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Multiple timeline of Georgia

This scheme is a multiple timelime of the history of Georgia, part of the series of Series of multiple timelines of European countries and territories.

Timeline of Georgia

Introduction - Other timelines - Index of timelines - Georgia
Abkhazia - South Ossetia - Other regions in main section
Georgia (საქართველო) is a republic with a popularly elected executive president, a Parliament elected in free multi-party elections and a government responsible to the parliament.
The history of Abkhazia since 1463 can be found at Abkhazia, the history of South Osetia since 1990 can be found at South Ossetia.
  • 1300s BC: In the south of present-day Georgia and North East Turkey the state of Diauehi is established.
  • 845 BC: King Asia is forced to submit to the Assyrian king Šulmānu-ašarēdu.
  • 1300s BC: The state of Colchis is established in present-day Georgia, inhabited by tribes like the Abasgoi, Heniochi and Colchians.
  • 900s-600s BC: Greeks establish trade colonies along the coast.
  • 760s BC: Colchis destroys Diauehi and shares it with → Urartu.
Kingdom of Iberia[1]
  • 302 BC: Iberia is established in East-Georgia. It is often a vassal or tributary state of other states like the Seleucid Empire (302–159 BC). Its first king is Pharnavaz.

  • 131 BC: Colchis is continued by Lazica, ruled by king Malassas.

  • 90 BC: King Pharnajom is overthrown and replaced by his brother-in-law, the Armenian prince Artaxias.
  • 65 BC: After its king Artoces lost against the Romans, Iberia is often a vassal of the Roman Empire.
  • 30 BC: The son of Parnajomi, Mirian II, becomes king.
  • 1: Pharasmanes becomes king as an ally of the Roman Empire.
Kingdom of Pontus
  • 101 BC: Lazica is conquered by king Mithridates VI of Pontus.
  • 83 BC: Mithridates quels an uprising in the region.
Roman Empire
  • 63: Lazica is annexed to Rome.
  • 200s: Lazica becomes a Roman vassal state with various degrees of autonomy, occasionally coming under Sassanid Persian rule.
  • 363: King Aspacures becomes vasal of Persia (363-482 and 502-523).
  • 484: King Vakhtang is defeated by the Persians.
  • 395: After the death of Theodosius I of the Theodosian dynasty, the Roman Empire is partitioned in the (Eastern) → Roman Empire, also rendered as Byzantine Empire[2], a Greek dominated empire, and the (Western) → Roman Empire. Lazica becomes part of the Eastern part of the Empire.
Persian Empire
  • 522: Vakhtang is forced to abdicate by → Persia and is succeeded by his son Dachi. Iberia is placed under direct Persian rule, despite having its own kings.
  • 532: The Iberian War between the Roman Empire and the Sassanian Persian Empire ends with the Eternal Peace in which Persia retains Iberia and the Roman Empire retains Lazica.
  • 580: After the death of king Bacurius III, Iberia is annexed by emperor Hormizd IV into Persia.

  • 532: The Iberian War between the Roman Empire and the Sassanian Persian Empire ends with the Eternal Peace in which Persia retains Iberia and the Roman Empire retains Lazica.
  • 536: Lazica becomes a full Roman protectorate.
  • 541: Shah Khosrow of Sassanian Persia invades Lazica to take over control from the Romans.
  • 562: The war over Lazica ends with the Treaty of Dara restoring the status quo before the war.
Principality of Kartli
Arab Caliphate
Emirate of Tbilisi Lazica
  • 730s: Lazicia successfully repels the Arab occupation. The daughter of ruler Mir of Lazica marries prince Leon of Abkhazia.
  • 770s: Leon II becomes ruler of Lazica and merges the Abkhazian lands into Lazica.
Principality of Kakheti
  • 787: Grigol seizes control of Kakheti and becomes chorepiscopus of Kakheti.
Kingdom of Abkhazia
  • 786: King Leon II of Abkhazia formally secedes from the → Roman Empire and aligns itself with Khazaria.
Kingdom of the Kartvels
  • 978: The son of prince Gurgen of Iberia, becomes king Bagrat of Abkhazia.
Kingdom of Georgia
  • 1008: Bagrat becomes as Bagrat III ruler of Iberia which makes him king of Georgia whereby other Georgian states (including Tao-Klarjeti and Abkhazia) are incorporated.
Kingdom of Kakheti-Hereti
  • 1020s: Prince Kvirike III of Kakheti acquires Hereti and becomes king of Kakheti-Hereti.
  • 1022: A [Byzantine–Georgian wars|war]] between the Roman Empire and Georgia ends with the defeat of king Giorgi of Georgia. Parts of the country are ceded to the Romans.
  • 1042: The Roman Empire intervenes in a civil war against king Bagrat IV
  • 1099: King David IV resists the tributary status of Georgia to the Seljuk Empire.
  • 1247: Georgia is ruled by the cousins David VI and David VII.
  • 1259: Mongols invade Georgia, which leads to a partition of Georgia between the cousins.
  • 1259: David VII remains king of Georgia.
Kingdom of Imereti
  • 1259: David VI becomes as David I king of Imereti.
  • 1330: Giorgi V of Georgia restores Georgian rule over Imereti.
  • 1381: Timur, ruler of Gurkani, invades Georgia and a war until 1403 commences. Timur personally leads most of the raids to subdue Georgia. Although he is not able to establish a firm control over Georgia, the country suffers a blow from which it never recovers.
  • 1387 : King Bagrat V loses Imereti.
  • 1403: To end the war king Giorgi VII recognizes Timur as a suzerain and pays him tribute.
  • 1407: After the death of Timūr, his empire collapses. The Kara Koyunlu start to raid Georgia. King Giorgi VII dies in battle.
Kingdom of Imereti
  • 1387: Alexander, duke of Imereti inside Georgia, becomes king of Imereti.
  • 1442: He abdicates and is succeeded by Vakhtang IV. He suceeds to stop the Kara Koyunlu to conquer Georgia.
  • 1450s: Georgia suffers dynastic infightings, leadinge de facto separation of Imereti, Kakheti, Svaneti and other entities.
Kingdom of Imereti
  • 1463: Another partition of Georgia begins when Bagrat VI becomes king of Imeri.
  • 1463s: Imereti establishes also as vassal states Guria and Svaneti.
Principality of Svaneti
  • 1463: Svaneti becomes a vassal state of various countries.
Principality of Guria
  • 1463: Guria gets under patronage of various countries, last of Russia
Kingdom of Kakheti
  • 1465: Giorgi VIII becomes king of Kakheti.
  • 1465: King Giorgi VIII of Georgia loses control over most of Georgia. He is succeeded by Bagrat VI of Imereti. Imereti and Georgia are re-united. Around that time Meskheti establishes itself as a separate principality.

  • 1483: Konstantine loses Imereti.
Kingdom of Imereti
Kingdom of Kartli
  • 1490: The partition of Georgia finally makes Konstantine king of Kartli.
Principality of Mingrelia[4]
  • 1491: Liparit II Dadiani becomes prince of a semi-independent Mingrelia, under patronage of various countries.
  • 1513: After an unsuccesful invasion by king Giorgi II of Kakheti into Kartli, Kakheti is annexed to Kartli.
Kingdom of Kakheti
  • 1520: Levan becomes king of Kakheti.

  • 1562: The Persians bring Kartli under its intermittent rule. They install David XI as ruler of Kartli (effectively from 1569), who has to pay tribute to Persia. Part of the country remains loyal to king Simon.
  • 1569: Simon is captured by Persia.
  • 1578: With the campaign of grand-vizier Lala Mustafa Pasha the Ottomans get control over Kartli. Simon is released by Persia to fight the Ottomans and reinstated as king of Kartli. He leads a guerilla war against the Ottomans and recovers most of Kartli by 1579.
  • 1588: Simon is forced to pay tribute to the Ottomans, but resists at several times the Ottoman overlordship.
  • 1599: Simon is defeated by an Ottoman army at Nakhiduri and taken captive. He is jailed in Constantinople. As king he is succeeded by Giorgi X.
Persian Empire
  • 1615: King Luarsab II of Kartli is defeated by the Persians. Both Kartli and Kakheti are annexed to Persia. Kartli is ruled by governors, khans.
Kingdom of Kakheti
  • 1625: Former king Teimuraz regains Kakheti and claims Kartli.
  • 1630: Kartli is conquered by Teimuraz of Kakheti.
Kingdom of Kartli
  • 1633: Rostom becomes king of Kartli as a Persian vassal.
  • 1648: Kakheti is conquered by Rostom and annexed to Kartli.
Persian Empire
  • 1656: Kartli loses Kakheti in 1656 to Persia.
Kingdom of Kakheti
  • 1664: Archil becomes king of restored Kakheti.
Persian Empire
  • 1676: Kakheti is annexed to Persia.
Kingdom of Kakheti
  • 1700s: Kartli allows Ossetians to migrate into Kartli.
  • 1724: Kakheti is subjected to successive Ottoman and Persian occupations but has its own kings.
Subleme Ottoman Empire
  • 1727: Kartli is incorporated into the Ottoman Empire.
Persian Empire
  • 1735: Kartli is incorporated into the Persian Empire.

  • 1744: King Teimuraz II of Kakheti becomes king of Kartli. His son Erekle II becomes king of Kakheti.
Kingdom of Kartli
  • 1744: King Teimuraz II of Kakheti becomes king of Kartli. His son Erekle II becomes king of Kakheti.
Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti
  • 1762: Erekle II becomes after the death of Teimuraz II king of Kartli-Kakheti.
  • 1770: Erekle II defeats at Aspindza an Ottoman army.
  • 1783: The Treaty of Georgievsk makes Kartli-Kakheti a protectorate under suzerainty of Russia.
  • {{anchor}1795}}1795: The combined armies of Karthli-Kakheti and Imereti are defeated at Krtsanisi by an Persian army. The region is briefly reoccupied by Persia.
  • 1800: Kartli-Kakheti is conquered by → Russia.

Russian Empire

  • 1801: After the death of king Giorgi XII, his heir David is removed from power by tsar Pavel and Kartli-Kakheti is annexed by the Russia Empire.
  • 1803: Mingrelia becomes under patronage of Russia
  • 1829: Russia wins the Russo-Turkish war and in the Treaty of Adrianople the Ottoman Empire cedes areas at the Black Sea coast to Russia and recognizes Russia's possession of Imereti, Mingrelia and Guria.
  • 1833: The prince of Svaneti becomes vassal of Russia.
  • 1857: Mingrelia is annexed to → Russia, which is confirmed de jure in 1867.
Russian Republic
  • 1917: After the revolutions commence in Russia, several entities are established on the territory of Russia.
Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic
  • 1918: Transcaucasia secedes from Russia. The Transcaucasian members of the Russian constituent assembly form the parliament of Transcaucasia. They elect Nikolay Chkheidze as president of Transcaucasia. Within six weeks Transcaucasia falls apart in → Armenia, Azerbaijan (with present-day Artsakh) and Georgia.
Subleme Ottoman Empire
  • 1918: The Ottoman Empire occupies Batumi.
Democratic Republic of Georgia
  • 1918: Georgia becomes independent. Georgia gets a popularly elected president and a government which is responsible to the parliament elected on a universal suffrage in free multi-party elections. When Russia pulls out of the World War I with the Ottoman Empire, the Treaty of Batum is a peace settlement of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia with the Ottoman Empire, which is rather positive for the Ottomans. A border conflict between Armenia and Georgia ends with the creation of Lori as a neutral zone. Russia and Georgia dispute over Sochi. The same year the Ossetians in Georgia revolt against Georgian rule, which end in 1920 with a Ossetian defeat.
  • 1919: Batumi is occupied by British forces. They establish a provisional government and a provisional Assembly. Sochi becomes → Russian.
  • 1920: Batumi becomes a protectorate of the League of Nations.
  • 1920: Batumi is ceded to Georgia the same year.
Georgian Socialist Soviet Republic
  • 1921: Russia invades Georgia and establishes a communist Soviet puppet state. Communists secede → Abkhazia from Georgia, but the same year it becomes a contractual affiliate of Georgia. With the Treaty of Kars Georgia and Turkey agree on the borders of their countries in Adjara.
Subleme Ottoman Empire
  • 1921: Batumi is conquered by the Ottoman Empire.
Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic
  • 1922: After communist seize power in these countries, Georgia, including affiliated Abkhazia, unites with → Armenia and → Azerbaijan in Transcaucasia, a client state of Russia.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • 1922: Russia forms together with Belarus, Transcaucasia and Ukraine the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, shortly the Soviet Union, of which these states become constituent states. The Georgian SSR is a constituent state through Transcaucasia.
  • 1936: Transcaucasia is dissolved and the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic becomes a separate constituent republic.
  • 1988: An anti-communist demonstration in Georgia is dispersed by the Soviet Army, causing twenty deaths.
  • 1990: The communist dictatorship is overthrown. The parliament of the Georgian SSR is elected on a universal suffrage in free multi-party elections.
  • 1991: An attempt by a communist group is defeated. It marks the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union.
Republic of Georgia
  • 1991: The parliament of Georgia proclaims the secession of the Soviet Union. The Warsaw Pact and the Comecon are disbanded. Ossetians, supported by Russia, commence a separatist war against Georgia and establish the unrecognized → Republic of South Ossetia. Georgia gets a constitution with a popularly elected president and a government which is responsible to the parliament elected on a universal suffrage in free multi-party elections. Adjara is renamed into the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Abkhazia into the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia.
  • 1992: A military council takes power. The former parliament is restored. The same year the parliament and is elected in multi-party elections. Georgia joins the United Nations. With the Sochi agreement a cease fire between South Ossetia and Georgia is enacted, leading to the de facto independence of South Ossetia. The Abkhazian government declares independence as the → Republic of Abkhazia from Georgia. A war commences between Georgia and the separatists, supported by Russia.
  • 1993: Georgia joins the Commonwealth of Independent States. The war ends with the de facto independence of Abkhazia.
  • 1994: Georgia is a founding member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
  • 1995: Georgia gets a popularly elected executive president and a government which is responsible to the parliament elected in free multi-party elections.
  • 1998: An insurgency of ethnic Georgians against the Abkhazian secessionist government and the following war leads to an Abkhazian victory.
  • 1999: Georgia joins the Council of Europe and withdraws from the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
  • 2003: A revolution leads to new elections.
  • 2004: An uprising in Adjaria is defeated.
  • 2008: After an attempt to regain control over Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Russia intervenes in Georgia to secure their de facto independence. Georgia loses the areas of Abkhazia and South Ossetia it controlled.
  • 2009: Georgia withdraws from the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Timeline of Abkhazia

Introduction - Other timelines - Index of timelines - Georgia
Abkhazia - South Ossetia - Other regions in main section
The Republic of Abkazhia (Аҧсны Аҳәынҭқарра / Республика Абхазия) is a limited recognized republic, de jure considered part of Georgia, with a popularly elected president and a parliament, the People's Assembly, elected in multi-party elections on a universal suffrage.
Principality of Abkhazia
Russian Empire
  • 1864: Russia deports the last prince of Abkhazia, Mikheil of Shervashidze, and Abkhazia is annexed to Russia.
Russian Republic
  • 1917: After the revolutions commence in Russia, several entities are established on the territory of Russia.
Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic
  • 1918: Transcaucasia secedes from Russia. The Transcaucasian members of the Russian constituent assembly form the parliament of Transcaucasia. They elect Nikolay Chkheidze as president of Transcaucasia. Within six weeks Transcaucasia falls apart in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, including Abkhazia.
Democratic Republic of Georgia
  • 1918: Georgia becomes independent. Georgia gets a popularly elected president and a government which is responsible to the parliament elected on a universal suffrage in free multi-party elections.
Socialist Soviet Republic of Abkhazia
  • 1921: Communists secede Abkhazia from Georgia.
Georgian Socialist Soviet Republic
  • 1921: The same year Abkhazia becomes a contractual affiliate of Georgia.
Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic
  • 1922: After communist seize power in these countries, Georgia, including affiliated Abkhazia, unites with Armenia and Azerbaijan in Transcaucasia, a client state of Russia.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Republic of Georgia
  • 1991: The parliament of Georgia proclaims the secession of the Soviet Union. Georgia gets a constitution with a popularly elected president and a government which is responsible to the parliament elected on a universal suffrage in free multi-party elections. Abkhazia is renamed into the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia.
Republic of Abkhazia
  • 1992: The Abkhazian government declares independence from Georgia, but is generally still recognized as part of Georgia and can be considered as a Russian client state. Abkhazia is a presidential republic with a popularly elected president and a parliament elected in multi-party elections on a universal suffrage. A war commences between Georgia and the separatists, supported by Russia.
  • 1993: The war ends with the de facto independence of Abkazia.
  • 1998: An insurgency of ethnic Georgians against the Abkhazian secessionist government and the following war leads to an Abkhazian victory.
  • 2008: After a Georgian attempt to regain control over Abkhazia, Russia intervenes in Georgia to secure its de facto independence. Georgia loses the area of Abkhazia it controlled. Russia recognizes the independence of Abkhazia.
  • 2014: A revolution leads to new elections.

Timeline of South Ossetia

Introduction - Other timelines - Index of timelines - Georgia
Abkhazia - South Ossetia - Other regions in main section
The Republic of South Ossetia (Республикӕ Хуссар Ирыстон / Республика Южная Осетия) is a limited recognized republic, de jure considered part of Georgia, with a popularly elected president and a parliament, the Parliament, elected in multi-party elections, as well as the government.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • 1922: Inside the Georgian SSR the Soviet Union creates the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast, with a mixed Ossetian and Georgian population. Ossetians were allowed by the former Kingdom of Kartli immigrate into Kartli, a predecessor of Georgia.
  • 1936: Transcaucasia is dissolved and Georgia becomes a separate constituent republic.
  • 1990: The communist dictatorship is overthrown. The parliament of the Georgian SSR is elected on a universal suffrage in free multi-party elections. After the establishment of a South Ossetian parliament, the autonomy of the region is revoked by the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, leading to the First South Ossetian War.
  • 1991: Ossetians and Georgia get into war.
Republic of South Ossetia
  • 1991: When → Georgia becomes independent, the South Ossetian parliament secedes unrecognized. South Ossetia gets a head of state and a government responsible to the parliament, elected in multi-party elections. Georgia abolishes the autonomy of South Ossetia.
  • 1992: With the Sochi agreement a cease fire between South Ossetia and Georgia is enacted, leading to the de facto independence of South Ossetia.
  • 1996: South Ossetia gets a popularly elected president.
  • 2008: After a Georgian attempt to regain control over South Ossetia, Russia intervenes in Georgia to secure its de facto independence. Georgia loses the area of South Ossetia it controlled. Russia recognizes the independence of South Ossetia, that becomes a de facto Russian protectorate.

  1. ^ Iberia is also rendered as Kartli.
  2. ^ The name Byzantine Empire for the (Eastern) Roman Empire since 395 is used by historicans afterwards, but that was never a contemporary name.
  3. ^ Meskheti is annexed in 1535 by Bagrat III of Imereti. Prince Kaikhosro II Jaqeli restores independence in 1545. Manuchar III Jaqeli is the last prince. His uncle Beka III Paul Jaqeli kills him in 1628 and succeeds him as Ottoman pasha.
  4. ^ Mingrelia is also rendered as Samegrelo.