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BibTeX (EnvirVis13)
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Visual Analytics of the Hydrodynamic Flux for Coastal Flooding Prediction and Management}},
author = {
George, R. L. S. F.
Robins, P.
Davies, A. G.
Roberts, J. C.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
BlendGIS: An Open Source tool for 3d and 4d visualization of ecology related spatial data}},
author = {
Eligehausen, J.
Riecken, L.
Borchardt, D.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Using K-Means Clustering for a Spatial Analysis of Multivariate and Time-Varying Microclimate Data}},
author = {
Häb, Kathrin
Middel, Ariane
Hagen, Hans
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
3D Visualization of Atmospheric Data for Analytical Approaches}},
author = {
Helbig, C.
Rink, K.
Bauer, H.-S.
Wulfmeyer, V.
Frank, M.
Kolditz, O.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Visualisation design for representing bird migration tracks in time and space}},
author = {
Kölzsch, A.
Slingsby, A.
Wood, J.
Nolet, B.A.
Dykes, J.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Environmental Visualization: Applications to Site Characterization, Remedial Programs, and Litigation Support}},
author = {
Ling, Meng
Chen, Jian
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Rapid Sketch-based 3D Modeling of Geology}},
author = {
Lidal, E. M.
Patel, D.
Bendiksen, M.
Langeland, T.
Viola, I.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Visualization of Urban Micro-Climate Simulations}},
author = {
Röber, Niklas
Salim, Mohamed
Gierisch, Andrea
Böttinger, Michael
Schlünzen, Heinke
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Rendering Technique of Multi-layered Domain Boundaries and its Application to Fluid Flow in Porous Media Visualizations}},
author = {
Naumov, D.
Bilke, L.
Kolditz, O.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Visualisation Strategies for Modelling and Simulation Using Geoscientific Data}},
author = {
Rink, K.
Bilke, L.
O. Kolditz
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Visual Analytics for Exploring Changes in Biodiversity}},
author = {
Slingsby, A.
Loon, E. van
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
MO2GEO - a Small Tool for Registration and Visualization of Geological Data}},
author = {
Schimpf, L.
Gossel, W.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Determining and Visualizing Potential Sources of Floods}},
author = {
Schlegel, S.
Böttinger, M.
Hlawitschka, M.
Scheuermann, G.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
}, title = {{
Visualizing Saline Intrusion in a Three-Dimensional, Heterogeneous, Coastal Aquifer}},
author = {
Walther, M.
Bilke, L.
Delfs, J.-O.
Graf, T.
Grundmann, J.
Kolditz, O.
Liedl, R.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905674-54-5},
DOI = {


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 14 of 14
  • Item
    Visual Analytics of the Hydrodynamic Flux for Coastal Flooding Prediction and Management
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) George, R. L. S. F.; Robins, P.; Davies, A. G.; Roberts, J. C.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    Fifty percent of the earth's population lives within 60 kms of the shoreline. So preventing or mitigating against coastal or estuary flooding is important, especially because of the predicted sea level rise from climate change. A key calculation in simulating flooding over an estuary is hydrodynamic flux, but typically this is complex and tedious to compute and not easily undertaken with traditional visualization and analytical tools. We present a transect profiler and flux calculation algorithm which permits rapid, iterative exploration and comparison of the derived data. This profiler has been implemented and integrated in our multiple view visual analytics system VINCA.
  • Item
    BlendGIS: An Open Source tool for 3d and 4d visualization of ecology related spatial data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Eligehausen, J.; Riecken, L.; Borchardt, D.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    We developed a plugin for the open source modelling, animation and rendering software Blender to import and visualize ecology related spatial data created with the open source GIS QuantumGIS in 3d and 4d. The main goal is on the one hand side to provide a tool that helps to increase the social acceptance in obligatory public participation processes for public funded ecosystem restoration measures and research programms. And on the other hand side to provide a toolkit for visualization of ecological data that also satisfies the scientific needs. We successfully used it in two case studies concerning stream ecology.
  • Item
    Using K-Means Clustering for a Spatial Analysis of Multivariate and Time-Varying Microclimate Data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Häb, Kathrin; Middel, Ariane; Hagen, Hans; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    In this study, we propose a k-means clustering algorithm combined with glyph-based encoding method to analyze the spatial distribution and dependence of multivariate, time-varying 3D microclimate data. We obtained five climate variables, i.e. air and surface temperature, specific humidity, direct shortwave radiation and sensible heat flux, from an ENVI-met R simulation of a residential neighborhood in Phoenix, AZ. In a preprocessing step, we aggregated the 3D gridded simulation data by adding up value differences between two consecutive time steps for each grid cell over the entire simulation time to get a highly compressed view of the data without losing the spatial context. K-means clustering was then conducted in coordinate space by weighting each grid cell based on its difference to the spatial mean of temporal value differences. To reduce occlusion and to encode additional cluster member information, the visualization focused on the k-means cluster centroids. Resulting images show that the applied technique is suitable to provide a first insight into the spatial relationship of features based on their temporal variability.
  • Item
    3D Visualization of Atmospheric Data for Analytical Approaches
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Helbig, C.; Rink, K.; Bauer, H.-S.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Frank, M.; Kolditz, O.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    In the future, climate change will strongly influence our environment and living conditions. Climate simulations that evaluate these changes produce huge data sets. The combination of various variables of the model with spatial data from different sources helps to identify correlations and to study key processes. We visualized results of the WRF model for two regions. For this purpose, we selected visualization methods based on specific research questions and combined these variables in a visual way. These visualizations can be displayed on a PC or in a virtual reality environment and are the basis for scientific communication for evaluating models and discussing the data of the research results.
  • Item
    Visualisation design for representing bird migration tracks in time and space
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Kölzsch, A.; Slingsby, A.; Wood, J.; Nolet, B.A.; Dykes, J.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    As increasing numbers of high quality data sets on bird migration become available, systematic means of designing ways of visualising them are needed. In a collaborative study of visualisation scientists and animal ecologists we specify a framework to describe design possibilities. We use this framework to generate visualisation designs that integrate time, space and context in a case study using white-fronted goose migration tracks. Developed visualisation designs were regarded as useful for migration ecology and work to improve them for easy usage in the future is ongoing.
  • Item
    Environmental Visualization: Applications to Site Characterization, Remedial Programs, and Litigation Support
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Ling, Meng; Chen, Jian; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    This paper introduces the application of the visualization technology in the USA environmental consulting industry for site characterization, remedial programs, and litigation support. As a tool visualization allows environmental data that is three-dimensional and transient in nature to be accurately documented, efficiently represented, and ef- fectively communicated to both professionals and the general public. Maximized understanding through enhanced visual perception increases the chance of success in handling complex environmental problems. The key functions, accessibility, and general areas of application of the visualization technology are described and demonstrated with case studies.
  • Item
    Rapid Sketch-based 3D Modeling of Geology
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Lidal, E. M.; Patel, D.; Bendiksen, M.; Langeland, T.; Viola, I.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    We present and compare two different approaches for performing rapid 3D geological modeling. The ad-hoc approach is based on a composition of many specialized modeling functions, while the generic approach provides one powerful, generic modeling function. Our experiences after developing these two approaches are that the solution space of 3D geological modeling is more extensive than we initially expected and most likely larger than for other modeling domains such as architecture. Further, more research is needed to investigate whether it is possible to find one well defined toolset of sketching metaphors that is able to cover all of geological modeling.
  • Item
    Visualization of Urban Micro-Climate Simulations
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Röber, Niklas; Salim, Mohamed; Gierisch, Andrea; Böttinger, Michael; Schlünzen, Heinke; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    Climate simulations range from projections with global coupled models of the earth system down to simulations of small scale phenomena, and can cover time scales between seconds up to thousands of years. This work focusses on urban climate simulations and discusses best practices for the visualization and analysis of such data sets. For this task, only state-of-the-art visualization techniques are used, which are available in most visualization packages. The goals for these visualizations are investigative, as well as for communication and presentation purposes.
  • Item
    Rendering Technique of Multi-layered Domain Boundaries and its Application to Fluid Flow in Porous Media Visualizations
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Naumov, D.; Bilke, L.; Kolditz, O.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    Current visualization techniques for computational fluid dynamics applications are sofisticated and work well in simple geometries. For complex geometries like pore spaces, multiple domain boundaries are obstructing the view and make the studying of fluid flow fields difficult. To overcome these deficiencies we use two-sided materials to render the domain boundaries. Using this technique it is possible to place the camera inside the domain and to have a non-obstructed view on the surrounding flow field without losing spatial reference to the domain boundaries. As a result a larger part of fluid flow visualization is visible. Two-sided material rendering was successfully applied to display still images with Blender Cycles renderer and in a virtual reality environment.
  • Item
    Visualisation Strategies for Modelling and Simulation Using Geoscientific Data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Rink, K.; Bilke, L.; O. Kolditz; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    We present a number of strategies to visualise a wide range of geoscientific data for the modelling of natural phenomena. Input data sets as well as simulation results of hydrological or thermal processes can be assessed and potential problems when incorporating data sets in a model can be detected and resolved. Algorithms for the demonstration of modelling case studies within specialised environments are presented and examples are given for a region in central Germany.
  • Item
    Visual Analytics for Exploring Changes in Biodiversity
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Slingsby, A.; Loon, E. van; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    We report on ongoing work in which we are designing a visual interface to a large database of species observation data. Our design allows the data to be explored and visually summarised by space, time and species, helping assess the data's suitability for helping answer questions about biodiversity. Key issues we are addressing include working with large datasets, dealing with varying spatial and temporal precisions and dealing with different qualities of data collection and sampling strategies. Our visual interface design is being informed by a set of research questions and a planned user-centred workshop.
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    MO2GEO - a Small Tool for Registration and Visualization of Geological Data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Schimpf, L.; Gossel, W.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    Geological data have to be registered according to country-specific standards and visualized in 3D tools. Both topics are addressed by the tool MO2GEO, which is flexible enough to allow the insertion of common national geological standards (UK, Germany, US). Borehole graphics and cross-section development are available, and the database extended by these data allows for an improved interpolation compared to borehole data only. The visualization of the pseudo-3D volumes shows not only the connected surfaces of geological layers but also virtual cross sections and boreholes at any defined points or lines inside the area. The tool MO2GEO is OpenSource and can therefore be used in schools as well.
  • Item
    Determining and Visualizing Potential Sources of Floods
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Schlegel, S.; Böttinger, M.; Hlawitschka, M.; Scheuermann, G.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    In this paper, we visually analyze spatio-temporal patterns of different hydrologic parameters relevant for flooding. On the basis of data from climate simulations with a high resolution regional atmosphere model, several extreme events are selected for different river catchments in Germany. By visually comparing the spatial distribution of the main contributions to the run-off along with their temporal evolution for a time period in the 20th and the 21th century, impacts of climate change on the hydrological cycle can be identified.
  • Item
    Visualizing Saline Intrusion in a Three-Dimensional, Heterogeneous, Coastal Aquifer
    (The Eurographics Association, 2013) Walther, M.; Bilke, L.; Delfs, J.-O.; Graf, T.; Grundmann, J.; Kolditz, O.; Liedl, R.; O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann
    We visualize remediation scenarios for a coastal aquifer in Oman, where the natural fresh-saltwater interface is negatively affected by groundwater pumping for irrigation. The 3D aquifer is characterized by strong heterogeneities ranging from local to regional scale, which impose visual challenges in the interpretation of large data amounts. This paper addresses the visualization workflow, which helped to ensure correct model setup and successful calibration of a transient model run. The modelling and visualization exercise identified sensitive areas for salinization along the coast and assessed the impact of remediation measures on the groundwater reservoir in space and time. Proper visualization helped to interpret and illustrate the complex results adequately, and to transfer scientific information to stakeholders.