Portal:Current events/November 2012

November 2012 was the eleventh month of that leap year. The month, which began on a Thursday, ended on a Friday after 30 days.

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from November 2012.

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Dozens of young men are shot dead by the military in Maiduguri, Nigeria, according to residents of the city. (BBC)

Arts and culture

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents
  • Lirak Bejko, the Albanian former political prisoner who set himself on fire in protest at delays in government compensation for communist-era dissidents, is dead. (BBC)
  • The New York City Marathon is canceled due to the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Sandy. (RTE)

Armed conflicts and attacks

Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Syrian civil war:
    • Syrian opposition groups hold a meeting in Doha, Qatar, to discuss reforming the structure of the group, a few days after a War Crime investigation commenced at the UN. (BBC)
    • Rebels capture a strategic oilfield in eastern Deir ez-Zor Governorate. (BBC)
  • A car bomb detonates in Şemdinli, Turkey, killing 1 and injuring 12. The attack is blamed on Kurdish rebels. (Reuters)
  • A policeman is killed and 11 others are injured in a grenade attack on a church in the Kenyan town of Garissa near the border with Somalia. (BBC)

Arts and culture



Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections


Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents
  • Seventeen Turkish soldiers are killed in a helicopter crash on Herekol mountain in the Pervari area of Siirt province. The crash occurred due to bad weather conditions. (Reuters)
  • A married couple is presumed dead, seven are hospitalized, and five houses are completely destroyed (at least 27 were damaged and up to 81 were affected) in a massive explosion in the Richmond Hill neighborhood of the far southside of Indianapolis. A faulty furnace or gas leak is suspected. The blast, with an affected area of several blocks, was so large it registered on IUPUI earthquake detectors and was felt for several miles. (Indianapolis Star)

Law and crime


Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture

Law and crime




Armed conflicts and attacks

Politics and elections

Science and technology

  • Scott Routley, a 39-year-old Canadian man, makes medical history by becoming the first person believed to have been in a vegetative state to tell scientists that he is not in any pain. The discovery requires the rewriting of medical textbooks. (BBC)
Armed conflicts and attacks

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and Economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

  • Bal Thackeray, the founder and chief of shivsena died on 17 November as a consequence of a cardiac arrest.

Law and crime
Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

International relations

Law and crime
  • In the Netherlands a 45-year-old man is arrested following a DNA profiling match in connection with a high-profile rape and murder case of a sixteen-year-old girl on May 1, 1999. (DutchNews)
  • U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Drain orders the baker's union and Hostess Brands to negotiate through mediation, which was skipped when the company gave its ultimatum to shut down and release its employees and the strike continued. This halts the shutdown process and the moves by other companies to acquire it, for now. (Peoria Journal Star)
  • Indianapolis and Indiana state homeland security and police authorities now say that the $4.4 million explosion in Richmond Hill neighborhood may not be due to gas or a faulty furnace, but may somehow have been an intentional criminal homicide; they are seeking a white van that was seen in that subdivision the day of the blast with a $10,000 reward. (MSN) (The Indianapolis Star)

Politics and elections

Science and technology
Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture
  • Sesame Street puppeteer Kevin Clash, known for being the voice of Elmo, resigns after a second accuser files a complaint that Clash had underage sexual relations with him. (BBC)

Business and economy

Law and crime

Politics and elections


Science and technology
Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime


Politics and elections

Science and technology

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections
  • Opposition leaders in Egypt call for large protests after President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi passed a decree giving himself sweeping new powers. Protests for and against his decision are taking place in Cairo, and violence has occurred throughout Egypt. (BBC) (RT)

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Business and economy
  • Around 10,000 people demonstrate against austerity in Dublin amid calls for a general strike to shut the country down. (BBC)
  • Retail analysis says more Americans went out to shop (as opposed to shopping online) on Black Friday, 23 November. However, total sales decreased 1.8% from the previous Black Friday. (CNN)

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime


Politics and elections

Armed attacks and conflicts

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed attacks and conflicts

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

Armed attacks and conflicts

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

  • The UK government is to create a new wave of universities both in the private and public sector, the first new universities in the country for two decades. (BBC)

International relations


Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed attacks and conflicts
  • More than 200 people are wounded in a second day of clashes between Tunisian security forces and thousands of protesters in Siliana, Tunisia. (BBC) (Al Arabiya)

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime
  • British student Richard O'Dwyer reaches an agreement with authorities in the United States to avoid being extradited from the United Kingdom to stand trial over infringement of U.S. copyright laws over his TVShack website which hosted links to pirated films and television shows. (BBC)
  • Zachary Holly, 28, of Bentonville, Arkansas, is charged with the rape and capital murder of his nextdoor neighbor, 6-year-old Jersey Bridgeman, whom he was babysitting. (NBC News)
  • No violent crime is reported in New York City for an entire day, 26 November, the first time in recent memory. (BBC) (Reuters)


Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents
  • Train services in the Channel Tunnel are suspended after a freight train fire on the French side. Everybody on the train is safely evacuated, traffic is resumed two hours after. (BBC)

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks
Disasters and accidents

Law and crime


Politics and elections

Science and technology

November 2012

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