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This is a comprehensive list of Hakea species and subspecies accepted by Plants of the World Online and the International Union for Conservation of Nature as of June 2024:[1][2]

Included in this list are the common and scientific names of the species, scientific names of the subspecies, the name of the state or territory where the species is distributed, the species' IUCN Red List status, other conservation statuses and an image of the species.

Other conservation statuses are at the regional level and include the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Act (EPBC) List of Threatened Flora of Australia, the Declared Rare and Priority Flora List (DEC) of Western Australia and the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Threatened List (FFG) of Victoria.[3][4][5]

The genus Hakea is endemic to Australia. There are 155 described species, 104 of those being found in Western Australia.[1]


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image
Mulloway needle bush, Wallum hakea

Hakea actites W.R.Barker

Column hakea

Hakea aculeata A.S.George

W.A. Vulnerable (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Hakea acuminata Haegi W.A. Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Hakea adnata R.Br. W.A.
Enigma hakea

Hakea aenigma W.R.Barker & Haegi

Hakea ambigua Meisn. W.A.
Prickly hakea

Hakea amplexicaulis R.Br.

Hakea anadenia Haegi W.A.
Common hakea, yellow hakea

Hakea arborescens R.Br.

W.A, N.T, QLD.
Big Nellie hakea

Hakea archaeoides W.R.Barker

N.S.W. Vulnerable (EPBC)
Native Dog hakea

Hakea asperma Molyneux & Forrester

VIC. Endangered (FFG)
Hakea auriculata Meisn. W.A.
Hakea bakeriana F.Muell. & Maiden N.S.W.
Fan hakea

Hakea baxteri R.Br.

Hakea benthamii I.M.Turner QLD.
Hakea bicornata R.M.Barker W.A.
Short-winged hakea

Hakea brachyptera Meisn.

W.A. Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Hakea breviflora Wawra QLD.
Fan-leaf hakea

Hakea brownii Meisn.

Red pokers

Hakea bucculenta C.A.Gardner

Hakea candolleana Meisn. W.A.
Hakea carinata F.Muell. ex Meisn. S.A.
Horned leaf hakea

Hakea ceratophylla (Sm.) R.Br.

Bootlace oak, corkwood, bull oak

Hakea chordophylla F.Muell.

W.A, N.T, QLD.
Hakea chromatropa A.S.George & R.M.Barker W.A. Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grey hakea

Hakea cinerea R.Br.

Hakea circumalata Meisn. W.A.
Coastal hakea

Hakea clavata Labill.

Hakea collina C.T.White QLD.
Hakea commutata F.Muell. W.A.
Shell-leaved hakea

Hakea conchifolia Hook.

Hakea constablei L.A.S.Johnson N.S.W.
Cauliflower hakea

Hakea corymbosa R.Br.

Ribbed hakea

Hakea costata Meisn.

Snail hakea

Hakea cristata R.Br.

Hood-leaved hakea, cup hakea, scallop hakea

Hakea cucullata R.Br.

Ramshorn hakea, wild bean, curved fruit hakea

Hakea cyclocarpa Lindl.

Elm-seed hakea

Hakea cycloptera R.Br.

Swam hakea

Hakea cygna Lamont

  • subsp. cygna
  • subsp. needlei Lamont
W.A. Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. needlei) (DEC)


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image
Finger hakea

Hakea dactyloides (Gaertn.) Cav.

N.S.W, VIC. Endangered (FFG)
Bushy needlewood

Hakea decurrens R.Br.

  • subsp. decurrens
  • subsp. physocarpa W.R.Barker
  • subsp. platytaenia W.R.Barker
S.A, N.S.W, VIC, TAS. Endangered (subsp. platytaenia) (FFG)
Stinking Roger

Hakea denticulata R.Br.

Needlewood, corkbark tree, fork-leaved corkwood

Hakea divaricata L.A.S.Johnson

W.A, N.T, QLD, S.A.
Kowmung hakea

Hakea dohertyi Haegi

N.S.W. Critically Endangered (EPBC)
Sweet-scented hakea

Hakea drupacea (C.F.Gaertn.) Roem. & Schult.

W.A, S.A, VIC.
Flingers Range hakea, yandena

Hakea ednieana Tate

S.A, N.S.W.
Oval-leaf hakea

Hakea elliptica (Sm.) R.Br.

Hakea eneabba Haegi W.A.
Beaked hakea, needlebush hakea

Hakea epiglottis Labill.

  • subsp. epiglottis
  • subsp. milliganii (Meisn.) R.M.Barker
Hakea erecta Lamont W.A.
Tree hakea

Hakea eriantha R.Br.

Hedgehog hakea, porcupine hakea

Hakea erinacea Meisn.

Straggly corkbark

Hakea eyreana (S.Moore) McGill.

N.T, S.A, N.S.W.
Sickle hakea

Hakea falcata R.Br.

Rusty hakea

Hakea ferruginea Sweet

Fan-leaved hakea, wedge hakea

Hakea flabellifolia Meisn.

Hakea florida R.Br. W.A.
Three-nerved willow hakea

Hakea florulenta Meisn.

Emu tree, grass-leaf hakea, bottlebrush hakea

Hakea francisiana F.Muell.

W.A, S.A.
Gnarled Corkbark, Fraser's Hakea, corkwood oak

Hakea fraseri R.Br.

N.S.W. Vulnerable (EPBC)


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image
Hakea gibbosa (J.White) Cav. N.S.W.
Hakea gilbertii Kippist ex Meisn. W.A.
Hakea grammatophylla (F.Muell.) F.Muell. N.T.
Hakea hastata Haegi W.A.
Barren Range hakea

Hakea hookeriana Meisn.

W.A. Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC)
Hakea horrida C.A.Gardner ex R.M.Barker W.A.
Hakea ilicifolia R.Br. W.A.
Marble hakea

Hakea incrassata R.Br.

Hakea invaginata B.L.Burtt W.A.
Hakea ivoryi F.M.Bailey QLD, N.S.W


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image
Hakea kippistiana Meisn. W.A.
Hakea laevipes Gand. QLD, N.S.W
Hakea lasiantha R.Br. W.A.
Hakea lasianthoides Rye W.A.
Hakea lasiocarpha R.Br. W.A. Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Pincushion hakea

Hakea laurina R.Br.

Hakea lehmanniana Meisn. W.A.

Hakea leucoptera R.Br.

All states except TAS.
Hakea linearis R.Br. W.A.
Hakea lissocarpha R.Br. W.A.

Hakea lissosperma R.Br.

N.S.W, VIC, TAS. Vulnerable (FFG)
Hakea longiflora (Benth.) R.M.Barker W.A. Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Hakea loranthifolia Meisn. W.A.
Hakea lorea (R.Br.) R.Br. W.A, N.T, QLD, S.A.


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image
Lesueur Hakea

Hakea maconochieana Haegi

QLD. Vulnerable (EPBC)
Hakea macraeana F.Muell. N.S.W. Critically Endangered (FFG)
Hakea macrocarpa A.Cunn. ex R.Br. W.A, N.T.
Hakea macrorrhyncha W.R.Barker N.S.W, QLD. Endangered (EPBC)
Hakea marginata R.Br. W.A.
Hakea megadenia R.M.Barker TAS.
Three-veined hakea

Hakea megalosperma Meisn.

W.A. Vulnerable (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Hakea meisneriana Kippist W.A.
Small-fruit hakea

Hakea microcarpa R.Br.

All states except S.A.
Hakea minyma Maconochie W.A, N.T, S.A.
Hakea mitchellii Meisn. S.A, VIC.
Hakea multilineata Meisn. W.A
Myrtle hakea

Hakea myrtoides Meisn.

Hakea neospathulata I.M.Turner W.A.
Hakea neurophylla Meisn. W.A. Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC)
Hakea newbeyana R.M.Barker W.A.
Shining hakea

Hakea nitida R.Br.

Yellow hakea

Hakea nodosa R.Br.

Needles & Corks

Hakea obliqua R.Br.

  • R.Br. subsp. obliqua
  • subsp. parviflora R.M.Barker
Hakea obtusa Meisn. W.A.
Hakea ochroptera W.R.Barker N.S.W.
Hakea oldfieldii Benth. W.A. Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Hakea oleifolia (Sm.) R.Br. W.A.
Hakea oligoneura K.A.Sheph. & R.M.Barker W.A.
Bird beak hakea

Hakea orthorrhyncha F.Muell.

  • var. filiformis F.Muell. ex Benth.
  • F.Muell. ex Benth. var. orthorrhyncha


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image
Hakea pachyphylla Sieber ex Spreng
Hakea pandanicarpa R.Br.
Hakea pedunculata F.Muell.
Hakea pendens R.M.Barker
Hakea persiehana F.Muell.
Sea urchin hakea

Hakea petiolaris Meisn.

Cricket ball hakea, woody peach

Hakea platysperma Hook.

Hakea polyanthema Diels
Needle tree, needle bush, Christmas hakea, Tanjinn

Hakea preissii Meisn.

Hakea pritzelii Diels
Hakea propinqua A.Cunn.
Harsh hakea

Hakea prostrata R.Br.

Hakea psilorrhyncha R.M.Barker
Lake Keepit hakea

Hakea pulvinifera L.A.S.Johnson

Hakea purpurea Hook.
Hakea pycnoneura Meisn.
Jarnockmert, djarnokmurd

Hakea recurva Meisn.

Furze hakea

Hakea repullulans H.M.Lee


Hakea rhombales F.Muell.

Hakea rigida C.A.Gardner ex Haegi
Beaked hakea

Hakea rostrata F.Muell. ex Meisn.

Wrinkled hakea, dwarf hakea

Hakea rugosa R.Br.

Candle hakea

Hakea ruscifolia Labill.


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1][2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3][4][5] Image


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z "Plants of the World Online". Retrieved 10 June 2024.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species". Retrieved 10 June 2024.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i "EPBC Act List of Threatened Flora". Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Retrieved 6 June 2024.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i Atkins, KJ (6 October 2008). "Declared Rare and Priority Flora List for Western Australia" (PDF). Retrieved 6 June 2024.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Threatened List" (PDF). The State of Victoria Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. June 2024.