Public holidays in Portugal

In Portugal, a public holiday (Portuguese: feriado) is a calendar date, legally recognised and defined in the Labour Code[1][2][3][4][5] as well as the Concordat of 2004, on which most businesses and non-essential services are closed. On some of these dates, public commemorative festivities are traditionally held.

Public holidays in Portugal are a mixture of select religious (Roman Catholic) observances and days that have national historical or cultural significance. These dates have changed over time: currently, there are 13 mandatory holidays and one optional (Carnival) that has to be specifically designated as a day off work (Portuguese: tolerância de ponto) each year by government decree (for public servants) or companies (for private sector). Specific dates may alternatively be observed only at region or municipal level. Collective bargaining can specify that optional holidays are observed always and are also free for agreeing other dates that the specific company or sector agrees to observe as a holiday (e.g. bank holidays).

Public holidays in Portugal

Date English name Portuguese name Notes Continental Portugal Autonomous Regions of Portugal
moveable Municipal holiday Feriado Municipal Public holiday established by each municipality, limited to its own territory, in general to celebrate the patron saint of the municipality, or the date of the establishment of the municipal autonomy  Y  Y  Y
1 January New Year's Day Ano Novo  Y  Y  Y
moveable Carnival Carnaval Carnival in Portugal is an annual festival, that ends on Shrove Tuesday (called Fat Tuesday in Madeira - Terça-feira Gorda in Portuguese) the day before Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent). This is an optional holiday, although it is usually observed. 47 days before Easter Sunday.  Y  Y  Y
moveable Good Friday Sexta-feira Santa Friday before Easter Sunday. Last observed 29 March 2024  Y  Y  Y
moveable Easter Sunday Domingo de Páscoa[6] Last observed 31 March 2024  Y  Y  Y
25 April Freedom Day Dia da Liberdade Celebrates the 1974 coup d'état that ended the Estado Novo government and established the Portuguese Third Republic.  Y  Y  Y
1 May Labour Day Dia do Trabalhador Similar to Labor Day celebrated worldwide.  Y  Y  Y
moveable Corpus Christi Corpo de Deus Thursday, date varies. 60 days after Easter Sunday. It is religion based. Last observed 30 May 2024  Y  Y  Y
moveable Autonomous Region of Azores Day (Whit Monday) Dia da Região Autónoma dos Açores

Dia da Pombinha Dia do Bodo

Only celebrated in Azores.[5]      Y
10 June Portugal Day Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas National Day. Commemorates the death of national poet Luís de Camões in 1580.  Y  Y  Y
1 July Autonomous Region of Madeira and Madeiran Communities Day Dia da Região Autónoma da Madeira e das Comunidades Madeirenses Only celebrated in Madeira.[2][3][4]    Y  
15 August Assumption Day Assunção de Nossa Senhora A religious account of the taking up of Mary into heaven.  Y  Y  Y
5 October Republic Day Implantação da República Celebrates the end of Monarchy and the beginning of the Portuguese Republic.  Y  Y  Y
1 November All Saints Day Dia de Todos-os-Santos In terms of Western Christian theology, the feast commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in heaven.  Y  Y  Y
1 December Restoration of Independence Restauração da Independência Celebrates the end of the Philippine Dynasty (1580–1640).  Y  Y  Y
8 December Immaculate Conception Imaculada Conceição According to Roman Catholic Dogma, the conception of the Virgin Mary without any stain of original sin.  Y  Y  Y
25 December Christmas Day Natal  Y  Y  Y
26 December 1st Octave Primeira Oitava Only celebrated in Madeira. – Primeira Oitava is part of Madeira's centuries old Christmas celebrations which has been recognized as public holiday[7] by the Regional Government of Madeira, celebrating the second day of the week leading up to New Year's Day.    Y  
Total holidays 15 17 16

Revoked holidays in 2013–2015


In 2012, the XIX Constitutional Government of Portugal controversially revoked four holidays – two civilian holidays (Republic Day and Restoration of Independence) and two religious ones (Corpus Christi and All Saints Day). The move was effective from 2013 onwards and was presented as a measure to increase productivity, in the context of the 2011–2014 Troika bailout to Portugal (even though that measure was never requested by the Memorandum of Understanding). Public debate and re-evaluation were scheduled in 2018 for the religious holidays.

The four holidays were eventually restored by the XXI Constitutional Government of Portugal, in January 2016.

Local holidays


According to a Decree of 12 October 1910, municipalities were given the possibility of choosing a day that would represent their traditional festivals.[8]

Date English name Portuguese name Notes
15 January Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Santa Cruz.
20 January Municipal Holiday Dia do S. Sebastião Celebrated in Santa Maria da Feira, Aveiro.
22 January Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in São Vicente.
18 February Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Valença.
19 March Saint Joseph's Day Dia de São José Celebrated in Santarém.
11 April Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Lagoa. The date was chosen because the locality was made town by Royal Charter of 11 April 1522.
23 April Saint George's Day Dia de São Jorge. Celebrated in Velas. The date was chosen due to the fact that this locality celebrates Saint George's Day since 1460.[9]
moveable Easter Monday Segunda-feira de Páscoa Celebrated in Avis, Borba, Caminha, Campo Maior, Cuba, Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Ílhavo, Mação, Mora, Penamacor, Ponte de Sor, Portel, Redondo, Castelo de Vide, Constância, Crato, Nisa and Sousel. 1 April in 2024.
moveable Ascension of Jesus Quinta-feira da Ascensão Celebrated in Alcanena, Alenquer, Almeirim, Alter do Chão, Alvito, Anadia, Ansião, Arraiolos, Arruda dos Vinhos, Azambuja, Beja, Benavente, Cartaxo, Chamusca, Estremoz, Golegã, Loulé, Mafra, Marinha Grande, Mealhada, Melgaço, Monchique, Mortágua, Oliveira do Bairro, Quarteira, Salvaterra de Magos, Santa Comba Dão, Sobral de Monte Agraço, Torres Novas, Vidigueira and Vila Franca de Xira.
Fifth Sunday after Easter (moveable) Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Ponta Delgada.[9]
25 May Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Santana. The date was chosen because it is anniversary of the date of elevation the village and seat of county in the year 1835.
13 June St. Anthony's Day Dia de Santo António Celebrated in Lisbon where on the Avenida da Liberdade, there are the Marchas, a parade of folklore and costumes from the city's different traditional quarters, with hundreds of singers and dancers and a vast audience applauding their favorite participants. As St Anthony is the matchmaker saint, it is still the tradition in Lisbon to celebrate multiple marriages (200 to 300).
16 June Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Olhão. The date was chosen because it marks the start of the Olhão's revolt against the Napoleonic troops.
20 June Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Corvo. The date was chosen because it is the anniversary of the town.[9]
24 June St. John's Day Dia de São João Celebrated in Porto, Braga, Figueira da Foz, Almada, Calheta, Porto Santo, Angra do Heroísmo, Horta, Santa Cruz da Graciosa, Santa Cruz das Flores, Vila do Porto and Vila Franca do Campo (as a Municipal Holiday).[10]

Porto and Braga celebrate with a big festival and fireworks over the River Douro (in Porto) and down Avenida da Liberdade (in Braga). Across the country a traditional midsummer bonfire is also built and following an ancient pagan tradition, revelers try to jump over the bonfire, this in order to gain protection during the rest of the year.

29 June St. Peter's Day Dia de São Pedro Celebrated in Alfândega da Fé, Bombarral, Castro Daire, Castro Verde, Évora, Felgueiras, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Montijo, Penedono, Porto de Mós, Póvoa de Varzim, Ribeira Brava, Ribeira Grande, São Pedro do Sul, Seixal and Sintra.

Just like St. Anthony's Day and St. John's Day, St. Peter's Day is celebrated with a traditional midsummer bonfire, where people jumps over and perform a tradition known as "Queimar a Alcachofra" (Burn the Artichoke) which symbolizes the "Good Which Fulfill".

4 July St. Elizabeth's Day Dia de Santa Isabel Celebrated in Coimbra
Third Monday of July (moveable) Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Lajes das Flores.
18 July Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Nordeste. This date was chosen because the locality was made town by Royal Charter of 18 July 1514.
22 July Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Porto Moniz and Madalena.
26 July Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Loures. This date was chosen because the locality was made municipal seat on 26 July 1886, replacing Olivais as the seat of the municipality.
11 August Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Praia da Vitória. The date was chosen because it is the anniversary of the battle (11 August 1829) that prevented the royalists from reaching land during the Portuguese Civil War.
16 August Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in São Roque do Pico.[9]
20 August Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Viana do Castelo.
21 August Funchal City Day Dia da Cidade do Funchal Celebrated in Funchal. Anniversary of the date in which, in 1508, and by Royal Charter, the town of Funchal was elevated to the category of city.[10][11][12]
8 September Nativity of Mary Natividade de Nossa Senhora Celebrated in Lagoa, Alcoutim, Ponta do Sol, Lamego, Mangualde, Marco de Canaveses, Marvão, Montemor-o-Velho, Murtosa, Nazaré, Odemira, Ourique and Sabrosa.
21 September St. Matthew's Day Dia de São Mateus Celebrated in Viseu, and Elvas
Monday after the first the Sunday of September (moveable) Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Povoação.[9]
4 October Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrate in Câmara de Lobos. The date was chosen because on 4 October 1835 the first electoral act took place, the swearing-in ceremony and inauguration of the first mayor of Câmara de Lobos and his respective council.[13]
9 October Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Machico. This is date on which the annual pilgrimage to the Lord of Miracles takes place, and the anniversary of the date in 1803 of which the most severe natural calamity that occurred on the island of Madeira since its settlement: an alluvium which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people.[10]
19 November Municipal Holiday Dia do Concelho Celebrated in Odivelas and Trofa. This date was chosen because both localities were made municipal seats on 19 November 1998, becoming autonomous from the municipalities of Loures and Santo Tirso, respectively.
25 November Saint Catherine's Day Dia de Santa Catarina Celebrated in Calheta. The date was chosen because since times immemorial it is on this day that this locality celebrates the Feast of Saint Catherine.[9]


  1. ^ "Diário da República - Código do Trabalho". Retrieved 17 August 2022.
  2. ^ a b "Diário da República - Decreto Regional n.º 27/79/M, de 9 de novembro". Retrieved 17 August 2022.
  3. ^ a b "Diário da República - Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 18/2002/M, de 8 de novembro". Retrieved 17 August 2022.
  4. ^ a b "Diário da República - Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 1/89/M, de 2 de fevereiro". Retrieved 17 August 2022.
  5. ^ a b "Diário da República - Decreto Regional n.º 13/80/A, de 21 de agosto". Retrieved 17 August 2022.
  6. ^ Páscoa Portugal
  7. ^ "Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 39/2012/M" (PDF). Jornal Oficial da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Governo Regional da Madeira. 21 December 2012. Retrieved 19 June 2016.
  8. ^ Coelho, Pedro (9 October 2018). "Comemorações - Dia do Conselho". Câmara Municipal de Câmara de Lobos. Retrieved 9 October 2018.
  9. ^ a b c d e f "Feriados na Região Autónoma dos Açores | Calendários". Calendários (in European Portuguese). 7 May 2016. Retrieved 9 October 2018.
  10. ^ a b c "Feriados na Região Autónoma da Madeira | Calendários". Calendários (in European Portuguese). 6 May 2016. Retrieved 9 October 2018.
  11. ^ "Cultura Madeira - Dia da Cidade do Funchal". Retrieved 17 August 2022.
  12. ^ "Feriados Nacionais e Regionais". (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 17 August 2022.
  13. ^ "Câmara de Lobos aprova alteração do Dia do Concelho". (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 9 October 2018.