Causal network inference from gene transcriptional time-series response to glucocorticoids
Fig 3
Causal network inferred from glucocorticoid receptor data.
A) Causal network clustered by gene type. Edge color indicates the type of the causal gene: red edge indicates an immune causal edge, blue edge indicates a metabolic causal edge, purple edge (both) indicates an immune and metabolic causal edge, and tan edge indicates a neither immune nor metabolic other causal edge. B) Significance thresholding for edges, based on the null distribution of selection frequencies. C) Out-degree distribution of network. For clarity, several high out-degree values with low frequencies are not shown. D) In-degree distribution of network. E) Quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot of in-degree distribution against normal quantiles. The in-degrees have a heavier left tail and lighter right tail than the normal distribution. F) Enrichment of gene classes among network causal genes, measured by odds ratio. G) Enrichment of edge classes among network edges, measured by odds ratio. See also S6 Table.