
WPCleaner – 2.05 (August 26, 2022 (2022-08-26)) [±]

General information about WPCleaner


Discuss the application


Suggestions for spelling and typography


Frequently asked questions


Install instructions

Bug report or feature request · History of changes · Configuration (help, template) · Wikis · Languages · Users · Screenshots

This is the documentation for configuring WPCleaner. Examples of configuration can be found for example on the French wiki (most options are used), on the English wiki, ...



Before configuring WPCleaner for a specific wiki, you must check a few things:

  • Optional: By default, WPCleaner relies on the disambiguation property to determine if a page is a disambiguation page, provided by the Disambiguator extension. If this extension is not active on your wiki, specific configuration is required, by setting the dab_use_disambig parameter to false and configuring an alternative way to determine if a page is a disambiguation page.
If no other configuration is done, WPCleaner will rely on MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage, which must contain internal links to each template that can be used to indicate that a page is a disambiguation page (Template:Disambig, …), and no internal links to other templates. See for example fr:MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage. Without a proper setup of this page, WPCleaner won't be able to find links to disambiguation pages.
Otherwise, you can also define the dab_categories parameter described in the following chapters.

  • Optional: WPCleaner can also work with a list of disambiguations to focus on. This list must be maintained outside WPCleaner (usually with scripts parsing the last dump) in a page.
If your Wikipedia doesn't have such pages, you can ask for a script on projects that are already generating those lists (en:Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links, fr:Discussion Projet:Liens vers les pages d'homonymie, ...).
See also dab_list parameter in the following chapters.

If your Wikipedia is not managed by Check Wiki, you can ask the project to add it.
You also need to create a project page (en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Check Wikipedia, fr:Projet:Correction syntaxique, …) and a translation page (en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Check Wikipedia/Translation, fr:Projet:Correction syntaxique/Traduction, …).
See also check_wiki_project_page and check_wiki_translation_page parameters in the following chapters.

  • Optional: WPCleaner can also help fixing spelling and typography.
To activate this option, you need to do several things:
Instead of creating the template and the list of suggestions, you can also use a pre-existing list in AWB format.
See also general_suggestions and general_suggestions_typo parameters in the following chapters.

General syntax


Each wiki can configure WPCleaner by using the template as the base to create the page [[User:NicoV/WikiCleanerConfiguration]].

The configuration file has the following syntax :

  • Each parameter is defined using the following format:
<parameter name>=<parameter value> END
  • A parameter can be defined on several lines, for example for a multi-lines text or a list of values.
  • A line starting with the character # is a comment.

Each user can also partially configure WPCleaner specifically for himself by creating the page [[User:UserName/WikiCleanerConfiguration]].

The parameters available to configure WPCleaner are described in the following chapters. The syntax of each parameter is described using the following syntax :

  • A text surrounded by <…> indicates a value that needs to be configured. If the text contains the pipe character |, the text is a list of possible values.
  • A text surrounded by […] indicates an optional value.

Help parameters



help_url = <full URL for help page> END

This parameter is used for displaying WPCleaner help page in a browser. If you don't have a help page for WPCleaner on your wiki, you can use a link to an other wiki.

If you want to use the English help page :

help_url = END

If you want to use the French help page :

help_url =édia:WPCleaner/Aide END


help_page = <internal link for help page> END

This parameter is used as a link in comments, so it should be as short as possible. Using a redirect page can be a good idea (for example, on enwiki, there's the WP:CLEANER redirect). If you don't have a help page for WPCleaner on your Wiki, you can use a link to an other wiki.

If you want to use the link to the English wiki (:en:WP:CLEANER) :

help_page = :en:WP:CLEANER END

If you want to use the link to the French wiki (:fr:WP:WPC) :

help_page = :fr:WP:WPC END

General parameters



general_wpcleaner_tag = <tag> END

This parameter is used to tag WPCleaner edits, instead of putting the name of the program in the comment itself.


general_pipe_template = <template> END

This parameter is used when a | (pipe) character is needed inside a template, an internal link, …

For example, for enwiki, we can use the {{!}} template :

general_pipe_template = ! END


general_apostrophe_template = <template> END

This parameter is used when a ' (apostrophe) character is needed.

For example, for enwiki, we can use the {{'}} template :

general_apostrophe_template = ' END


general_encyclopedic_namespaces =
  <numeric id of namespace 1>
  <numeric id of namespace n> END

This parameter contains a list of numeric identifiers of namespaces that are considered as encyclopedic. By default, the namespaces that are considered encyclopedic are 0 (Main), 6 (File), 10 (Template) and 14 (Category).


general_defaultsort = DEFAULTSORT: END

This parameter is used to define a replacement for DEFAULTSORT:.


general_edit_warning_templates =
  <template 1>[|<message parameter>]
  <template n>[|<message parameter>] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that can be used to warn editors when editing an article.


general_nobot_templates =
  <modèle 1>
  <modèle n> END

This parameter contains a list of templates that prevent modifying an article in bot mode.


general_references_templates =
  <template 1>[|<group parameter 1>,...<group parameter n>[|<references parameter>]]
  <template n>[|<group parameter 1>,...<group parameter n>[|<references parameter>]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that can be used instead of <references>...</references>.


general_todo_templates =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create a list of tasks. For example, on frwiki, you have {{todo}} and {{À faire}}.

general_todo_link_templates =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create a link to the list of tasks in a subpage. For example, on frwiki, you have {{Wikiprojet}}.


general_todo_subpage = <subpage> END

This parameter contains the subpage title used for the list of tasks. For example, on frwiki, list of tasks are on a subpage named /À faire.


general_todo_subpage_delete = <text> END

This parameter contains the text used to request the deletion of the subpage used for the list of tasks. Don't forget to include this text inside tags <noinclude>...</noinclude> so that it's not transcluded inside the talk page.


general_todo_subpage_force = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to force the use of a subpage for the list of tasks in the main namespace.


general_todo_subpage_force_other = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to force the use of a subpage for the list of tasks in other namespaces.


general_suggestions =
  <page 1>|<template 1>|<wrong syntax 1>|<suggestion 1>[|<comment 1>[|<parameter auto 1>|<value auto 1>]]
  <page n>|<template n>|<wrong syntax n>|<suggestion n>[|<comment n>[|<parameter auto n>|<value auto n>]] END

This parameter[1] is used to configure WPCleaner for fixing spelling and typography.

Example: WP:Suggestions|Suggestion|1|2|3|auto|yes means that page WP:Suggestions contains a list of suggestions. Each suggestion is defined in this page with {{Suggestion}}, its first parameter being the wrong syntax, its second parameter the suggestion itself and its third parameter an optional comment. If the parameter auto has yes as a value, then the suggestion can be applied automatically.


general_suggestions_typo =
  <page 1>
  <page n> END

This parameter[1] is used to configure WPCleaner for fixing spelling and typography. Each page in the list contains suggestions for fixing spelling and typography in AutoWikiBrowser format.


general_suggestions_ignore =
  <page 1>#<chapter 1.1>
  <page n>#<chapter n.x> END

This parameter[1] is used to ignore some suggestion for fixing spelling and typography based on the page and chapter in which they are defined.


general_dab_1l_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]]
  <template n>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link with one of its parameter.

Example: {{templateName|parameterName=parameterValue}} creates an internal link [[parameterValue|text]].

In the case of disambiguation, the parameter value can be replaced by <correct link>.


general_dab_1lt_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]]
  <template n>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.

Example: {{templateName|parameterName=parameterValue}} creates an internal link [[parameterValue]].

In the case of disambiguation, the parameter value can be replaced by <correct link>{{general_pipe_template}}<text>.


general_dab_1l2t_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter name 1>|<parameter name 2>[|<explanation>]
  <template n>|<parameter name 1>|<parameter name 2>[|<explanation>] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.

Example: {{templateName|parameterName1=parameterValue}} creates an internal link [[parameterValue]].

In the case of disambiguation, it can be replaced by {{templateName|parameterName1=<correct link>|parameterName2=parameterValue}}.


general_good_1l_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]]
  <template n>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link with one of its parameter.

Example: {{templateName|parameterName=parameterValue}} creates an internal link [[parameterValue|text]].

In the case of disambiguation, the created link is considered as normal.


general_good_1lt_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]]
  <template n>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.

Example: {{templateName|parameterName=parameterValue}} creates an internal link [[parameterValue]].

In the case of disambiguation, the created link is considered as normal.


general_help_1l_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]]
  <template n>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link with one of its parameter.

Example: {{templateName|parameterName=parameterValue}} creates an internal link [[parameterValue|text]].

In the case of disambiguation, it means that help is requested for fixing the disambiguation link.


general_help_1lt_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]]
  <template n>|<parameter name>[|<explanation>[|<default value>[|<parameter needed>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.

Example: {{templateName|parameterName=parameterValue}} creates an internal link [[parameterValue]].

In the case of disambiguation, it means that help is requested for fixing the disambiguation link.


general_insert_texts =
  <theme 1>|<label 1>|<text 1>
  <theme n>|<label n>|<text n> END

This parameter contains a list of texts that can be frequently inserted.


general_abbreviations =
  <abbreviation 1>|<meaning>|<replacement>
  <abbreviation n>|<meaning>|<replacement> END

This parameter contains a list of abbreviations that can be replaced by a discreet abbreviation, a link, ...


general_search_engines_templates =
  <engine name 1>|<engine url>|<template name>|<parameter name>
  <engine name n>|<engine url>|<template name>|<parameter name> END

This parameter contains a list of search engines.

Auto formatting parameters



auto_active = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to active the automatic formatting of articles.


auto_space_around_title = <minimum>[-<maximum>] END

This parameter is used to define the number of space characters around titles.


auto_cr_before_category = <minimum>[-<maximum>] END

This parameter is used to define the number of carriage returns before categories (or default sort).

auto_link_defaultsort_category = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to ensure that default sort is just before categories.


auto_cr_defaultsort_category = <minimum>[-<maximum>] END

This parameter is used to define the number of carriage returns between default sort and categories.


auto_cr_between_category = <minimum>[-<maximum>] END

This parameter is used to define the number of carriage returns between each category.

auto_langlink_after_category = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to place language links after categories.

Language parameters



lang_template = <template>|<parameter for the language>|<parameter for the text> END

This parameter is used to define a template to mark text as being in a foreign language.


common_languages =
  <language code 1>
  <language code n> END

This parameter is used to define a list of frequently used language codes.


translation_comment = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as comments for translations.

Redirect parameters



redirect_categories =
  <category 1>
  <category n> END

This parameter is used to define a list of categories that can be added to a redirect page.


redirect_categories_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used to define an automatic comment when categories are added to a redirect page.


redirect_templates =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter is used to define a list of templates that can be added to a redirect page.


redirect_templates_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used to define an automatic comment when templates are added to a redirect page. If this parameter is empty, the value of redirect_categories_comment is used.


redirect_warning_before_replacement = <warning> END

This parameter is used to display a warning before replacing a redirect link by a redirect link.




general_isbn_templates =
  <template 1>[|<isbn parameter name>[,<isbn parameter name>...][|<suggested>]]
  <template n>[|<isbn parameter name>] END

This parameter contains a list of templates for writing an ISBN. For each template, there's the list of parameters that allow writing an ISBN and a flag (true or false) to know if the template should be suggested in the replacements.


general_help_isbn_help_needed_templates =
  <template 1>[|<isbn parameter name>[|<reason parameter name>[|<extra parameters>]]]
  <template n>[|<isbn parameter name>[|<reason parameter name>[|<extra parameters>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that can be used to ask for help for an incorrect ISBN.


general_help_isbn_help_needed_comment = <comment> END

This parameter contains a comment that can be used to ask for help for an incorrect ISBN.


general_isbn_search_engines =
  <engine name 1>|<engine url>
  <engine name n>|<engine url> END

This parameter contains a list of search engines for ISBN.


general_isbn_search_engines_templates =
  <engine name 1>|<engine url>|<template name>|<parameter name>
  <engine name n>|<engine url>|<template name>|<parameter name> END

This parameter contains a list of search engines for books. If possible, use general_search_engines_templates.


isbn_errors_categories =
  <category 1>
  <category n> END

This parameter contains the categories for pages with ISBN errors.


isbn_errors_lists =
  <page 1>
  <page n> END

This parameter contains lists of pages containing links to pages with ISBN errors


isbn_errors_page = <page> END

This parameter contains the name of page with a synthesis of ISBN errors. This page can be updated automatically by WPCleaner (zone between <!-- BOT BEGIN --> and <!-- BOT END -->).


isbn_errors_page_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment when update the page with the synthesis of ISBN errors.


isbn_ignore_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter 1>|<value 1>
  <template n>|<parameter n>|<value n> END

This parameter is used to ignore ISBN analysis for some templates when a parameter is set with a given value.


isbn_ignore_incorrect_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter 1>
  <template n>|<parameter n> END

This parameter is used to ignore ISBN analysis in some templates' parameters.


isbn_warning_template = <template> END

This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the ISBN errors still present in the article. For example, on frwiki, this is done by {{Avertissement ISBN}}.


isbn_warning_template_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.


isbn_warning_comment = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when updating the ISBN warning. If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of ISBN errors that still need to be fixed.


isbn_warning_comment_1 = <comment> END

This parameter[2] has the same purpose than isbn_warning_comment, but used when only one ISBN error still needs to be fixed.


isbn_warning_comment_done = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when removing the ISBN warning.


isbn_warning_section_0 = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to remove the limit on the search for the ISBN warning in the first section of the talk page.




general_issn_templates =
  <template 1>[|<issn parameter name>[,<issn parameter name>...][|<suggested>]]
  <template n>[|<issn parameter name>] END

This parameter contains a list of templates for writing an ISSN. For each template, there's the list of parameters that allow writing an ISSN and a flag (true or false) to know if the template should be suggested in the replacements.


issn_ignore_templates =
  <template 1>[|<parameter>[|<value>]]
  <template n>[|<parameter>[|<value>]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates to ignore in certain conditions: for example, on frwiki, Infobox Presse écrite|rechercher ISSN|non allows to ignore parameters ISSN and ISSN électronique in template Infobox Presse écrite when the parameter rechercher ISSN has the value non.


general_help_issn_help_needed_templates =
  <template 1>[|<issn parameter name>[|<reason parameter name>[|<extra parameters>]]]
  <template n>[|<issn parameter name>[|<reason parameter name>[|<extra parameters>]]] END

This parameter contains a list of templates that can be used to ask for help for an incorrect ISSN.


general_help_issn_help_needed_comment = <comment> END

This parameter contains a comment that can be used to ask for help for an incorrect ISSN.


general_issn_search_engines =
  <engine name 1>|<engine url>
  <engine name n>|<engine url> END

This parameter contains a list of search engines for ISSN.


general_issn_search_engines_templates =
  <engine name 1>|<engine url>|<template name>|<parameter name>
  <engine name n>|<engine url>|<template name>|<parameter name> END

This parameter contains a list of search engines for books. If possible, use general_search_engines_templates.


issn_errors_categories =
  <category 1>
  <category n> END

This parameter contains the categories for pages with ISSN errors.


issn_errors_lists =
  <page 1>
  <page n> END

This parameter contains lists of pages containing links to pages with ISSN errors


issn_errors_page = <page> END

This parameter contains the name of page with a synthesis of ISSN errors. This page can be updated automatically by WPCleaner (zone between <!-- BOT BEGIN --> and <!-- BOT END -->).


issn_errors_page_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment when update the page with the synthesis of ISSN errors.


issn_warning_template = <template> END

This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the ISSN errors still present in the article. For example, on frwiki, this is done by {{Avertissement ISSN}}.


issn_warning_template_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.


issn_warning_comment = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when updating the ISSN warning. If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of ISSN errors that still need to be fixed.


issn_warning_comment_1 = <comment> END

This parameter[2] has the same purpose than issn_warning_comment, but used when only one ISSN error still needs to be fixed.


issn_warning_comment_done = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when removing the ISSN warning.


issn_warning_section_0 = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to remove the limit on the search for the ISSN warning in the first section of the talk page.

Duplicate arguments



duplicate_args_warning_template = <template> END

This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the duplicate arguments errors still present in the article. For example, on frwiki, this is done by {{Avertissement Argument dupliqué}}.


duplicate_args_warning_template_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.


duplicate_args_warning_comment = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when updating the duplicate arguments warning. If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of duplicate arguments errors that still need to be fixed.


duplicate_args_warning_comment_1 = <comment> END

This parameter[2] has the same purpose than duplicate_args_warning_comment, but used when only one duplicate arguments error still needs to be fixed.


duplicate_args_warning_comment_done = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when removing the duplicate arguments warning.


duplicate_args_warning_section_0 = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to remove the limit on the search for the duplicate arguments warning in the first section of the talk page.

Disambiguation parameters



dab_use_disambig = <true|false> END

This parameter lets you decide if the property disambiguation should be used to determine if a page is a disambiguation page or not.

Disambiguator extension defines the new magic word __DISAMBIG__ which should be added to each disambiguation page (preferably through the disambiguation templates), and automatically adds the disambiguation property to every page containing the magic word __DISAMBIG__.


dab_categories =
  <category 1>
  <category n> END

If set, this parameter is used to define a list of categories that will be used (instead of MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage) to decide if a page is a disambiguation page or not.

If this parameter is correctly defined and the list of categories is small (only one category is better), it's a more efficient way of working than using MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage.

For example, on frwiki all disambiguation pages are in the category Homonymie.

dab_categories = Catégorie:Homonymie END

For example, on enwiki all disambiguation pages are in the category All article disambiguation pages.

dab_categories = Category:All article disambiguation pages END


dab_comment = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment for disambiguation links that have been fixed. If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links that have been fixed.


dab_comment_1 = <comment> END

This parameter[2] has the same purpose than dab_comment, but used when only one disambiguation link has been fixed.


dab_comment_help = <commentaire> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment for disambiguation links that still need to be fixed. If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links that still need to be fixed.


dab_comment__help_1 = <commentaire> END

This parameter[2] has the same function as dab_comment_help, but used when only one disambiguation link has been fixed.


dab_comment_todo = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment for disambiguation links that still need to be fixed. If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links that still need to be fixed.


dab_comment_todo_1 = <comment> END

This parameter[2] has the same purpose than dab_comment_todo, but used when only one disambiguation link still needs to be fixed.


dab_list =
  <page 1>
  <page n> END

This parameter contains the list of pages with the current list of disambiguation pages to work on. These pages are usually generated by a script parsing the last dump. If your wiki doesn't have such pages, you should ask for a script on projects that are already generating lists:

most_dab_links =
  <page 1>
  <page n> END

Each value is a page containing a list of pages having many disambiguation links to be fixed. This page can be a category.

For example, on frwiki, 3 categories are used (1, 2 and 3) :

  Catégorie:Article contenant plus de 15 liens vers des pages d'homonymie
  Catégorie:Article contenant plus de 30 liens vers des pages d'homonymie
  Catégorie:Article contenant plus de 100 liens vers des pages d'homonymie END
dab_link_comments =
  <comment 1>
  <comment n> END

This parameter contains the list of comments used after a link to indicate a normal link to a disambiguation page.

dab_link_templates =
  <template 1>[|<comment 1>]
  <template n>[|<comment n>] END

This parameter contains the list of templates used to indicate a normal link to a disambiguation page.


dab_ignore_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameter 1>[|...|<parameter n>]
  <template n>|<parameter 1>[|...|<parameter n>] END

This parameter contains the list of templates in which disambiguation links should be ignored.


dab_ok_template = <template> END

This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the disambiguation links in the article that are to be considered as normal.


dab_warning_template = <template> END

This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the disambiguation links still present in the article. For example, on frwiki, this is done by {{Avertissement Homonymie}}.


dab_warning_template_comment = <comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.


dab_warning_comment = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when updating the disambiguation warning. If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links that still need to be fixed.


dab_warning_comment_1 = <comment> END

This parameter[2] has the same purpose than dab_warning_comment, but used when only one disambiguation link still needs to be fixed.


dab_warning_comment_done = <comment> END

This parameter[2] is used as a comment when removing the disambiguation warning.


dab_warning_section_0 = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to remove the limit on the search for the disambiguation warning in the first section of the talk page.


dab_ask_help_templates_after =
  <template 1>[|<parameters>]
  <template n>[|<parameters>] END

This parameter contains the list of templates that WPCleaner can suggest to add after a link to a disambiguation page to request help for fixing it. For example, dn|date={{safesubst:{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}}} {{safesubst:{{CURRENTYEAR}}}} will give a suggestion to add {{dn|date=October 2024}} after the disambiguation link.


dab_help_asked_templates_after =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates that WPCleaner can detect after a link to a disambiguation page to tell that help has been requested for fixing it. This parameter should contain at least all the templates (without parameters) defined for dab_ask_help_templates_after.


needing_help_templates =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates used to indicate a link needing help to be fixed.


help_requested_templates =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates used to find pages where help is requested.

link_text_templates =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates used to link text (to wiktionary for example).


wikt_interwiki = <shortcut> END

This parameter contains the interwiki code for the wiktionary (usually wikt).


wikt_templates =
  <template 1>|<parameters for template 1>|<default value for parameter>
  <template n>|<parameters for template n>|<default value for parameter> END

This parameter contains the list of templates providing links to wiktionary ("see also").

Recent Changes parameters


Check Wiki parameters



check_wiki_force = true END

This parameter can be used if this wiki is available in the Check Wiki project, but doesn't have a project page or a translation page.


check_wiki_project_page = <Check Wiki project page> END

This parameter is used as a link in comments, so it should be as short as possible. Using a redirect page can be a good idea. For example, on enwiki, there's the WP:WCW redirect, and on frwiki, there's the P:CS redirect.


check_wiki_comment = <Check Wiki comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment for fixing errors detected by Check Wiki. If this parameter is not specified, the comment is built using check_wiki_project_page. If this parameter contains a {0}, it's replaced by the list of errors that were fixed.


check_wiki_translation_page = <Check Wiki translation page> END

This parameter is used to retrieve configuration informations (errors priorites, labels, descriptions, ...). This page contains the configuration used by the Check Wikipedia project. WPCleaner can also use special parameters in this file : they are listed in the Check Wiki window of WPCleaner for each error. A partial list is given at the end of this documentation. For example, on frwiki, the translation page can be found at fr:Projet:Correction syntaxique/Traduction.


check_wiki_whitelist_comment = <Comment> END

This parameter is used as a comment when updating a whitelist.

Check Wiki configuration


The translation file of the Check Wikipedia project may contain special configuration used by WPCleaner :

Additional detections


Additional detections can also be configured in the translation file of the Check Wikipedia project or by each user in their own configuration page [[User:UserName/WikiCleanerConfiguration]].

Error 501


The error 501 has been added to detect and fix common errors in spelling and typography. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.
  • Configure the general_suggestions parameter in WPCleaner configuration file.

Error 502


The error 502 has been added to detect and fix unnecessary Template: prefix in calls to templates, like {{Template:Main}}. Since then, this error has been added to Check Wiki project as error 001.

Error 503


The error 503 has been added to detect and fix internal links in titles. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 504


The error 504 has been added to detect and fix references in titles. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 505


The error 505 has been added to detect and fix images without alternative description. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 506


The error 506 has been added to detect and fix references with a numeric name. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 507


The error 507 has been added to detect <gallery> without caption. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 508


The error 508 has been added to detect missing templates. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 509


The error 509 has been added to detect internal links like [[Link|Text]]xxx. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 510


The error 510 has been added to detect non working pipe tricks, like internal links [[A:Link (x)|]] in references, and similar situations. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 511


The error 511 has been added to detect internal links written as external links like [] , and similar situations. Since then, this error has been added to Check Wiki project as error 090.

Error 512


The error 512 has been added to detect interwiki links written as external links like [] , and similar situations. Since then, this error has been added to Check Wiki project as error 091.

Error 513


The error 513 has been added to detect internal links inside external links like [ an [[internal link]] inside]. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 514


The error 514 has been added to detect named references that are not defined (<ref name="ref1" /> without <ref name="ref1">text</ref>). If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 515


The error 515 has been added to detect links to the article itself (same as error #48) but through redirect links. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 516


The error 516 has been added to detect <br> tags in main namespace. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 517


The error 517 has been added to detect <strike> tags. Since then, this error has been added to Check Wiki project as error 042.

Error 518


The error 518 has been added to detect <nowiki> tags in main namespace. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 519


The error 519 has been added to detect <a> tags in main namespace. Since then, this error has been added to Check Wiki project as error 004.

Error 520


The error 520 has been added to detect strange characters (♙, ☃), usually produced by Visual Editor. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 521


The error 521 has been added to verify date formats used in templates. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.
  • Configure the specific parameters in Check Wiki translation page.

For more information on configuring this, see specific parameters chapter.

Error 522


The error 522 has been added to detect empty titles (like == <nowiki/> ==). If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 523


The error 523 has been added to detect duplicated images. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 524


The error 524 has been added to detect template calls with several arguments with the same name. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 525


The error 525 has been added to detect useless span tags. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 526


The error 526 has been added to detect incorrect date links, like [[1985|2005]]. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 527


The error 527 has been added to detect references with the same name but different content. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 528


The error 528 has been added to detect the use of the magic word PMID. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 529


The error 529 has been added to detect the use of the magic word ISBN. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 530


The error 530 has been added to detect the use of the magic word RFC. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 531


The error 531 has been added to detect the use of references inside references. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 532


The error 532 has been added to detect errors reported by Linter for Special:LintErrors/missing-end-tag. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 533


The error 533 has been added to detect errors reported by Linter for Special:LintErrors/multi-colon-escape. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 534


The error 534 has been added to detect errors reported by Linter for Special:LintErrors/bogus-image-options. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 535


The error 535 has been added to detect errors reported by Linter for Special:LintErrors/tidy-font-bug. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 536


The error 536 has been added to detect errors reported by Linter for Special:LintErrors/tidy-whitespace-bug. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Error 537


The error 537 has been added to detect errors reported by Linter for Special:LintErrors/unclosed-quotes-in-heading. If you want to activate this error, you need to :

  • Configure the error in the Check Wiki translation page as you would do for any other error.

Global parameters

error_XXX_link_yywiki = <Page> END

This parameter contains the title of a page describing the error n°XXX on yywiki.


error_XXX_bot_yywiki = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to consider that even if the error n°XXX has been deactivated on yywiki, it should still be detected by WPCleaner.


error_XXX_noauto_yywiki = <true|false> END

This parameter is used to deactivate automatic modifications for error n°XXX.


error_XXX_whitelistpage_yywiki = <page> END

This parameter contains the title of a page having the list of false positives for error n°XXX on yywiki.


error_XXX_whitelist_yywiki =
  <page 1>
  <page n> END

This parameter contains the list of false positivies for error n°XXX on yywiki. Consider using error_xxx_whitelistpage_yywiki instead.

Specific parameters


Error 002

error_002_clear_all_yywiki = <replacement> END
error_002_clear_left_yywiki = <replacement> END
error_002_clear_right_yywiki = <replacement> END

This parameters allow to define replacements for <br /> with a clear parameter (which has been deprecated in HTML5).

Error 003

error_003_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates that can be used instead of <references /> for error n°003 on yywiki. It replaces parameter error_003_references_templates_yywiki which is obsolete.

Error 016

error_016_only_templates_yywiki = <true|false> END

This parameter can restrict the detection to template calls.

error_016_use_XXXX_yywiki = <true|false> END

This parameter allows to ignore the special character whose code is XXXX in hexadecimal (for example, to ignore non-breaking spaces, use XXXX=A0).

Error 028

error_028_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates that can be used instead of |} for error n°028 on yywiki.

Error 033

error_033_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates that can be used to replace <u>...</u> on yywiki.

Error 037

error_037_first_characters_yywiki = <size> END

This parameter contains the number of characters on which the test for special characters is done for error n°037 on yywiki.

error_037_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains a list of templates that prevent this error to be fixed automatically when present in the article.

Error 059

error_059_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates that can be ignored for error n°059 on yywiki.

Error 061

error_061_separator_yywiki = <separator> END

This parameter contains the separator to be used between several consecutive <ref /> tags for error n°061 on yywiki.

error_061_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>
  <template n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates that can be used instead of <ref /> for error n°061 on yywiki.

Error 067

error_067_abbreviations_yywiki =
  <abbreviation 1>
  <abbreviation n> END

This parameter contains the list of abbreviations that are valid before a <ref /> tag for error n°067 on yywiki.

error_067_separator_yywiki = <separator> END

This parameter contains the separator to use between several consecutive <ref /> tags for error n°067 on yywiki.

Error 068

error_068_template_yywiki =
  <template 1>|<param: local page title>|<param: language>|<param: page title>|<param: text>[|<order of parameters>]
  <template n>|<param: local page title>|<param: language>|<param: page title>|<param: text>[|<order of parameters>] END

This parameter contains the list of templates that can replace a link to an other wiki for error n°068 on yywiki. This parameter is also used for error n°512.

Error 070

error_070_reason_yywiki = <reason> END

This parameter contains an explanation of error n°070. If the reason contains {0}, it will be replaced by the actual length.

Error 071

error_071_reason_yywiki = <reason> END

This parameter contains an explanation of error n°071.

Error 072

error_072_reason_yywiki = <reason> END

This parameter contains an explanation of error n°072. If the reason contains {0}, it will be replaced by the expected checksum, and {1} will be replaced by the actual checksum.

Error 073

error_073_reason_yywiki = <reason> END

This parameter contains an explanation of error n°073. If the reason contains {0}, it will be replaced by the expected checksum, and {1} will be replaced by the actual checksum.

Error 084

error_084_texts_yywiki =
  <text 1>
  <text n> END

This parameter contains the list of texts that can be added to a section without section for error n°084 on yywiki.

Error 085

error_085_center_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>|<parameter 1>
  <template n>|<parameter n> END

This parameter contains the list of templates that can be used to replace a <center> tag.

Error 091

error_091_only_language_yywiki = <true|false> END

This parameter can restrict the detection to interwikis related to a language.

error_091_only_local_yywiki = <true|false> END

This parameter can restrict the detection to local interwikis.

Error 101

error_101_templates_yywiki =
  <abbreviation 1>
  <abbreviation n> END

This parameter defines other ordinals than the English ones (nd, rd, st, th).

error_101_replacements_yywiki =
  <ordinal 1>=<text 1>
  <ordinal n>=<text n> END

This parameter defines improved replacements depending on the detected ordinal.

Error 514

error_514_ref_by_template_yywiki =
  <template>|<reference name 1>|...|<reference name n>
  <template>|<reference name 1>|...|<reference name n> END

This parameter defines that some templates create named references that can be reused in the rest of the article.

Error 518

error_518_abuse_filter_yywiki = <identifier> END

This parameter defines the number of an abuse filter triggered by <nowiki> tags.

error_518_apostrophe_template_yywiki = <template> END

This parameter defines the name of template displaying an apostrophe, like {{'}}.

error_518_asterisk_template_yywiki = <template> END

This parameter defines the name of template displaying an asterisk, like {{asterisk}}.

error_518_open_sb_template_yywiki = <template> END

This parameter defines the name of template displaying an opening square bracket, like {{!(}}.

error_518_close_sb_template_yywiki = <template> END

This parameter defines the name of template displaying a closing square bracket, like {{)!}}.

error_518_open_dsb_template_yywiki = <template> END

This parameter defines the name of template displaying an opening double square bracket, like {{!((}}.

error_518_close_dsb_template_yywiki = <template> END

This parameter defines the name of template displaying a closing double square bracket, like {{))!}}.

Error 520

error_520_abuse_filter_yywiki = <identifier> END

This parameter defines the number of an abuse filter triggered by weird characters.

Error 521

error_521_templates_yywiki =
  <template 1>|<parameter 1>|<authorized format for parameter 1>|<authorized format for parameter 1>|…
  <template n>|<parameter n>|<authorized format for parameter n>|<authorized format for parameter n>|… END

This parameter contains the list of authorized formats for each template parameter on yywiki. An authorized format is a string describing what format is authorized for the parameter value:

  • d means a day number without a leading zero, dd with a leading zero.
  • M means a month number without a leading zero, MM with a leading zero, MMM a month name.
  • Y or YY means a year number on 2 digits, YYY (or other number of Y) a year number.
  • {{templateName}} means that {{templateName}} can be used.
  • Single quotes can be used to escape text ('dd' means 2 characters d), and a single quote must be doubled if needed ('' means a single quote).
  • Other text is interpreted literally.
error_521_months_yywiki =
  <month name 1>
  <month name n> END

This parameter contains the list of month names on yywiki.

Error 524

error_524_category_yywiki = <category> END

This parameter contains the name of the category for pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. By default, the value in MediaWiki:duplicate-args-category is used.

error_524_ignore_yywiki =
  <template 1>|<argument 1>|<value 1>[|…|<value n>]
  <template n>|<argument n>|<value 1>[|…|<value n>] END

This parameter defines argument values that can be safely ignored.

Error 526

error_526_ask_help_yywiki =
  <label 1>|<text 1>
  <label n>|<text n> END

This parameter defines labels that can be added after the problematic links to report them.


  1. ^ a b c This parameter can also be completed specifically for a user by setting it in the [[User:UserName/WikiCleanerConfiguration]] page.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s This parameter can also be configured specifically for a user by setting it in the [[User:UserName/WikiCleanerConfiguration]] page.