Spiritual Art: Evoking the Numinous using a 3D Computer Game Engine

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The Eurographics Association
The Seven Valleys is an interactive 3D installation based artwork inspired by mystical writings of the Bahá'í Faith. Created as a modification of the first-person shooter Unreal Tournament 2003 it subverts the original paradigm of the game to create an experience of the numinous, which in spirit, is diametrically opposed to the original intent of the gameplay design. This artwork presents an exploration of, and allusion to, the often subtle and illusive concepts found in the sacred treatise The Seven Valleys in which the user engages in an experiential journey through the work. The user is faced with conditions and situations that provide motivation to question, explore and attempt to fathom the abstract sense of the numinous. Each of The Seven Valleys contains its own individual mysteries while at the same time contributing its part to the telling of a collective story. This paper describes the artwork, its inspiration and the key elements and symbols appearing throughout the work.

, booktitle = {
Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging
}, editor = {
Douglas W. Cunningham and Gary Meyer and Laszlo Neumann
}, title = {{
Spiritual Art: Evoking the Numinous using a 3D Computer Game Engine
}}, author = {
Nelson, Chris L.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISSN = {
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }