873. وترأس محاكمة مجلس الشيوخ للرئيس أندرو جونسون خلال إجراءات سحب الثقة عنه في عام 1868. ورغم مواصلته في العمل بالمحكمة، فقد ظل يتابع عمله السياسي وسعى مجددا للرئاسة. حيث سعى دون نجاح إلى نيل ترشيح الحزب الديمقراطي للرئاسة في عام 1868 والحزب الجمهوري الليبرالي في عام 1872. (ar)
- Salmon Portland Chase (13. leden 1808, Cornish, New Hampshire – 7. května 1873, New York, New York) byl americký soudce, právník a politik. (cs)
- Salmon Portland Chase (* 13. Januar 1808 in Cornish, Sullivan County, New Hampshire; † 7. Mai 1873 in New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und Jurist während des Sezessionskrieges. Er war Vorsitzender Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofes. Vorher war er Finanzminister unter Abraham Lincoln sowie zwischen 1856 und 1860 der 23. Gouverneur von Ohio. Chase war neben Levi Woodbury die bisher einzige Persönlichkeit, die sowohl der Legislative, der Exekutive als auch der Judikative angehörte und zudem auch Gouverneur war. (de)
- Salmon Portland Chase (13 de enero de 1808 - 7 de mayo de 1873) fue un político y jurista estadounidense, sexto Presidente de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos de 1864 a 1873. Durante su carrera, Chase fue el 23.º de y Senador por Ohio EE.UU. antes de su servicio con Abraham Lincoln como el 25º Secretario del Tesoro. Como Secretario del Tesoro, Chase fortaleció el gobierno federal, introdujo el primer papel moneda, así como un banco nacional, ambos en tiempos de guerra. Chase articuló la tesis de la "conspiración de la potencia negrera", dedicando sus energías a la destrucción de lo que él consideraba la Potencia negrera -la conspiración de los esclavistas del Sur para tomar el control del gobierno federal y bloquear el progreso de la libertad. Él acuñó el lema del Partido del suelo libre, "Suelo libre, mano de obra libre, Hombres libres". Como Presidente del Tribunal Supremo presidió el juicio del Senado de Andrew Johnson durante el proceso de destitución del presidente en 1868. (es)
- Salmon Portland Chase (January 13, 1808 – May 7, 1873) was an American politician and jurist who served as the sixth chief justice of the United States. He also served as the 23rd governor of Ohio, represented Ohio in the United States Senate, and served as the 25th United States Secretary of the Treasury. Chase is therefore one of the few American politicians who have served in all three branches of the federal government. Born in Cornish, New Hampshire, Chase studied law under Attorney General William Wirt before establishing a legal practice in Cincinnati. He became an anti-slavery activist and frequently defended fugitive slaves in court. Chase left the Whig Party in 1841 to become the leader of Ohio's Liberty Party. In 1848, he helped establish the Free Soil Party and recruited former President Martin Van Buren to serve as the party's presidential nominee. Chase won election to the Senate the following year, and he opposed the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas–Nebraska Act. In the aftermath of the Kansas–Nebraska Act, Chase helped establish the Republican Party, which opposed the extension of slavery into the territories. After leaving the Senate, Chase served as the Governor of Ohio from 1856 to 1860. Chase sought the Republican nomination for president in the 1860 presidential election, but the party chose Abraham Lincoln at its National Convention. After Lincoln won the election, he asked Chase to serve as Secretary of the Treasury. Chase served in that position from 1861 to 1864, working hard to ensure the Union was well-financed during the Civil War. Chase resigned from the Cabinet in June 1864, but retained support among the Radical Republicans. Partly to appease the Radical Republicans, Lincoln nominated Chase to fill the Supreme Court vacancy that arose following Chief Justice Roger Taney's death. Chase served as Chief Justice from 1864 to his death in 1873. He presided over the Senate trial of President Andrew Johnson during the impeachment proceedings of 1868. Despite his nomination to the court, Chase continued to pursue the presidency. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1868 and the Liberal Republican nomination in 1872. (en)
- Salmon Portland Chase adalah hakim Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat. Ia mulai menjabat sebagai hakim pada mahkamah tersebut pada tanggal 15 Desember 1864. Masa baktinya sebagai hakim berakhir pada tanggal 7 Mai 1873. (in)
- Salmon Portland Chase (13 janvier 1808 - 7 mai 1873) était un homme politique et juriste américain à l'époque de la guerre de Sécession. Il fut sénateur des États-Unis pour l'État de l'Ohio puis gouverneur de cet État, secrétaire du Trésor du président Abraham Lincoln et, jusqu'à sa mort, président de la Cour suprême des États-Unis. C'est un abolitionniste convaincu. (fr)
- Salmon Portland Chase (Cornish, 13 gennaio 1808 – New York, 7 maggio 1873) è stato un politico e giurista statunitense. (it)
- 새먼 포틀랜드 체이스(Salmon Portland Chase, 1808년 1월 13일 ~ 1873년 5월 7일)는 미국의 정치인이자 연방 대법원장으로 연방 상원과 제23대 오하이오주지사, 그리고 남북 전쟁 동안 제25대 재무장관 (1861년 ~ 1864년)을 지냈다. 견고한 노예제 폐지론자인 체이스는 변호사로서 자신의 초기 경력을 보냈고, 자신이 빈번하게 도망 흑인들을 방어한 것으로 "도망 노예들을 위한 검찰총장"으로 알려지게 되었다. 1849년부터 1855년까지 상원에서 오하이오주를 대표한 후, 체이스는 1855년부터 1859년까지 주지사를 지내러 갔다. 그는 에이브러햄 링컨 대통령의 재무장관으로 지내기 전에 1860년 공화당 대통령 후보 지명을 위하여 실패한 입찰을 이루었다. 체이스는 남북 전쟁이 일어난 동안 재정을 관리하는 책임을 가졌고 국내 은행 제도를 설립하고 지폐 통화를 발행하는 것에 주요 수단이었다. 체이스는 1864년 6월 재무장관직을 사임하고 그해 후순에 미국 대법원의 연방 대법원장으로 임명되었다. 그는 65세의 나이에 1873년 사망할 때까지 이 직위에 지냈다. 재무장관으로서 체이스는 미국의 주화에 처음으로 표어 "In God We Trust" (우리는 하나님을 믿는다)를 놓은 것에 주요 역할을 한 것으로 알려졌다. (ko)
- Salmon Portland Chase (Cornish (New Hampshire), 13 januari 1808 - New York, 7 mei 1873) was een Amerikaans jurist en politicus die als minister van Financiën onder president Abraham Lincoln diende en van 1864 tot aan zijn dood in 1873 Opperrechter (Chief Justice) was aan het Amerikaans Hooggerechtshof, het Supreme Court. Chase werd op 13 januari 1808 geboren en studeerde aan het Dartmouth College alwaar hij in 1826 afstudeerde. Hij voltooide zijn rechtenstudie onder minister van Justitie, in Washington. Hij vestigde zich hierna in Cincinnati (Ohio), alwaar hij naam kreeg voor zijn verdediging van ontsnapte slaven uit de Zuidelijke staten. Zijn oppositie tegen de slavernij bezorgde hem bekendheid in de kringen van de abolitionists, antislavernijactivisten, hoewel hij niet de militante methodes van enkele meer bekende abolitionists overnam maar zich meer richtte op de politieke hervorming van het instituut van de slavernij. Vanaf 1841 behoorde Chase tot de Liberty Party, de Vrijheidspartij, die een antislavernijbeleid voorstond. In 1848 collaboreerde hij met oud-president Martin Van Buren om de Free Soil Party op te richten. Een jaar later veroverde Chase een senaatszetel als vertegenwoordiger van Ohio. In de senaat verzette hij zich onder meer tegen het Compromise of 1850 en sprak hij zich herhaaldelijk uit tegen de slavernij. In 1855 werd hij verkozen als gouverneur van Ohio waar hij de eerste Republikeinse gouverneur werd. Chase had eerder meegeholpen de Republikeinse Partij op te richten. Nadat Lincoln voor de Republikeinen in 1861 in het Witte Huis kwam te zitten werd Chase opgenomen in Lincolns kabinet als minister van Financiën. Als minister voerde Chase tijdens de Burgeroorlog belangrijke hervormingen door op het gebied van de banken en de uitgifte van papiergeld om zo de oorlog beter te kunnen financieren. Voor de eerste maal in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis werden in 1862 bankbiljetten uitgegeven die deels door Chase zelf waren ontworpen en de bijnaam greenbacks kregen. In 1864 droeg president Lincoln zijn minister van Financiën voor als opperrechter aan het Hooggerechtshof alwaar hij tot 1873 zou dienen. Tijdens de impeachmentzaak tegen president Andrew Johnson zat Chase, zoals voorgeschreven in de Grondwet, de Senaat voor. Ironisch genoeg werden tijdens zijn periode aan het hof enkele van de door hem doorgevoerde financiële middelen ongrondwettelijk verklaard. Op 7 mei 1873 overleed Chase in New York. Als eerbetoon voor zijn werk als minister van Financiën tijdens de Burgeroorlog siert zijn portret het biljet van $10.000 dat in de eerste helft van de 20e eeuw uitgegeven werd. (nl)
- サーモン・ポートランド・チェイス(英語: Salmon Portland Chase, 1808年1月13日 - 1873年5月7日)は、南北戦争時代のアメリカ合衆国の政治家および法律家。第23代オハイオ州知事を1856年から1860年まで務め、エイブラハム・リンカーン大統領の下で財務長官および最高裁長官を務めた。 (ja)
- Salmon Portland Chase (ur. 13 stycznia 1808 w Cornish, New Hampshire, zm. 7 maja 1873) – amerykański polityk okresu wojny secesyjnej, senator, prezes Sądu Najwyższego. Aktywny zwolennik zniesienia niewolnictwa. (pl)
- Salmon Portland Chase, född 13 januari 1808 i Cornish, New Hampshire, död 7 maj 1873 i New York, New York, var en amerikansk jurist och politiker. Chase var först advokat i Ohio, där han blev känd som framgångsrik försvarare av förrymda slavar. Han deltog från 1836 i den abolitionistiska rörelsen. 1848 var han en av upphovsmännen till "Freesoilparty". Han var senator för Ohio 1849-1855 samt 1861, guvernör i Ohio 1856-1860, finansminister under president Abraham Lincoln 1861-1864. Hans samarbete med Lincoln var ej det bästa, och när Chase 1864 lät nominera sig till presidentkandidat, fick han inlämna sin avskedsansökan och blev chefsdomare i högsta domstolen från 1864 fram till sin död. Han förestavade presidenteden för Abraham Lincoln,Andrew Johnson och Ulysses S. Grant. Han fick stor respekt bland sina landsmän på det opartiska sätt han satt ordförande i senatens riksrättmot president Andrew Johnson. Hans porträtt finns på $10000-dollarsedeln, som dock inte trycks längre. (sv)
- Salmon Portland Chase (13 de janeiro de 1808–7 de maio de 1873) foi governador de Ohio entre 1856 e 1860, Secretário do Tesouro dos Estados Unidos entre 1861 e 1864, e Chefe de Justiça dos Estados Unidos de 15 de dezembro de 1864 a 7 de maio de 1873. Chase foi, portanto, um dos poucos políticos norte-americanos que serviram em todos os três ramos do governo federal. (pt)
- 萨蒙·波特兰·蔡斯(Salmon Portland Chase,1808年1月13日 - 1873年5月7日),是美国政治家和法学家,曾任美国参议院议员(1849年-1855年)、第23任(1856年-1860年)、第25任美国财政部长(1861年-1864年)和美国第6任首席大法官(1864年-1873年)。 蔡斯出生在新罕布什尔州的科尼什,在辛辛那提建立法律事务所之前,他在司法部长威廉·沃特的指导下学习法律。他成为一名反奴隶制活动人士,经常在法庭上为逃亡黑奴辩护。1841年,蔡斯离开辉格党,成为俄亥俄州自由党的领袖。1848年,他帮助建立了自由土地党,并聘请前总统马丁·范布伦担任该党的总统候选人。蔡斯第二年赢得了参议院的选举,他反对1850年妥协案和堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案。在堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案之后,蔡斯与一群前辉格党党员、北方民主党人、以及奴隶解放运动者建立了共和党,反对将奴隶制扩展到领土。离开参议院后,蔡斯于1856年至1860年担任俄亥俄州州长。 在1860年的总统选举中,蔡斯寻求共和党总统候选人提名,但1860年共和党全国代表大会提名亚伯拉罕·林肯。林肯赢得选举后,他要求蔡斯担任财政部长。从1861年到1864年,蔡斯一直担任这一职位,这确保了联邦在内战期间资金充足。1864年6月,蔡斯从内阁辞职,但在激进的共和党人中间保留了支持。为了安抚激进的共和党人,林肯提名蔡斯填补最高法院在首席大法官罗杰·B·托尼去世后的空位。 蔡斯于1864年担任首席大法官,直至1873年去世。在期间,他主持了参议院对安德鲁·约翰逊总统的弹劾。1868年,他成功地获得了的提名,1872年又获得了的提名。 (zh)
- Салмон (Сэмон) Портленд Чейз (англ. Salmon Portland Chase; 13 января 1808 — 7 мая 1873) — американский государственный деятель времён гражданской войны в США. Губернатор Огайо, позже сенатор от штата Огайо, Верховный судья США. Занимал должность министра финансов США при президенте Линкольне. Убеждённый противник рабства. Активно боролся с чрезмерным политическим влиянием богатых землевладельцев из южных штатов. (ru)
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- dbr:Calvin_Ellis_Stowe
- dbr:Camp_Chase
- dbr:Project_Gutenberg
- dbr:Purdue_University
- dbr:Roger_B._Taney
- dbr:Royalton,_Vermont
- dbr:Saving_Lincoln
- dbr:Scottish_people
- dbc:Ohio_Libertyites
- dbr:National_Historic_Landmark
- dbr:Benjamin_Wade
- dbr:Bleeding_Kansas
- dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States)
- dbc:Cincinnati_City_Council_members
- dbc:Governors_of_Ohio
- dbc:Lincoln_administration_cabinet_members
- dbc:People_from_Worthington,_Ohio
- dbc:Republican_Party_governors_of_Ohio
- dbr:Anti-Nebraska_movement
- dbr:Appeal_of_the_Independent_Democrats
- dbr:John_Purdue
- dbr:John_Rock_(abolitionist)
- dbr:John_Sherman
- dbr:Jones_v._Van_Zandt
- dbr:Josh_Stamberg
- dbc:People_from_Cornish,_New_Hampshire
- dbr:List_of_New_Hampshire_historical_markers_(76–100)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases_by_the_Chase_Court
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_justices_by_time_in_office
- dbr:List_of_justices_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Republican_Party_(United_States)
- dbc:Chief_justices_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Union_(American_Civil_War)
- dbr:United_States_Attorney_General
- dbr:United_States_Coast_Guard_Academy
- dbr:United_States_Congress
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Treasury
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:Veazie_Bank_v._Fenno
- dbr:J._B._Lippincott_&_Co.
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_Ohio
- dbr:1860_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:1864_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:1868_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:1872_United_States_presidential_election
- dbc:American_people_of_English_descent
- dbr:Compromise_of_1850
- dbr:Constitution_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Cornish,_New_Hampshire
- dbr:Cornwall
- dbr:Mathew_Brady
- dbr:Salmon_P._Chase_Birthplace
- dbr:Salmon_P._Chase_College_of_Law
- dbr:1855_Ohio_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:1857_Ohio_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:1860_Republican_National_Convention
- dbr:Cincinnati
- dbr:Cincinnati,_Ohio
- dbr:Clement_Vallandigham
- dbr:Egbert_Ludovicus_Viele
- dbr:Episcopal_Church_(United_States)
- dbr:Free_Soil_Party
- dbr:Freemason
- dbr:Fugitive_Slave_Act_of_1793
- dbr:George_E._Pugh
- dbr:George_Henry_Williams
- dbr:Gideon_Welles
- dbr:Google_Books
- dbr:Montagu_Love
- dbr:Morrison_Waite
- dbr:The_New_York_Times
- dbr:Thomas_Corwin
- dbr:Thomas_Ewing
- dbr:Thomas_H._Ford
- dbc:Free_Soil_Party_United_States_senators
- dbc:Impeachment_trial_of_Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:Andrew_Johnson
- dbc:Republican_Party_United_States_senators_from_Ohio
- dbr:Liberal_Republican_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Liberty_Party_(United_States,_1840)
- dbr:Loveland,_Ohio
- dbr:Slaughter-House_Cases
- dbr:Slavery_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Fugitive_slaves_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Peace_Conference_of_1861
- dbr:Spring_Grove_Cemetery
- dbr:Bachelor_of_Arts
- dbc:1808_births
- dbc:19th-century_American_Episcopalians
- dbc:19th-century_American_judges
- dbc:19th-century_American_politicians
- dbc:American_people_of_Scottish_descent
- dbc:Dartmouth_College_alumni
- dbc:Ohio_Democrats
- dbr:CSS_Virginia
- dbc:Christian_abolitionists
- dbc:People_from_Loveland,_Ohio
- dbr:Tuck_School_of_Business
- dbr:Tulane_University_Law_School
- dbr:U.S._Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Sixth_Circuit
- dbr:Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Washington_Navy_Yard
- dbr:Whig_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:William_Allen_(governor)
- dbr:William_Dennison_Jr.
- dbr:William_H._Seward
- dbr:William_Lloyd_Garrison
- dbr:William_M._Evarts
- dbr:William_Medill
- dbr:William_P._Fessenden
- dbr:William_Wirt_(Attorney_General)
- dbr:Windsor,_Vermont
- dbr:Dissenting_opinion
- dbr:Large_denominations_of_United_States_currency
- dbr:Prison_reform
- dbr:Abolitionism_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:Alpha_Delta_Phi
- dbr:American_Civil_War
- dbr:Crêpe_(textile)
- dbr:Dartmouth_College
- dbr:Dudley_Chase
- dbr:Economic_history_of_the_United_States_Civil_War
- dbr:Falkirk
- dbr:Federal_Reserve
- dbr:Federal_government_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Fort_Monroe
- dbr:Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
- dbr:Banknote
- dbr:Bar_association
- dbr:Barnburners_and_Hunkers
- dbr:Norfolk,_Virginia
- dbr:Northern_Kentucky_University
- dbr:Oxford_University_Press
- dbc:Chase_Court
- dbr:Chase_family
- dbr:Cincinnati_riots_of_1836
- dbc:Ohio_Free_Soilers
- dbr:Governor_of_Ohio
- dbr:Demand_note
- dbr:John_Van_Zandt
- dbr:Joseph_Prosper_Ourdan
- dbr:File:CHASE,_Samuel_P-Treasury_(BEP_engraved_portrait).jpg
- dbr:Kansas–Nebraska_Act
- dbr:Legal_Tender_Cases
- dbr:Protectionism
- dbr:Radical_Republicans
- dbr:Harriet_Beecher_Stowe
- dbr:Harvard_Business_School
- dbr:Hepburn_v._Griswold
- dbr:Historical_Society_of_Pennsylvania
- dbr:JPMorgan_Chase
- dbr:James_G._Birney
- dbr:Jefferson_Davis
- dbr:Tennessee_Johnson
- dbr:Territories_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Texas_v._White
- dbc:Ohio_Liberal_Republicans
- dbr:USCGC_Chase_(WHEC-718)
- dbc:1873_deaths
- dbc:American_abolitionists
- dbc:Burials_at_Oak_Hill_Cemetery_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbc:Burials_at_Spring_Grove_Cemetery
- dbc:People_from_Columbus,_Ohio
- dbc:American_political_party_founders
- dbc:Candidates_in_the_1860_United_States_presidential_election
- dbc:Ohio_Republicans
- dbc:Ohio_Whigs
- dbc:People_of_Ohio_in_the_American_Civil_War
- dbc:Union_(American_Civil_War)_political_leaders
- dbc:United_States_federal_judges_appointed_by_Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:Chase_City,_Virginia
- dbr:Chase_County,_Kansas
- dbr:Chase_Manhattan_Bank
- dbr:Chase_National_Bank
- dbr:Chief_Justice_of_the_United_States
- dbc:United_States_Secretaries_of_the_Treasury
- dbr:John_Adams_Dix
- dbr:John_Curtiss_Underwood
- dbr:John_E._Wool
- dbr:Kate_Chase
- dbr:Lafayette,_Indiana
- dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Edwin_M._Stanton
- dbr:Jay_Cooke_&_Company
- dbr:Treason
- dbr:St._Paul_Episcopal_Cathedral,_Cincinnati
- dbr:District_of_Columbia
- dbr:Doris_Kearns_Goodwin
- dbr:Martin_Van_Buren
- dbr:Martin_Welker
- dbr:Phi_Beta_Kappa
- dbr:Philander_Chase
- dbr:Southern_United_States
- dbr:Impeachment_of_Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:Impeachment_trial_of_Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:In_God_We_Trust
- dbr:Know_Nothing
- dbr:Military_Order_of_the_Loyal_Legion_of_the_United_States
- dbr:New_Hampshire
- dbr:New_York_City
- dbr:Newbury,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Oak_Hill_Cemetery_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Ohio
- dbr:Origins_of_the_American_Civil_War
- dbr:Worthington,_Ohio
- dbr:Secession
- dbr:Secretary_of_the_Treasury
- dbr:New_Departure_(United_States)
- dbr:New_Hampshire_Route_12A
- dbr:Suffrage
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- dbr:File:US-$10000-GC-1934-Fr.2412.jpg
- dbr:The_Matilda_Case_(1837)
- dbr:Team_of_Rivals:_The_Political_Genius_of_Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:Semi-Colon_Club
- dbr:List_of_Governors_of_Ohio
- dbr:Nathaniel_Banks
- dbr:New_Hampshire_historical_marker
- dbr:Stephen_J._Field
- dbr:Roger_Taney
- dbr:Cincinnati_College
- dbr:U.S._Senator
- dbr:American_Sunday_School_Union
- dbr:Paper_currency
- dbr:14th_Amendment_to_the_U.S._Constitution
- dbr:Chief_justice_of_the_United_States
- dbr:JP_Morgan_Chase_&_Co.
- dbr:U.S._Court_of_Appeals_for_the_4th_Circuit
- dbr:File:CJ-SPC.jpg
- dbr:File:Coat_of_Arms_of_Salmon_P._Chase.svg
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- dbr:File:Chase_to_Pollock_1863-12-09_motto_only.png
- dbr:File:SalmonChaseGrave_-_cropped.jpg
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- Salmon Portland Chase (en)
- Cornish, New Hampshire, U.S. (en)
- Photograph by Mathew Brady, (en)
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- Salmon P Chase Signature.svg (en)
- Cursive signature in ink (en)
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- Eliza Ann Smith (en)
- Katherine Garmiss (en)
- Sarah Dunlop Ludlow (en)
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- 1855-03-03 (xsd:date)
- 1860-01-09 (xsd:date)
- 1861-03-06 (xsd:date)
- 1864-06-30 (xsd:date)
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- Articles and topics (en)
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- Salmon Portland Chase (13. leden 1808, Cornish, New Hampshire – 7. května 1873, New York, New York) byl americký soudce, právník a politik. (cs)
- Salmon Portland Chase (* 13. Januar 1808 in Cornish, Sullivan County, New Hampshire; † 7. Mai 1873 in New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und Jurist während des Sezessionskrieges. Er war Vorsitzender Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofes. Vorher war er Finanzminister unter Abraham Lincoln sowie zwischen 1856 und 1860 der 23. Gouverneur von Ohio. Chase war neben Levi Woodbury die bisher einzige Persönlichkeit, die sowohl der Legislative, der Exekutive als auch der Judikative angehörte und zudem auch Gouverneur war. (de)
- Salmon Portland Chase adalah hakim Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat. Ia mulai menjabat sebagai hakim pada mahkamah tersebut pada tanggal 15 Desember 1864. Masa baktinya sebagai hakim berakhir pada tanggal 7 Mai 1873. (in)
- Salmon Portland Chase (13 janvier 1808 - 7 mai 1873) était un homme politique et juriste américain à l'époque de la guerre de Sécession. Il fut sénateur des États-Unis pour l'État de l'Ohio puis gouverneur de cet État, secrétaire du Trésor du président Abraham Lincoln et, jusqu'à sa mort, président de la Cour suprême des États-Unis. C'est un abolitionniste convaincu. (fr)
- Salmon Portland Chase (Cornish, 13 gennaio 1808 – New York, 7 maggio 1873) è stato un politico e giurista statunitense. (it)
- サーモン・ポートランド・チェイス(英語: Salmon Portland Chase, 1808年1月13日 - 1873年5月7日)は、南北戦争時代のアメリカ合衆国の政治家および法律家。第23代オハイオ州知事を1856年から1860年まで務め、エイブラハム・リンカーン大統領の下で財務長官および最高裁長官を務めた。 (ja)
- Salmon Portland Chase (ur. 13 stycznia 1808 w Cornish, New Hampshire, zm. 7 maja 1873) – amerykański polityk okresu wojny secesyjnej, senator, prezes Sądu Najwyższego. Aktywny zwolennik zniesienia niewolnictwa. (pl)
- Salmon Portland Chase (13 de janeiro de 1808–7 de maio de 1873) foi governador de Ohio entre 1856 e 1860, Secretário do Tesouro dos Estados Unidos entre 1861 e 1864, e Chefe de Justiça dos Estados Unidos de 15 de dezembro de 1864 a 7 de maio de 1873. Chase foi, portanto, um dos poucos políticos norte-americanos que serviram em todos os três ramos do governo federal. (pt)
- Салмон (Сэмон) Портленд Чейз (англ. Salmon Portland Chase; 13 января 1808 — 7 мая 1873) — американский государственный деятель времён гражданской войны в США. Губернатор Огайо, позже сенатор от штата Огайо, Верховный судья США. Занимал должность министра финансов США при президенте Линкольне. Убеждённый противник рабства. Активно боролся с чрезмерным политическим влиянием богатых землевладельцев из южных штатов. (ru)
- سلمون بورتلاند تشيس (بالإنجليزية: Salmon P. Chase) (و. 13 يناير 1808 – 7 مايو 1873 م) هو سياسي، وقاضي من الولايات المتحدة. شغل منصب رئيس القضاة السادس للولايات المتحدة. كما شغل منصب الحاكم الثالث والعشرين لولاية أوهايو، ومثل ولايته في مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي، وشغل منصب وزير الخزانة الأمريكي الخامس والعشرين. (ar)
- Salmon Portland Chase (13 de enero de 1808 - 7 de mayo de 1873) fue un político y jurista estadounidense, sexto Presidente de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos de 1864 a 1873. Durante su carrera, Chase fue el 23.º de y Senador por Ohio EE.UU. antes de su servicio con Abraham Lincoln como el 25º Secretario del Tesoro. (es)
- Salmon Portland Chase (January 13, 1808 – May 7, 1873) was an American politician and jurist who served as the sixth chief justice of the United States. He also served as the 23rd governor of Ohio, represented Ohio in the United States Senate, and served as the 25th United States Secretary of the Treasury. Chase is therefore one of the few American politicians who have served in all three branches of the federal government. (en)
- 새먼 포틀랜드 체이스(Salmon Portland Chase, 1808년 1월 13일 ~ 1873년 5월 7일)는 미국의 정치인이자 연방 대법원장으로 연방 상원과 제23대 오하이오주지사, 그리고 남북 전쟁 동안 제25대 재무장관 (1861년 ~ 1864년)을 지냈다. 견고한 노예제 폐지론자인 체이스는 변호사로서 자신의 초기 경력을 보냈고, 자신이 빈번하게 도망 흑인들을 방어한 것으로 "도망 노예들을 위한 검찰총장"으로 알려지게 되었다. 1849년부터 1855년까지 상원에서 오하이오주를 대표한 후, 체이스는 1855년부터 1859년까지 주지사를 지내러 갔다. 그는 에이브러햄 링컨 대통령의 재무장관으로 지내기 전에 1860년 공화당 대통령 후보 지명을 위하여 실패한 입찰을 이루었다. 체이스는 남북 전쟁이 일어난 동안 재정을 관리하는 책임을 가졌고 국내 은행 제도를 설립하고 지폐 통화를 발행하는 것에 주요 수단이었다. 체이스는 1864년 6월 재무장관직을 사임하고 그해 후순에 미국 대법원의 연방 대법원장으로 임명되었다. 그는 65세의 나이에 1873년 사망할 때까지 이 직위에 지냈다. (ko)
- Salmon Portland Chase (Cornish (New Hampshire), 13 januari 1808 - New York, 7 mei 1873) was een Amerikaans jurist en politicus die als minister van Financiën onder president Abraham Lincoln diende en van 1864 tot aan zijn dood in 1873 Opperrechter (Chief Justice) was aan het Amerikaans Hooggerechtshof, het Supreme Court. Op 7 mei 1873 overleed Chase in New York. Als eerbetoon voor zijn werk als minister van Financiën tijdens de Burgeroorlog siert zijn portret het biljet van $10.000 dat in de eerste helft van de 20e eeuw uitgegeven werd. (nl)
- Salmon Portland Chase, född 13 januari 1808 i Cornish, New Hampshire, död 7 maj 1873 i New York, New York, var en amerikansk jurist och politiker. Chase var först advokat i Ohio, där han blev känd som framgångsrik försvarare av förrymda slavar. Han deltog från 1836 i den abolitionistiska rörelsen. 1848 var han en av upphovsmännen till "Freesoilparty". Han var senator för Ohio 1849-1855 samt 1861, guvernör i Ohio 1856-1860, finansminister under president Abraham Lincoln 1861-1864. Hans samarbete med Lincoln var ej det bästa, och när Chase 1864 lät nominera sig till presidentkandidat, fick han inlämna sin avskedsansökan och blev chefsdomare i högsta domstolen från 1864 fram till sin död. (sv)
- 萨蒙·波特兰·蔡斯(Salmon Portland Chase,1808年1月13日 - 1873年5月7日),是美国政治家和法学家,曾任美国参议院议员(1849年-1855年)、第23任(1856年-1860年)、第25任美国财政部长(1861年-1864年)和美国第6任首席大法官(1864年-1873年)。 蔡斯出生在新罕布什尔州的科尼什,在辛辛那提建立法律事务所之前,他在司法部长威廉·沃特的指导下学习法律。他成为一名反奴隶制活动人士,经常在法庭上为逃亡黑奴辩护。1841年,蔡斯离开辉格党,成为俄亥俄州自由党的领袖。1848年,他帮助建立了自由土地党,并聘请前总统马丁·范布伦担任该党的总统候选人。蔡斯第二年赢得了参议院的选举,他反对1850年妥协案和堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案。在堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案之后,蔡斯与一群前辉格党党员、北方民主党人、以及奴隶解放运动者建立了共和党,反对将奴隶制扩展到领土。离开参议院后,蔡斯于1856年至1860年担任俄亥俄州州长。 蔡斯于1864年担任首席大法官,直至1873年去世。在期间,他主持了参议院对安德鲁·约翰逊总统的弹劾。1868年,他成功地获得了的提名,1872年又获得了的提名。 (zh)
- Salmon P. Chase (en)
- سلمون بورتلاند تشيس (ar)
- Salmon P. Chase (cs)
- Salmon P. Chase (de)
- Salmon P. Chase (es)
- Salmon Portland Chase (in)
- Salmon Portland Chase (it)
- Salmon P. Chase (fr)
- サーモン・チェイス (ja)
- 새먼 P. 체이스 (ko)
- Salmon Chase (nl)
- Salmon Chase (pl)
- Salmon P. Chase (pt)
- Чейз, Салмон Портленд (ru)
- Salmon P. Chase (sv)
- 萨蒙·波特兰·蔡斯 (zh)
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- dbr:Camp_Chase
- dbr:Camp_Chase_Trail
- dbr:Camp_Dick_Robinson
- dbr:Campbell_General_Hospital
- dbr:Cannelton_Cotton_Mill
- dbr:American_Missionary_Association
- dbr:Amy_Coney_Barrett_Supreme_Court_nomination
- dbr:Beatrix_Hoyt
- dbr:Presidency_of_Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:Presidency_of_Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:Presidency_of_James_Buchanan
- dbr:Presidency_of_Ulysses_S._Grant
- dbr:Presidential_transition_of_Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:Prohibition_Party
- dbr:Prospect_Park,_Pennsylvania
- dbr:Roeliff_Brinkerhoff
- dbr:Roger_B._Taney
- dbr:Roscoe_Conkling
- dbr:Royalton,_Vermont
- dbr:Rufus_King_(lawyer)
- dbr:Samuel_C._Pomeroy
- dbr:Samuel_Edmund_Sewall
- dbr:Samuel_Freeman_Miller
- dbr:Samuel_M._Bay
- dbr:Samuel_Nelson
- dbr:Saving_Lincoln
- dbr:Enterprise_(balloon)
- dbr:List_of_U.S._county_name_etymologies_(A–D)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_political_families_(C)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_31st_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_32nd_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_33rd_Congress
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_in_the_37th_Congress
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Cincinnati_people
- dbr:List_of_abolitionists
- dbr:List_of_burial_places_of_justices_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_companies_named_after_people
- dbr:List_of_efforts_to_impeach_presidents_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_former_United_States_senators
- dbr:Morrill_Tariff
- dbr:Justice_Chase
- dbr:Battle_of_Cockle_Creek
- dbr:Battle_of_Fort_Pillow
- dbr:Battle_of_Gettysburg
- dbr:Benjamin_Flanders
- dbr:Benjamin_Robbins_Curtis
- dbr:Benjamin_Wade
- dbr:Birthright_citizenship_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Bixby_letter
- dbr:Demand_Note
- dbr:Appeal_of_the_Independent_Democrats
- dbr:History_of_the_Republican_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Homer_V._M._Miller
- dbr:Horatio_N._Smith
- dbr:Horatio_Seymour
- dbr:Horatio_Seymour_1868_presidential_campaign
- dbr:Hugh_McCulloch
- dbr:John_P._Hale
- dbr:John_R._French
- dbr:John_Sherman
- dbr:John_Thompson_(American_banker)
- dbr:Jones_v._Van_Zandt
- dbr:Joseph_Rockwell_Swan_(politician)
- dbr:Josh_Stamberg
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_100
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_101
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_102
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_103
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_104
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_105
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_106
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_107
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_108
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_109
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_110
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_111
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_112
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_113
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_114
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_115
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_116
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_117
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_118
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_119
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_120
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_121
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_122
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_123
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_124
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_125
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_126
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_154
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_69
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_70
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_71
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_72
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_73
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_74
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_75
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_76
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_77
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_78
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_79
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_80
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_81
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_82
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_83
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_84
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_85
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_86
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_87
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_88
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_89
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_90
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_91
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_92
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_93
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_94
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_95
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_96
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_97
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_98
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_99
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases_by_the_Chase_Court
- dbr:List_of_United_States_senators_from_Ohio
- dbr:List_of_justices_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_justices_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States_by_court_composition
- dbr:List_of_justices_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States_by_seat
- dbr:List_of_law_schools_attended_by_United_States_Supreme_Court_justices
- dbr:Pawtuxet-class_cutter
- dbr:Peninsula_campaign
- dbr:Robert_B._Warden
- dbr:Robert_Dale_Owen
- dbr:USS_Mail
- dbr:USS_New_National_(1862)
- dbr:Ulysses_S._Grant
- dbr:Union_(American_Civil_War)
- dbr:Union_Army_Balloon_Corps
- dbr:United_States_Assay_Commission
- dbr:United_States_Declaration_of_Independence
- dbr:United_States_Military_Railroad
- dbr:United_States_Revenue_Cutter_Service
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Treasury
- dbr:United_States_presidential_inauguration
- dbr:United_States_ten-dollar_bill
- dbr:Veazie_Bank_v._Fenno
- dbr:Virginia_v._West_Virginia
- dbr:Death_and_state_funeral_of_Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg
- dbr:Deaths_of_United_States_federal_judges_in_active_service
- dbr:Donn_Piatt
- dbr:Index_of_New_Hampshire–related_articles
- dbr:Interest_bearing_note
- dbr:J._Richard_Chase
- dbr:John_Alfred_Foot
- dbr:Lincoln_(novel)
- dbr:List_of_governors_of_Ohio
- dbr:List_of_party_switchers_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_people_from_New_Hampshire
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Ohio
- dbr:List_of_people_on_United_States_banknotes
- dbr:List_of_people_on_banknotes_that_are_no_longer_in_circulation
- dbr:List_of_people_who_have_served_in_all_..._the_United_States_federal_government
- dbr:Stoopnagle_and_Budd
- dbr:Oath_of_office_of_the_president_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Presidency_of_Franklin_Pierce
- dbr:Public_Credit_Act_of_1869
- dbr:Series_of_1928_(United_States_Currency)
- dbr:Timeline_of_events_leading_to_the_American_Civil_War
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_impeachment_of_Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:William_M._Dickson
- dbr:10,000
- dbr:1848_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:1848–49_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:1854–55_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:1860_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:1860–61_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:1864_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:1868_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:1872_United_States_presidential_election
- dbr:Commodore_Nutt
- dbr:Compromise_of_1850
- dbr:Constitution_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Cornish,_New_Hampshire
- dbr:Salmon_P._Chase_Birthplace
- dbr:Salmon_P._Chase_College_of_Law
- dbr:Chiefly_About_War_Matters
- dbr:Elizabeth_Wirt
- dbr:George_Burr_Richardson
- dbr:Unsuccessful_nominations_to_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States
- dbr:1808
- dbr:1808_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1848_Free_Soil_&_Liberty_national_conventions
- dbr:1856_Republican_National_Convention
- dbr:1856_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1857_Ohio_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:1857_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1858_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1859_Ohio_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:1859_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1860_Republican_National_Convention
- dbr:1860_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1864_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1865_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1866_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1867_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1868_Democratic_National_Convention
- dbr:1868_Republican_National_Convention
- dbr:1868_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1869_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1870_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1871_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1872_Liberal_Republican_convention
- dbr:1872_Prohibition_National_Convention
- dbr:1872_in_the_United_States
- dbr:1873
- dbr:1873_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Christopher_Wolcott
- dbr:Clement_Vallandigham
- dbr:Coat_of_arms_of_Brown_University
- dbr:Alexander_Hamilton_McGuffey
- dbr:Edward_B._Judson
- dbr:Edward_Bates
- dbr:Edward_M._Yerger
- dbr:Edward_W._Hooper
- dbr:Emancipation_Proclamation
- dbr:Franklin_Pierce
- dbr:Frederick_Ferris_Thompson
- dbr:Free_Soil_Party
- dbr:Gadsden_Purchase
- dbr:George_B._McClellan
- dbr:George_Chahoon
- dbr:George_E._Pugh
- dbr:George_Hoadly
- dbr:George_Mitchell_Russum
- dbr:George_S._Boutwell
- dbr:George_Washington_Julian
- dbr:Gideon_Welles
- dbr:Mitchelville
- dbr:Montgomery_Blair
- dbr:Morrison_Waite
- dbr:Contraction_Act_of_1866
- dbr:Criminal_law_in_the_Chase_Court
- dbr:The_Mansion_House_(Robbinston,_Maine)
- dbr:The_Real_Lincoln
- dbr:These_Are_My_Jewels
- dbr:Thomas_Corwin
- dbr:Thomas_Ewing
- dbr:Thomas_Gholson_Jr.
- dbr:Thomas_H._Ford
- dbr:Thomas_J._Latham
- dbr:Thomas_Kilby_Smith
- dbr:Thomas_Morris_(Ohio_politician)
- dbr:Martin_Flint
- dbr:Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:Anna_Augusta_Truitt
- dbr:Anson_Phelps_Stokes_(philanthropist)
- dbr:Levi_Woodbury
- dbr:Lewis_Woodson
- dbr:Liberal_Republican_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Liberty_Head_double_eagle
- dbr:Liberty_Party_(United_States,_1840)
- dbr:Lily_Irene_Jackson
- dbr:Loveland,_Ohio
- dbr:Lucius_E._Chittenden
- dbr:Lucy_Stone
- dbr:Main_and_Third_Street_Cluster
- dbr:Simon_Cameron
- dbr:Stanley_Matthews_(judge)
- dbr:Stephen_S._Harding
- dbr:Zeta_Psi
- dbr:Federal_Reserve_Note
- dbr:Francis_D._Kimball
- dbr:Franklin_Simmons
- dbr:Harrison_H._Dodd
- dbr:Rankin_Barbee
- dbr:Peace_Conference_of_1861
- dbr:Spring_Grove_Cemetery
- dbr:William_Marshall_Swayne
- dbr:Austin_Corbin
- dbr:Baltimore_and_Ohio_Railroad
- dbr:Three-cent_silver
- dbr:Thurlow_Weed
- dbr:Timothy_Walker_(judge)
- dbr:Trent_Affair
- dbr:Tuck_School_of_Business
- dbr:Two-cent_piece_(United_States)
- dbr:USRC_Naugatuck
- dbr:USRC_Salmon_P._Chase_(1878)
- dbr:USRC_Wayanda
- dbr:USS_Baltimore_(1861)
- dbr:Waite_Court
- dbr:Walt_Whitman
- dbr:Wilberforce_University
- dbr:Willard_v._Tayloe
- dbr:William_"Bull"_Nelson
- dbr:William_Allen_(governor)
- dbr:William_Blackstone_Hubbard
- dbr:William_Dennison_Jr.
- dbr:William_F._Turner
- dbr:William_H._Seward
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