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Paradoxes and Dilemmas

List of paradoxes
Abilene paradox
All horses are the same color
Allais paradox
Apportionment paradox
Archimedes paradox
Arrow's impossibility theorem
Banach–Tarski paradox
Barber paradox
Bell's spaceship paradox
Bell's theorem
Benford's law
Berkson's paradox
Berry paradox
Bertrand paradox (economics)
Bertrand's box paradox
Bertrand's paradox (probability)
Birthday problem
Black hole information paradox
Borel–Kolmogorov paradox
Boy or Girl paradox
Bracketing paradox
Braess's paradox
Burali-Forti paradox
Buridan's ass
Buttered cat paradox
Cantor's paradox
Carroll's paradox
Coastline paradox
Cornelian dilemma
Curry's paradox
D'Alembert's paradox
Denny's paradox
Dream argument
Drinker paradox
Easterlin paradox
Edgeworth paradox
Ehrenfest paradox
Elevator paradox
Elevator paradox (physics)
Ellsberg paradox
Epimenides paradox
EPR paradox
Ethical dilemma
Euthyphro dilemma
Exception paradox
Exchange paradox
Fermi paradox
Fitch's paradox of knowability
Gabriel's Horn
Galileo's paradox
Gibbs paradox
Gibson's paradox
Grandfather paradox
Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit
Grelling–Nelson paradox
Hardy's paradox
Hausdorff paradox
Hedgehog's dilemma
Holographic principle
Intentionally blank page
Interesting number paradox
Invalid proof
Irresistible force paradox
Jevons paradox
Kavka's toxin puzzle
Kleene-Rosser paradox
Ladder paradox
Leontief paradox
Levinthal paradox
Liar paradox
Liberal paradox
Lindley's paradox
Loschmidt's paradox
Lottery paradox
Low birth weight paradox
Loyer's paradox
Mere addition paradox
Missing dollar riddle
Missing square puzzle
Miwins dice
Monty Hall problem
Moore's paradox
Morton's Fork
Mpemba effect
Necktie paradox
Newcomb's paradox
Nontransitive dice
Olbers' paradox
Omnipotence paradox
Ontological paradox
Opposite Day
Paradox of hedonism
Paradox of the Court
Paradox of thrift
Paradox of value
Paradoxes of material implication
Paradoxes of set theory
Parrondo's paradox
Physical paradox
Plank of Carneades
Platonia dilemma
Predestination paradox
Prisoner's dilemma
Problem of evil
Productivity paradox
Quantitative structure-activity relationship
Quantum pseudo-telepathy
Quine's paradox
Raven paradox
Richard's paradox
Russell's paradox
Schrödinger's cat
Security dilemma
Ship of Theseus
Simpson's paradox
Skolem's paradox
Sleeping Beauty problem
Smale's paradox
Sorites paradox
St. Petersburg paradox
Supplee's paradox
Temporal paradox (paleontology)
The survival lottery
Thomson's lamp
Three Prisoners problem
Traveler's dilemma
Triffin dilemma
Trolley problem
Twin paradox
Two envelopes problem
Unexpected hanging paradox
Violinist (thought experiment)
Von Neumann paradox
Voting paradox
Warnock's Dilemma
What the Tortoise Said to Achilles
Will Rogers phenomenon
Zeno's paradoxes