About the SafetyNet Attestation API deprecation

Google recently announced the Play Integrity API that consolidates multiple integrity offerings (including the SafetyNet Attestation integrity verdict) under a single API.

We plan to gradually turn down the SafetyNet Attestation API starting in January 2024. We have extended the timeline to give you enough time to migrate to the new Play Integrity API and avoid disruptions to your business.

The Play Integrity API includes all the integrity signals that SafetyNet Attestation offers and more, like Google Play user license and better error messaging. The new API is designed in a future-forward way so that you can easily get new features with little build time required to upgrade.

SafetyNet Attestation deprecation timeline

Dates Milestone What does it mean for you?
June 2022 Announcement You should start integrating with the Play Integrity API as soon as you can. In the meantime, SafetyNet Attestation will continue to work for your app.
November 2022 Deprecation information field The `deprecationInformation` field is added to the SafetyNet Attestation response. It contains information for developers about the deprecation.
January 2023 New developer onboarding ends New users are no longer able to sign up for the SafetyNet Attestation API after January 31, 2023. This includes new developers signing up through SDKs.
End of January 2024 Migration deadline (timeline extended) If you have migrated to the Play Integrity API, SafetyNet Attestation will continue to work on the former versions of your app. You can still detect risky interactions with the previous versions of your app. If you have not migrated, SafetyNet Attestation will no longer work for your app (including the previous versions) and return an error. We will consider that you have migrated if your app calls the Play Integrity API in production.
End of January 2025 Full turndown (timeline extended) SafetyNet Attestation will no longer work for any version of your app. Your app will receive an error.

Setting up your app to use the Play Integrity API

We recommend that you migrate to the Play Integrity API during the first year of the deprecation timeline to avoid any disruptions in detecting risky interactions with your app and fighting abuse.

The two APIs are conceptually similar, so if you’ve already defined your anti-abuse strategy and you’re already using SafetyNet Attestation, the migration is straightforward. You can follow the migration guide and start to set up the Play Integrity API via your Play Console now.

If you are not distributing your app through Google Play, you can still use the Play Integrity API from the Google Cloud Console without creating a Play developer account or publishing a release in Google Play Console by following these steps.

Deprecation information field

The SafetyNet Attestation team added a new field deprecationInformation to the SafetyNet Attestation response. The field contains information about the deprecation to make developers aware to migrate to the new Play Integrity API. It also contains information about the migration status of your app. For apps that have migrated, it will say "The app is allowlisted to use the SafetyNet Attestation API until the full turndown".

Full turndown

The full turndown of the SafetyNet Attestation API will happen gradually starting January 31, 2025. The task returned by the attest API will always invoke the on failure listener with an ApiException. The value of the status code will be 7 (NETWORK_ERROR). Developers who have released app versions that use the Play Integrity API should instruct users to update their app.

Getting help and sharing feedback

We are here to ensure you have a smooth migration. If you have any issues or questions, please visit the Play Console Help Center.

We also want to hear your thoughts about building better integrity services, so please share feature requests and feedback in your Play Console. To do this, click the question icon at the upper right corner of Play Console then click “Send feedback” in the drop down menu.

Receive responses until the full turndown

If you have not yet migrated to Play Integrity API or removed SafetyNet Attestation by the migration deadline (January 31, 2024), you can complete this form to request an extension. If approved for an extension, your app will continue receiving responses from SafetyNet Attestation until the full turndown deadline (January 31, 2025).