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A human male American with a variety of computer-related interests.

  • Once released the 7th version of a mIRC script collection named "ircN"
  • With a friend, took a version of the web-based strategy game "Promisance", rewrote it completely, and released it as "QM Promisance"
    • Later rewrote it again in an attempt to use proper coding conventions and harden it against vulnerabilities such as SQL injection
  • Took the remains of a half-written NES emulator called "NinthStar", rewrote it completely, and released "Nintendulator"
  • Obtained photomicrographs of the Ricoh 2A03 and 2C02, traced and vectorized them, then made transistor-level simulators of them using the Javascript engine from the Visual 6502 project
  • Currently contributes to DFHack, a 3rd-party memory access and modding library for the game Dwarf Fortress