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Bibliography of Henry Hoenigswald

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The following is a bibliography of Henry M. Hoenigswald (1915-2000).

Books & Edited Volumes

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  • 1945-7. Spoken Hindustani, I and II. New York: Henry Holt.
  • 1960. Language Change and Linguistic Reconstruction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 232 pp.
  • 1970. Indo-European and Indo-Europeans. [Co-editor with G. Cardona and A. Senn.] Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 440 pp.
  • 1973. Studies in Formal Historical Linguistics. Dordrecht: Reidel. 63 pp.
  • 1979. The European Background of American Linguistics: Papers of the Third Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America.[Editor.] Lisse: Foris Publishers. 180 pp.
  • 1987. Biological Metaphor and Cladistic Classification. [Co-editor with Linda F. Wiener.] Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 286 pp.
  • 1989. General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Rememberance of Stanley Newman. [Co-editor with M. R. Key.] Berlin/New York: DeGruyter. 499 pp.

Selected Articles and Essays

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  • 1937. Epíorkos. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 14: 83-7.
  • 1937. Su alcuni caratteri della derivazione e della composizione nominale indoeuropea. Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, Lettere 70: 267-74.
  • 1938. Epígrupos. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 15: 87.
  • 1938. Problemi di linguistica umbra - a proposito delle Tabulae Iguvinae editae a Iacobo Devoto. Rivista di Filologia Classica 216: 274-94.
  • 1939. Studi sulla punteggiatura nei testi etruschi. Stdui Etruschi 12:169-217.
  • 1940. Pan-compounds in Early Greek. Language 16: 183-7.
  • 1941. On Etruscan and Latin Month-names. American Journal of Philology 62: 199-206.
  • 1941. Campanian Inscriptions at Yale. American Journal of Archaeology 48: 582-6.
  • 1941. The Epicharmian Title LÓgos kaì Logína. Language 17: 247-9.
  • 1942. (with E. H. Dohan) Three Inscriptions in the University Museum, Philadelphia. American Journal of Archaeology 46: 532-7.
  • 1943-4. Internal Reconstruction. Studies in Linguistics 2: 78-87.
  • 1946. Sound Change and Linguistic Structure. Language 22: 138-43.
  • 1946. Etruscan. Pp. 278-9 in Encyclopedia of Literature,I. By J. T. Shipley (ed.)
  • 1947. On Varro, De Lingua Latina 5.15. American Journal of Philology 68: 198-9.
  • 1948. Declension and Nasalization in Hindustani. Journal of the American Oreintal Society 68: 139-44.
  • 1948. Diachronic Sound Charts. Studies in Linguistics 6: 81-94.
  • 1949. Antevocalic u- Diphthongs in Latin. Language 25: 392-4.
  • 1949. A Note on Latin Prosody: Initial s Impure after Short Vowel. Transactions of the American Philological Association 80: 271-8.
  • 1950. The Principal Step in Comparative Grammar. Language 26: 357-64.
  • 1950. Morpheme Order Diagrams. Studies in Linguistics 8: 79-81.
  • 1952. South Etruscan and Cypriote Writing. American Journal of Archaeology 56: 174.
  • 1952. Laryngeals and s Moveable. Language 28: 182-5.
  • 1952. The Phonology of Dialect Borrowing. Studies in Linguistics 10: 1-5.
  • 1953. Rha, dédae, dasús and the semivowels. Language 29: 288-92.
  • 1953. I fondamenti della storia linguistica e le posizioni neogrammatiche. Lingua Nostra 12: 47-50.
  • 1954. Media, Neutrum und Zirkumflex. Pp. 209-12 in Sprachgeschichte und Wortbedeutung: Festschrift Albert Debrunner gewidmet von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen, ed. by G. Redard et al. Bern: Francke Verlag, 209-12.
  • 1954. Linguistics in the Sixteenth Century. Library Chronicle 20: 1-4.
  • 1955. Change, Analogic and Semantic. Indian Linguistics 16: 233-6.
  • 1958. A Latin Trace of the Construction data radhamsi. Indian Linguistics 19.
  • 1959. Some Uses of Nothing. Language 35: 409-20.
  • 1960. Phonetic Similarity and Internal Reconstruction. Language 36: 191-2.
  • 1962. Bilingualism, Presumable Bilingualism, and Diachrony. Anthropological Linguistics 4: 1-5.
  • 1962. Synchronic and Diachronic Aspects of Distributional Meaning. Georgetown Monographs in Language and Linguistics 13: 21-8.
  • 1962. Lexicography and Grammar. Pp. 103-10 in Problems in Lexicography, ed. by F. W. Householder.
  • 1962. Notes on Change and Reconstruction. International Journal of American Linguistics 28: 80-4.
  • 1963. On the History of the Comparative Method. Anthropological Linguistics 5: 1-11.
  • 1963. A Contribution to Indo-Iranian Phonology: The Voiceless Aspirates. Transactions of the Twenty-fifth International Congress of Orientalists 2.323-6.
  • 1963. Are There Universals of Linguistic Change? Pp. 30-52 in Universals of Language, ed. by J. Greenberg. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • 1964. People and Language. Journal of General Education 16: 203-14.
  • 1964. Mycenaean Augments and the Language of Poetry. Pp. 179-82 in Mycenaean Studies: Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium for Mycenaean Studies, ed. by E. L. Bennett, Jr. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
  • 1964. Graduality, Sporadicity, and the Minor Sound Change Processes. Phonetica 11: 202-15.
  • 1964. Allophones, Allomorphs, and Conditioned Change. Pp. 645-9 in Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, ed. by H. G. Lunt. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1964. George Melville Bolling. Language 40: 329-36.
  • 1965. Indo-Iranian Evidence. Pp. 93-9 in Evidence for Laryngeals, ed. by W. Winter. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1965. A Property of 'Grassman's Law' in Indic. Journal of the American Oriental Society 85: 59-60.
  • 1965. Phonetic Reconstruction. Pp. 25-42 in Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, ed. by E. Zwirner.
  • 1966. Criteria for the Subgrouping of Languages. Pp. 1-12 in Ancient Indo-European Dialects, ed. by H. Birnbaum and J. Puhvel. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • 1966. A Proposal for the Study of Folk-linguistics. Pp. 16-26 in Sociolinguistics: Proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistic Conference 1964, ed. by W. Bright. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1967. Champion or Star? Pp. 106-7 in Papers in linguistics in honor of Leon Dostert, ed. by W. M. Austin. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1968. The Syllabaries and Etruscan Writing. Incunabula Graeca 25: 410-16.<
  • 1968. Certain Semivowel Sequences in Greek. Pp. 20-3 in Pratidanami: Indian, Iranian, and Indo-European Studies Presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jabocus Kuiper on His Sixieth Birthday, ed. by J. C. Heesterman et al. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1968. A Note on Overlength in Greek. Word 24: 252-4.
  • 1969. Our Own Family of Languages. Pp. 59-70 in Linguistics Today, ed. by A. A. Hill. New York: Basic Books.
  • 1971. Language History and Creole Studies. Pp. 473-80 in Pidginization and Creolization of Languages, ed. by D. H. Hymes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1972. A Doubtful Note on Greek Relative Chronology. Pp. 231-2 in Studies in Linguistics: In Honor of George L. Trager, ed. by E. Smith. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1973. Introductory Remarks. Pp. 45-9 in Current Trends in Linguistics, 11, ed. by T. A. Sebeok et al. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1973. The Comparative Method. Pp. 51-62 in Current Trends in Linguistics, 11, ed. by T. A. Sebeok et al. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1973. Linguistics. Pp. 61-73 in Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. by P. Wiener. New York: Schribner.
  • 1973. Indo-European *p in Celtic and the Claim for Relative Chronologies. Journal of Indo-European Studies 1:324-9.
  • 1973. Stefán Einarsson (1897-1972). Year Book 1973, American Philosophical Society 120-2.
  • 1974. Internal Reconstruction and Context. Pp. 189-92 in Historical linguistics, 2, ed. by J. Anderson. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co.
  • 1974. Relative Chronology - Notes on So-called Intermediate Stages. Pp. 369-73 in Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Linguists, 1, ed. by L. Heilmann.
  • 1974. Fallacies in the History of Linguistics. Pp. 346-58 in Studies in the History of Linguistics, ed. by D. H. Hymes.
  • 1974. Alfred Ernout. Bulletin of the Linguistic Society of America 61: 38.
  • 1975. Su -nd- latino. Archivo Glottologico Italiano 60: 55-8.
  • 1975. On Schleicher's Tree and Its Trunk. Pp. 91-3 in Vt uideam: Contributions to an Understanding of Linguistics. For Peter Verburg on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, ed. by W. Abraham. Lisse: De Ridder.
  • 1974. Sarah C. Gudschinsky (1919-1975). Bulletin of the Linguistic Society of America 66: 16.
  • 1975. Exceptionlessness - Definition or Finding? (The Issue in the Nineteenth Century Controversy.) in Abstracts of Papers, Eighth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences #131.
  • 1976. Summary commentary. Pp. 273-8 in Oral Literature and the Formula, ed. by B. S. Stolz and R. S. Shannon. Ann Arbor: Center for the Coordination of Ancient and Modern Studies, University of Michigan.
  • 1977. Intentions, Assumptions, and Contradictions in Historical Linguistics. Pp. 168-93 in Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, ed. by R. W. Cole. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • 1977. Diminutives and Tatpurusas: The Indo-European Trend toward Endocentricity. Journal of Indo-European Studies 5: 9-13.
  • 1978. An Aspect of Semivowel Asymmetry in Indo-European. Bulletin of the Department of Comparative Philology and Linguistics, University of Calcutta. 3: 14-18.
  • 1978. A Note on Rgvedic bahuvrîhis. Indian Linguistics 39: 29-30.
  • 1978. Adjectives as First Compound Members in Homer. Pp. 91-5 in Linguistics and Literary Studies in Honor of A. A. Hill, III ed. by M. A. Jayazeri. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1978. Secondary Split, Typology, and Universals. Pp. 173-82 in Recent Developments in Historical Phonology, ed. by J. Fisiak. The Hague: Mouton.
  • 1978. The annus mirabilis 1876 and Posterity. Transactions of the Philological Society 1978: 17-35.
  • 1980. On the Impact of Vowel Syncope in Latin. Pp. 53-7 in Italic and Romance: Linguistic Studies in Honor of Ernst Pulgram, ed. by H. J. Izzo. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1980. Notes on Reconstruction, Word Order and Stress. Pp. 69-87 in Linguistic Reconstruction and Indo-European Syntax, ed. by P. Ramat. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1980. Initial Semivowel Clusters. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 5/6: 83-6.
  • 1980. The Name of the Argolid. Word 31: 105-7.
  • 1980. A Reconstruction. Pp. 22-8 in First Person Singular: Papers from the Conference on an Oral Archive for the History of American Linguistics, ed. by B. H. Davis and R. O'Cain. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1981. Degrees of Genetic Relatedness among Languages. Pp. 113-15 in Suniti Kumar Chatterji Commemoration Volume, ed. by S. Mallik. Burdwan: University of Burdwan.
  • 1983. Doublets. Pp. 167-71 in Essays in honor of Charles H. Hockett, ed. by F. Agard et al. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • 1984. Etymology against Grammar in the Early 19th Century. Histoire, épistémologie, langage 6.2: 95-100.
  • 1985. Apropos of Greek Word Accent. Pp. 219-24 in Studi linguistici e filologici per Carlo Alberto Mastrelli, ed. by L. Agostiniani et al. Pisa: Pacini.
  • 1985. Distinzioni reali e distinzioni chimeriche nella classificazione dei cambiamenti fonologici. Pp. 111-18 in Società Linguistica Italiana: XVI° Congresso Internazionale di Studi, ed. by L. Agostiniani et al. Roma: Bulzoni.
  • 1985. Sir William Jones and Historiography. Pp. 64-6 in For Gordon H. Fairbanks, ed. by V. Z. Acson and R. L. Leed. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • 1985. From Plain to Worse. Pp. 167-70 in Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen: Festschrift für Johann Knobloch zum 65. Geburtstag am 5. Januar 1984 dargebracht von Freuden und Kollegen, ed. by H. M. Ölberg et al. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck.
  • 1985. Language, Meter, and Choice in Latin. Pp. 377-83 in Studia Diachronica et Synchronica Werner Winter Sexagenario Anno MCMLXXXIII Gratis Animis ab Eius Collegis, Amicis Discipulisque Oblata, ed. by U. Pieper and G. Stickel. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1985. Notes on the Treatment of Syntax in the Grammatical Tradition. Pp. 415-20 in Scientific and Humanistic Dimensions of Language: Festschrift for Robert Lado on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday on May 31, 1985, ed. by R. Jankowski. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1985. Some Characteristics of Back Formation. Pp. 421-6 in Linguistics and Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Rulon S. Wells, ed. by A. Makkai and A. K. Melby. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1986. Nineteenth-century Linguistics on Itself. Pp. 172-88 in Studies in the History of Western Linguistics: In Honour of R. H. Robins, ed. by Th. Bynon and F. R. Palmer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1986. Some Properties of Analogical Innovation. Pp. 357-70 in Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries, 1, ed. by D. Kastovsky and A. Szwedek. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1986. Some Considerations of Relative Chronology: The Greek Thematic Present. Pp. 372-5 in o-o-pe-ro-si. Festschrift für Ernst Risch zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. by A. Etter. Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • 1987. Language Family Trees, Topological and Metrical. Pp. 257-67 in Biological Metaphor and Cladistic Classification, ed. by H. M. Hoenigswald and L. F. Wiener. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • 1987. Bloomfield and Historical Linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 14: 73-88.
  • 1987. Aei and the Prehistory of Greek Noun Accentuation. Pp. 51-3 in Studies in Memory of Warren Cowgill (1929-1985), ed. by C. Watkins.
  • 1988. Orthographica onomastica. Pp. 297-8 in Languages and Cultures: Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé, ed. by M. A. Jazayeri and W. Winter. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1988. A Note on the Semivowel Behavior and Its Implications for the Laryngeals. Pp. 199-211 in Die Laryngaltheorie und die Rekonstruktion des indogermanischen Laut- und Formensystems, ed. by A. Bammesberger. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
  • 1988. Eberhard Zwirner. P. 32 in Beiträge zur quantitativen Linguistik: Gedachtniskolloquium für Eberhard Zwirner, ed. by H. Bluhme. Tübingen: G. Narr.
  • 1989. Foreword. Pp. [1]-[2] in Sources for the History of Linguistics in the Manuscripts Department of the American Philosophical Society Library, by Beth Carroll-Horrocks.
  • 1989. Language Obsolescence and Language History: Matters of Linearity, Leveling, Loss, and the Like. Pp. 347-54 in Investigating Obsolescence: Studies in Language Contraction and Death, ed. by N. C. Dorian. Cmabridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1989. Overlong Syllables in Rgvedic Cadences. Journal of the American Oriental Society 109: 559-63.
  • 1990. Descent, Perfection, and the Comparative Method since Leibniz. Pp. 119-32 in Leibniz, Humboldt, and the Origins of Comparativism, ed. by T. De Mauro and L. Formigari. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1990. Does Language Grow on Trees? Ancestry, Descent, Regularity. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 134(1): 10-18.
  • 1990. -F and Liquid. Classical Quarterly 40(1): 272-4.
  • 1990. Is the 'Comparative' Method General or Family-specific? Pp. 375-83 in Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology, ed. by Ph. Baldi. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [= Pp. 183-91 in Patterns of Change, Change of Patterns, ed. by Ph. Baldi (1991)]
  • 1990. Summary Report of the Indo-European Panel. Pp. 271-4 in Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology, ed. by Ph. Baldi. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1990. Brief notice of A. Rijksbaron et al. (eds.) In the Footsteps of Raphael Kühner. Language 66: 880-1.
  • 1990. Language Families and Subgroupings, Tree Model and Wave Theory, and Reconstruction of Protolanguages. Pp. 441-54 in Research Guide on Language Change, ed. by Edgar C. Polomé. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1990. Celtiberi: A Note. Pp. 13-15 in Celtic Language, Celtic Culture: Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp, ed. by A. T. E. Matonis and D. F. Melia. Van Nuys, CA: Ford & Bailie.
  • 1991. Historical Linguistics: Explanation of Language Change. Pp. 215-22 in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists, Berlin.
  • 1991. Proportions and Concatenations. Pp. 468-70 in Studies in Dravidian and General Linguistics: A Festschrift for Bh. Krishnamurti, ed. by B. L. Bai and B. R. Reddy. Hyderabad, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistics, Osmania University.
  • 1991. Morphemic Change, Typology, and Uniformitarianism: A Study in Reconstruction. Pp. 17-26 in Language Typology 1988: Typological Models in Reconstruction, ed. by W. P. Lehmann and H-J. J. Hewitt.
  • 1991. Henry M. Hoenigswald. In Nunc meminisse iuvat: Classics and Classicists between the World Wars, ed. by Judith P. Hallett and Lee T. Percy. In Classical World 85: 9-11.
  • 1991. The Prosody of the Epic Adonius and Its Prehistory. Pp. 1-11 in Studies in Memory of Friedrich Solmsen, ed. by M. Marcovich. [= Illinois Classical Studies XVI.]
  • 1992. Ancestry and Descent. Pp. 127-31 in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, ed. by W. Bright (editor-in-chief). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • 1992. Obsolescence, Neologism, and Replacement. Pp. 135-6 in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, ed. by W. Bright (editor-in-chief). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • 1992. Minimum Freedom and the Sentence. Pp. 531-6 in Language in Context: Essays for Robert E. Longacre, ed. by S. J. Hwang and R. Merrifield. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Texas at Arlington.
  • 1992. Comparative Method, Internal Reconstruction, Typology. Pp. 23-34 in Reconstructing Language and Culture (=Trends in Linguistics 58), ed. by Edgar C. Polomé and Werner Winter. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1992. Semantic Change and 'Regularity': A Legacy of the Past. Pp. 85-105 in Diachrony within Synchrony: Language History and Cognition, (= Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft) ed. by Günter Kellerman and Michael D. Morissey.
  • 1992. Silbengrenze und Vokalschwächung im Lateinischen. Pp. 81-5 in Latein und Indogermanisch, ed. by Oswald Panagl and Thomas Krisch. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck.
  • 1992. On Indo-European Laryngeals after Word-initial s-. Pp. 119-22 in Comparative-Historical Linguistic: Indo-European and Finno-Ugric, ed. by B. Brogyanyi and R. Lipp. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1993. Greco. Pp. 255-88 in Le lingue indoeuropee, ed. by Anna Giacalone Ramat and Paolo Ramat.
  • 1993. 'Lipous' androteta, Elision, and Prosody. Pp. 459-65 in Nomodeiktes: Greek Studies in honor of Martin Ostwald, ed. by Ralph M. Rosen and Joseph Farrell. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • 1994. Meter and Phonology: The Chronological Interpretation of Idealized Reconstructions. Pp. 135-48 in Früh-, Mittle-, Spätindogermanisch, ed. by George E. Dunkel et al. Wiesbaden: L. Reichert. [= Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the Indogermanische Gesellschaft, Zürich 1992.]
  • 1994. Historiography as Source: The Afterlife of Theodor Benfrey. Pp. 423-28 in Lingua et traditio: Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und der neueren Philologien. Festschrift für Hans Helmut Christmann zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Richard Baum et al. Tübingen: G. Narr.
  • 1995. [Languages, Language History, and the History of Linguistics: From Structure to Transformation, between Europe and America. An Interview with Henry Hoenigswald, [by Pierre Swiggers]]. Orbis 38: 233-50.
  • 1995. Vedic Perfects and It. Pp. 235-38 in Analecta Indoeuropaea Cracoviensia II: Kurylowicz Memorial Volume. Part One,ed. by W. Smoczynski.
  • 1996. Hahn, E(mma) Adelaide. P. 383 in Lexicon Grammaticorum, ed. by H. Stammerjohann et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • 1996. Harris, Zellig S(abbetai). Pp. 391-2 in Lexicon Grammaticorum, ed. by H. Stammerjohann et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • 1996. Kent, Roland G(rubb). P. 508 in Lexicon Grammaticorum, ed. by H. Stammerjohann et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • 1996. Sturtevant, Edgar (Howard). Pp. 892-3 in Lexicon Grammaticorum, ed. by H. Stammerjohann et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • 1996. Swadesh, Morris. P. 897 in Lexicon Grammaticorum, ed. by H. Stammerjohann et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • 1996. Polisemija: Vzgl'ad Istorika [Polysemy: The View of a Historian.] Voprosy Jazykoznanija 5: 3-6.x
  • 1997. Zu Leben und Werk von Richard Hönigswald. Pp. 425-36 in Erkennen - Monas - Sprache, Internationales Richard-Hönigswald-Symposion Kassel 1995, (= Studien und Materialien zum Neukantianismus, Band 9) ed. by Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik.
  • 1997. Some Archaisms in the Iliad. Pp. 79-85 in Historical, Indo-European and Lexicographical Studies: A Festschrift for Ladislav Zgusta on the occasion of his 70th Birthday, ed. by Hans H. Hock. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • 1997. Analogy in Cyrene and Elsewhere. Pp. 93-8 in Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp, (= Journal of Indo-European Studies, Monograph #23), Volume I, ed. by Douglas Q. Adams. Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man.
  • 1998. Eû, eú and the Accent of Non-Thematic Neuters. Pp. 271-4 in Mír Curad: Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, ed. by J. Jasanoff, Craig E. Melchert, and Lisi Olivier. Innsbruck: Institut der Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck.
  • 1998. Greek. Pp. 228-60 in The Indo-European Languages, ed. by Anna Giacalone Ramat and Paolo Ramat. London: Routledge. [cp. 'Greco' (1993).]
  • 1999. Secondary Split, Gap-filling, & Bifurcation in Historical Phonology. Pp. 201-6 in Language Change and Typological Variation: In Honor of Winfred P. Lehmann on the Occasion of His 83rd Birthday, Vol. 1, ed. by Edgar C. Polomé and Carol F. Justus. [=JIES Monograph 30.]


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  • 1938. Rituals and Cults of Pre-Roman Iguvium. By I. Rosenzweig. Rivista di Filologia Classica 16: 427-9.
  • 1941. An Outline of the History of the Greek Language. By P. S. Costas. Language 17: 262-3.
  • 1941. Outline of a Theory of Linguistic Change. By H. S. Deferrari. Classical World 34: 283.
  • 1942. Remains of Old Latin, IV. By E. H. Warmington. Language 18: 65-6.
  • 1942. First Lessons in Sanskrit Grammar. By J. R. Ballantyne. Classical World 35: 248.
  • 1943. Vorgriechische Sprachwissenschaft, I. By V. Georgiev. Language 19: 269-72.
  • 1944. Phonetics. By K. L. Pike. Journal of the American Oriental Society 64: 151-5.
  • 1945. Hungarian Grammar. By R. A. Hall. Studies in Linguistics 3: 46-50.
  • 1946. Kota Texts, I. By M. B. Emeneau. Journal of the American Oriental Society 66: 187-8.
  • 1947. An Introduction to Linguistic Science. By E. H. Sturtevant. Language 23: 437-42.
  • 1948. Vorgriechische Sprachwissenschaft, II. By V. Georgiev. Language 24: 198-9.
  • 1948. Le verbe 'dire' en grec ancien. By H. Fournier. Language 24: 199-205.x
  • 1948. A Grammar of the Post-Ptolemaic Papryi, 1.1. By L. R. Palmer. Language 24: 205-12.
  • 1950. Handbook of Comparative Grammar for Students of Foreign Languages. By R. E. Chandler and A. R. Hefler. Studies in Linguistics 8: 40. By F. Stroh. Studies in Linguistics 11: 77-8.
  • 1953. Ancient and Medieval Grammatical Theory in Europe. By R. H. Robins. Language 29: 180-2.
  • 1953. Beiträge zur Etruskologie. By F. Slotty. Language 29: 183-6.
  • 1954. Proto-Indo-European Phonology. By W. P. Lehmann. Language 30: 468-74.
  • 1954. Les langues du monde. By A. Meillet and M. Cohen (eds.) Journal of the American Oriental Society 74: 65-6.
  • 1956. Die Heimat der indogermanische Gemeinsprache. By P. Thieme. Language 32: 313-6.
  • 1957. Économie des changements phonétiques. By A. Martinet. Language 33: 575-8.
  • 1958. Taraporewala Memorial Volume. Language 34: 516-8.
  • 1958. Poetic, Scientific, and Other Forms of Discourse. By J. Whatmough. American Journal of Philology 79: 290-3.
  • 1960. Course in General Linguistics. By F. Saussure. Classical World 53: 267.
  • 1961. Introduction to Linguistic Structures. By A. A. Hill. Classical Journal 57: 134-7.
  • 1961. The Bronze Tablets of Igvium. By W. Poultney. American Journal of Philology 82: 301-6.
  • 1962. Typological and Comparative Grammar of Uto-Aztecan. By C. F. Voegelin and K. Hale. International Journal of American Linguistics 28: 80-4.
  • 1963. Les nom grecs en -ow et en -a?. By J. Gagnepain. Language 39:107-10.
  • 1963. Khasi, a Language of Assam. By L. Rabel. Journal of the American Oriental Society 83:144.
  • 1963. Writing. By D. Diringer. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 347:184-5.
  • 1964. Perspectives in Linguistics. By J. T. Waterman. American Anthropologist 66: 478-9.
  • 1965. Structural Semantics. By J. Lyons. Journal of Linguistics 1: 191-6.
  • 1965. A Formal Analysis of Petronius' Vocabulary. By D. C. Swanson. Classical World May: 289.
  • 1966. Die lateinische Schimpfwörter. By I. Opelt. Classical World October: 77.
  • 1967. Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages. By R. L. Turner. Journal of Asian Studies 26:747-8.
  • 1968. Die griechischen Adjektive zweier Endung auf -ow. By W. Kastner. Classical World September: 21.
  • 1968. Portraits of Linguists. By T. A. Sebeok. American Anthropologist 70:422.
  • 1968. Meaning and Change of Meaning. By G. Stern. Foundations of Language 4:101-4.
  • 1968. Essays on Linguistic Themes. By Y. Malkiel. American Anthropologist 71:140.
  • 1968. Materials for the Study of the Etruscan Languaget. By M. Fowler and R. G. Wolfe. Computers and the Humanities 3:272-3.
  • 1968. Wortfeld 'Freude' in der Sprache Homers. By J. Latacz. Classical World December: 122.
  • 1970. Sprachverwandtschaft und Wahrscheinlichkeit. By B. Collinder. Foundations of Language 6:281.
  • 1971. Cartesian Linguistics. By N. Chomsky; Main Trends in Modern Linguistics. By M. Leroy; and A Short History of Linguistics. By R. H. Robins. Journal of the History of the Behavorial Sciences 7:207-9.
  • 1971. A Reader in Nineteenth Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics. By W. P. Lehmann. Lingua 26: 423-7.
  • 1971. Grundfragen der Phonometrie. By E. and K. Zwirner. Language 47:189-90.
  • 1971. The Phonological Basis of Latin Prosody. By R. A. Zirin. Classical World November: 102.
  • 1971. Kritische Bemerkungen zum Saussure'schen 'Cours de linguistique générale.' By B. Collinder. Foundations of Language 7:136-7.
  • 1972. Ein Opfergelübde an die etruskische Minerva. By A. J. Pfiffig. American Journal of Archaeology 47:227-8.
  • 1972. Corpus inscriptionum Etruscarum 2.1.4. By M. Cristofani (ed.) American Journal of Archaeology 76:452-3.
  • 1972. Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. By O. Szemerényi. American Classical Review 2:153-4.
  • 1972. Metrical Lengthening in Homer. By W. F. Wyatt, Jr. Language 48:929-40.
  • 1973. Workbook in Comparative Reconstruction. By W. M. Cowan. General Linguistics 13:99-101.
  • 1974. Communicational Linguistics. By L. Heller. Historical Review 1974, 1134.
  • 1975. The Study of Indo-European Vocalism in the 19th Century. By W. A. Benware. Historiographia Linguistica 2:238-41.
  • 1975. A Sketch of the Indo-European Finite Verb. By J. A. Kerns and B. Schwartz. Journal of the American Oriental Society 95:147-8.
  • 1975. Tagalog Reference Grammar. By P. Schachter and F. P. Otanes. Journal of the American Oriental Society 95:148.
  • 1975. Das System der indogermanischen Halbvokale. By E. Seebold. Journal of the American Oriental Society 95:543-4.
  • 1975. Linguistic Evolution. By M. L. Samuels. Language 51:457-61.
  • 1975. Current Trends in Linguistics, 10. By T. A. Sebeok (ed.) Language Sciences 37:35-6.
  • 1976. The Study of Indo-European Vocalism in the 19th Century. By W. A. Benware. Journal of the American Oriental Society 96:137.
  • 1976. Das Yasin-Burushaski. By H. Berger. Journal of the American Oriental Society 96:137.
  • 1976. Einleitung in die allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft. By A. F. Pott. Journal of the American Oriental Society 96:176.
  • 1976. Introduction to the Study of Language. By B. Delbrück. Journal of the American Oriental Society 96:137-8.
  • 1976. The Transformational-Generative Paradigm and Modern Linguistic Theory. By E. F. K. Koerner (ed.) Journal of the American Oriental Society 96:460.
  • 1976. Problems of Typological and Genetic Linguistics. By H. Birnbaum. Foundations of Language 14:625-6.
  • 1977. Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter. By G. Nagy. American Journal of Philology 98:82-8.
  • 1980. Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic, and Typological Linguistics: Festschrift for Oswald Szemerényi on the occassion of his 65th birthday. By B. Brogyanyi (ed.) Kratylos 25:95-104.
  • 1981. Lucretius and the Transpadanes. By L. A. Holland. Language in Society 10:313.
  • 1981. Language and Linguistic Area. Essays by Murray Emeneau. By A. S. Dil (ed.) Journal of the American Oriental Society 101:238-9.
  • 1983. Historical Morphology. By J. Fisiak. General Linguistics 22:57-9.
  • 1983. Die Sprachen Europas in systematischer Übersicht By A. Schleicher. and Linguistics and Evolutionary Theory: Three Essays by August Schleicher, Ernst Haeckel, and Wilhelm Bleek. Historiographia Linguistica 11:479-80.
  • 1984. The Etruscan Language. By G. and L. Bonfante. Classical Review 24:340-1.
  • 1985. An Introduction to the Indo-European Languages. By P. Baldi. General Linguistics 24:71-2.
  • 1986. Das etymologische Wörterbuch. By A. Bammesberger (ed.) Lexicographia 2:309-10.
  • 1988. Zur Methode der Geschichtsschreibung der Linguistik. By P. Schmitter (ed.) Kratylos 33:16-19.x
  • 1988. Sprachwissenschaft und Rasenideologie in Deutschland. By Ruth Römer. Kratylos 33:22-6.
  • 1989. Das Schicksal von F. de Saussure's 'Mémoire.' By R. Gmür. Historiographia Linguistica 16:192-4.
  • 1989. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft 100. Kratylos 34:161-3.
  • 1989. The Sanskrit Grammar and Manuscripts of Father Heinrich Roth S.J. (1620-1668). By A. Camps and J.-C. Muller (eds.) Kratylos 34:177.
  • 1990. Etruscan. By L. Bonfante. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1:44-5.
  • 1991. Namenpaare. By H. Solin. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2:96.x
  • 1992. Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins. By Colin Renfrew. Language in Society 21:134-7.
  • 1992. Storia della linguistica, 1. By G. Lepschy (ed.) Journal of Linguistics 28:237-41.
  • 1992. Language and Earth: Elective Affinities between the Emerging Sciences of Linguistics and Geology. By Bernd Naumann, H. Frank, and Gottfried Hofbauer (eds.) Historiographia Linguistica 19:381-6.
  • 1992. Sprung from Some Common Source. By S. M. Lamb and E. D. Mitchell. General Linguistics 32:145-50.
  • 1993. The Life and Mind of Oriental Jones. By G. Cannon. History of European Ideas 17:671-2.
  • 1993. Zum Postulat 'vorhersagbaren' Sprachwandels bei unregelmässigen oder komplexen Flexionsparadigmen. By K. Strunk. Kratylos 38:13-16.
  • 1994. Pause and Effect. By M. B. Parkes. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 5:157-9.
  • 1994. On Verbal Accentuation in the Rigveda. By J. Klein. Journal of the American Oriental Society 114:483-5.x
  • 1995. Diversions of Galway. Papers on the History of Linguistics from ICHoLS V. Galway, Ireland. By A. Ahlqvist et al. (eds.) Kratylos 140:85-91.
  • 1995. A Paradigm Lost: The Linguistic Theory of Mikolaj Kruszewski. By Joanna Radwanska Williams. Slavic Review 54:758-9.
  • 1995. Bopp-Symposium 1992 der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Akten der Konferenz vom 24.3-26.3 1992 aus Anlass von Franz Bopps zweihundertjährigem Geburtstag am 14.9.1991. By Reinhard Sternemann (ed.) Historiographia Linguistica 22:421-3.