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Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-11-16

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All article submissions on this archive page have been mass moderated, and none of the remaining submissions are suitable for articles on Wikipedia. The page has been mass moderated and can safely be marked as completed.

Wonder World Cave


Andrew Richart


Richard Craig Foltz


Richard Craig Foltz (b. 1961, Columbus, Ohio) is an American-Canadian scholar of the history of religions, with a specific focus on the role of Iranians in shaping and transmitting the world’s religious traditions, most notably in his books Spirituality in the Land of the Noble: How Iran Shaped the World’s Religions and Religions of the Silk Road: Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century. Foltz has also been active in helping shape a new subfield combining religious studies with environmental ethics, often referred to as “Religion and Ecology”, having edited a popular teaching text titled Worldviews, Religion and the Environment: A Global Anthology and two seminal volumes exploring environmental values among Muslims, Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust and Environmentalism in the Muslim World. His most recent book, Animals in Islamic Tradition and Muslim Cultures, is the first scholarly survey of how Muslims have viewed the importance of non-human animals. In all he has authored or edited eight books and some seventy journal articles and other scholarly publications. His work has appeared in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Japanese, Indonesian, Urdu, German, French, Bosnian, and Russian.

After leaving home at the age of seventeen, Foltz spent a number of years living in Europe where he worked as a musician, film critic, and travel writer. He returned to the US in 1986 and completed his B.A. and M.A. degrees at the University of Utah before moving on to Harvard, where he obtained a Ph.D. in 1996. After teaching at Harvard, Brown, Columbia, and the University of Florida, he moved to Canada in 2005 to assume a position at Montreal’s Concordia University.

Foltz has been an invited lecturer at such venues as the Smithsonian Institution and New York’s Asia Society, and often serves as a consultant for French-language radio and television in Canada.

Major Publications

1. Animals in Islamic Tradition and Muslim Cultures, Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2006. 2. Editor, Environmentalism in the Muslim World, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2005. 3. Spirituality in the Land of the Noble: How Iran Shaped the World’s Religions, Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2004. -Arabic edition, Al-rūhāniyyat fī ard al-nubala’: kayf athart Īran fī adyān al-‘ālam, Beirut: Al-dar al-‘arabiyya al-‘ulūm, 2006. -revised French edition, L’Iran creuset de religions, Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2007. 4. Lead editor (with Frederick M. Denny and Azizan Baharuddin), Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003. -Arabic edition, Al-islām wa’l-bī‘at, Cairo: ‘Adel al-mu‘alam, 2006. 5. Editor, Worldviews, Religion, and the Environment: A Global Anthology, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson, 2003. 6. Religions of the Silk Road: Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century, New York: St. Martin’s Press and London: Macmillan, 1999. -paperback edition, New York: Palgrave, 2000. -Japanese edition, Shiruku rōdo no shūkyō, Tokyo: Kyo Bun Kwan, 2003. -Turkish edition, İpek Yolu Dinleri: Antik Dönemden 15.yüzyıla Kara Yolu Ticareti ve Kültürel Etkileşim, tr. Aydan Aslan, Istanbul: Anka Yayınları, 2006. -Persian edition, Dinha-ye jadeh-ye abrisham, tr. Askari Pasha’i, Tehran: Entesharat-e Farafaran, 1385 [2006]. 7. Mughal India and Central Asia, Karachi and New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. - paperback edition, 2001. 8. Translator, Conversations with Emperor Jahangir, Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 1998.

Categories: Iranologists | Living people | Environmental Ethics | History or Religions | 1961 births



http://cjournal.concordia.ca/journalarchives/2006-07/oct_12/007777.shtml http://artsandscience.concordia.ca/religion/facultyresearch2005.pdf http://www.asiasource.org/society/foltz.cfm http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ht/37.1/foltz.html http://www.oneworld-publications.com/cgi-bin/cart2/commerce.cgi?pid=16&log_pid=yes http://www.onecountry.org/e161/e16116as_Review_Iran_Religions.htm http://www.atquebec.org/ty041215.htm http://www.goftman-iran.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=195&Itemid=21 http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/FOLISL.html

Rashti 00:31, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Christian Caminiti


Alicia Simmons


Alex Lagonik and Kate Moody


Christian Caminiti


Devajyoti Ray


Devajyoti Ray (born in 1974-) is one of India’s well known younger generation artists who had recently come to forefront with his exhibitions of pseudorealistic paintings.

Ray comes from a Bengali family that had traveled all over India as Ray’s father had been working for the Government of India. Ray had his childhood education at various places, anexperience which brought into his art a rare variety of symbolism, folk traditions, and metaphor.

Ray is however best known for his Pseudorealistic works, which have been exhibited at many major galleries and have been appreciated in India and abroad with great enthusiasm. Pseudorealism of Ray involves the playing of offbeat colours in unrealistic fashion and thereby creating a comprehensible realistic imagery.

In Despair, Soliloqui, the tryptichs are some of the best known works of Ray. They have fetched good prices in the recently held shows.



http://www.21stcenturyindianart.com/pseudorealism.htm 01:14, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



dreDDup is the first Serbian industrial band. It started working back in 1997. in the small city of Novi Sad. After 2 years of experimenting with music it bacame the first band that really performed industrial live in Serbia. Before dreDDup, there was a lot of experimental bands and one-man projects that included industrial music, but in the late 2001. when dreDDup started live-performances it was clear that this band was built to last. In late 2003. they recorded their first debut demo album called "R U Digital!?". This LP was a mixture of industrial/crossover music with a little influence of new wave. After having some inside-group problems it was finally done in late 2005. dreDDup signed for "MoocSound Recordings" music label and published their first album called "Mr.Borndead's Feast". After changing their sound to industrial/noise/gothic dreDDup started working on their second official LP. Working title is "Future Porn Machine"



http://www.moocsound.com/search.php?mode=search http://www.dreddup.co.nr http://www.myspace.com/dreddup

Dreddup 01:16, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x




Pseudorealism (also spelt: pseudo-realism, pseudo realism) is a word that was coined in connection with Film criticism. It actually referred to the presentation of unrealistic fantasy images as realism. But in course of time the word took many varied dimensions and in the field of static photography it became a rage in the 1960s. Pseudorealism in the fine art is however a more recent import referring to the use of fantastic colour schemes, without any reference to reality and thereby creating a comprehensible imagery.

The main proponent of Pseudorealist Art is Indian Painter Devajyoti Ray. Ray in his works infuses stiletto sketchings filled up with flat bold colours that in the whole maintains its comprehensibility.

Pseudorealistic Art likeRay’s In Despair and Soliloqui have in recent years gathered immense enthusiasm. These paintings have been exhibited at many major galleries.



http://www.21stcenturyindianart.com/pesudorealism.htm http://www.pseudo-realism.com/visualart.htm 01:23, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



sydney the great


Dennis Cass


Dennis Cass is a freelance writer who most recently accepted a visiting professorship at Carleton College. He has written for such periodicals as GQ, Slate, City Pages, Minnesota Monthly, Harper's, and This American Life.

His first book, "Head Case: How I Almost Lost My Mind Trying to Understand My Brain" is due out in March of 2007. It cronicles his attempts to learn just how his mind works, but delves into his turbulent family history, his writer's block, and his own descent towards a nervious breakdown.

The only class he taught this term was English 180: Creative Non-Fiction. It was composed of 15 students writing 3 pieces--a rant, a memoir, and finally a personal essay. The class periods were devoted to writing excercises, peer review, and socratic seminar-type group editing.

While his professorship at Carleton expires at the end of the Fall 2006 term, he has mentioned a hesitant desire to continue in the school year of 2007-2008, teaching upper-level English students the craft of writing.


[edit] 02:57, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bok van Blerk


Adam Kozlowski


Adam Kozlowski


Randall Stone




Randall Stone was born in Sunnyvale, California to Lawrence E. Stone and Carmen Stone11. He graduated from nearby Mountain View's St. Francis High School and graduated from California State University, Chico's College of Business in Finance and the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences in Economics11.

Stone is a financial planner3 and real estate developer in Chico, California11. He owns and manages a real estate and mortgage brokerage5 in the greater Chico area as well. All of the real estate developments Stone builds are affordable housing developments11.

Stone may be best known for his involvement with the Special Olympics Butte County where he was named as an Athletics Coach, for the first ever Special Olympics National Games in Ames, Iowa in 200611.

Stone was a member of the 1992 and 1993 Triathlon Team USA representing the United States at each World Championship. Stone was a recipient of the team gold medal representing the United States at the 1993 Triathlon World Championships in Manchester, England. He was the 1992 National Champion at the United States Triathlon Series National Championship in Henderson, Nevada. In 1988 he was the youngest person (at that time) ever to qualify for the Triathlon National Championships besting his older brother, Ted Stone. He competed in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon four times swimming from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco, the first time at age 14.

Stone has been active in politics7 at a local level since 2003 when he was appointed to the Butte County, California Democratic Party Central Committee6, 10 in 2003. He served as Vice Chair on the committee until 2006. He was a party delegate at the 2004 and 2006 Democratic Party conventions.

Stone's father, Larry Stone1, is the current County Assessor in Santa Clara County11 when he was elected to the position in 1995. Larry Stone was a member of the Sunnyvale, California City Council for 16 years (1974 to 1990) including two terms as mayor. In 1993, then President Bill Clinton recognized the City of Sunnyvale as one of three of the best run cities in the United States including the time the elder Stone was on the city council2.

Stone enjoys amateur radio and holds a General Class license4 issued by the Federal Communications Commission. He is a frequent speaker on amateur radio topics such as APRS, EchoLink, and IRLP and teaches licensing classes in Butte County9.

Stone has lived in Chico, California for 12 years with his partner, Krista Gallwitz. Both Stone and Gallwitz are Domestic Violence Crisis Intervention Counselors in the State of California and members of the Butte County League of Women Voters8.



1 - [1]

2 - http://sunnyvale.ca.gov/News+Releases/2006+News+Releases/01-11.htm

3 - http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-121228618.html

4 - http://www.qrz.com/detail/K6RCS

5 - http://www.randallstonerealty.com

6 - http://www.clerk-recorder.buttecounty.net/elections/archives/Eln12/offices_to_be_elected.pdf

7 - http://www.newsreview.com/chico/Content?oid=oid%3A60860

8 - http://www.lwvbuttecounty.org/newsletters/February%202005.pdf

9 - http://www.arrl.org/FandES/courses/?section=SV

10 - http://www.bbvforums.org/forums/messages/8/3675.html?1109698697

11 - "Randall%20Stone")&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&xcal_useweights=no 03:52, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Joe Farias


Jupiter Ray Project


Richard R.J. Johnson


Richard R.J. (Ray Jay) Johnson (1955-) is an Irish-born, Welsh-trained professor of early American and Canadian history at the University of Washington, Seattle, and a prominent member of the British expatriate community in the Pacific Northwest.

Johnson is the author of several prize-winning books in early American history, including John Nelson, Merchant Adventurer: An Imperial Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), which won the Thomas M. Power Prize for Outstanding Work in Colonial History in 1993. This book broke major ground in the field by showing how John Nelson, an English trader in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, helped negotiate important colonial trade agreements with Acadia and Albion. Many scholars of colonial history have cited Johnson's book as a groundbreaking work that shows the multiliminality of early colonial trading patterns, refuting the long-accepted thesis that colonial trade was purely one-dimensional in nature and solely to the benefit of the parent empire. Some historians have even credited Johnson for inspiring renewed interest in the economic history of the Thirteen Colonies.

Johnson has also authored or co-authored the well-reviewed books Adjustment to Empire: The Mid-Atlantic Colonies (Newark: Rutgers University Press, 1981) and Reforming the Military Retirement System (Santa Monica: Rand, 1998). Additionally, he has a forthcoming book from Paladin Press, "John Bull and Lady Liberty: A Strange Marriage Indeed!" on the interrelationship of national symbols in Great Britain and the United States.

From 1997 to 1999, Johnson served as the first Susanne J. Young chair in U.S. and Canadian history at Washington, and was the recipient of the Robert Cruickshank Prize for Distinguished University Service and Teaching, awarded by former governor Gary Locke in 2002.

Johnson is also a prominent figure among the community of expatriates from the British Isles, serving as past president of the Puget Sound chapter of the John Bull Society. He served as Honorary Consul of the United Kingdom during Margaret Thatcher's prime ministership, from 1988-1991.




Richard Johnson, John Nelson, Merchant Adventurer: An Imperial Life, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.

Richard Johnson, Adjustment to Empire: The Mid-Atlantic Colonies, Newark: Rutgers University Press, 1981.

Beth Asch, Richard Johnson and John Warner, Reforming the Military Retirement System, Santa Monica: Rand, 1998.

"Review." Journal of American History, March 1992, pp. 1419-1420.

HIST5704Life 04:26, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

J.P. Davis


/Users/jpdavis/Desktop/JPDavis.jpg /Users/jpdavis/Desktop/biz_041025fight-1.jpg feature films.

Block quote

J.P. Davis is an American actor and screenwriter best known for his role as Tommy in the critically acclaimed independent film "Fighting Tommy Riley". "Fighting Tommy Riley" was J.P.'s first screenplay, based on an off broadway one man show, and he received lucrative studio offers to sell the script outright, but he remained steadfast in wanting to play the title role. The film was eventually made for a budget of $180,000 and became a festival hit, putting J.P. on the film world's map. Scottkelly 08:05, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

NBC's Jeffrey Lyons called J.P.'s Fighting Tommy Riley "a deeply absorbing and poignant story staring a talented young filmmaker and compelling young star".

NY1's Neil Rosen said "Every once in a while, an independent film comes along, that just could be the springboard for a very promising career. In this case, the movie is called "Fighting Tommy Riley" and the actor, who lights up the screen, is newcomer JP Davis."

Born and raised in New York City, J.P. graduated from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service where he majored in International Affairs. After graduating, J.P. moved to Paris where he began his writing and acting career.

J.P. lives in Los Angeles. He just finished production on a feature thriller called "House" and is currently developing television series and writing his next films.



LA Times Monday, May 2, 2005

Script Magazine, May 2005

Backstage West, June 2004


NY1 news review of "Fighting Tommy Riley"

The Advocate, June 2005

LA Times, May 6, 2005

Scottkelly 04:27, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Branndon Sheriff


Alex Han


James Cyril Stobie


James Cyril Stobie was born on the 15th September, 1895 in Parkside, Adelaide, South Australia, to parents James and Alice. As he grew up, it became apparent that he was an excellent student. He won a scholarship to attend a preparatory school. In 1915 he enroled in the School of Mines and later that year he gained an Associate Diploma in mechanical and electrical engineering, earning his Fellowship Diploma in 1919.

In 1916 Stobie began to work for the Adelaide Electric Supply Company, whilst continuing study when not working. In 1924, Stobie invented a new type of telegraph pole, as timber was scarce in South Australia. The pole involved connecting two long metal bars (initially a railway spare railway track piece) together with concrete. The design was very successful and is still used today over most of South Australia and parts of Western Victoria, due to the fact that they are Termite proof, fire proof, and don't decay or attract growths as wood poles sometimes do. However, many people attribute deaths to the pole, as it is believed to do more damage to coliding cars than a regular wooden poles. Stobie was paid for the patent of his design, and continued to work for the Adelaide Electric Supply Company until his death in 1953.

He died on 15th August 1953, after extensive medical problems, which had immobiled him for several years prior to his death.



http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A160383b.htm http://www.adelaidereview.com.au/_archives.php?subaction=showfull&id=1161305567&archive=1162510674&start_from=&ucat=2& Personal Knowledge (Descendant) 06:28, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group Ltd/Gte (NESG)


Nigeria’s attempts at economic development since independence had been managed largely by the military, which governed for the greater part of the years of her existence as an independent country.

The performance of the military was ineffective, resulting in stunted economic growth and a harsh operating environment which was neither conducive to private investment nor to sustainable economic development.

Against the background of declining economic fortunes, it became obvious that unless urgent measures in the context of a national vision were put in place, Nigeria would never be able to realise her full potential.

Shortly after he was appointed Chairman of the Transitional Council in January 1993, Chief Ernest Shonekan convened the first Nigerian Economic Summit (NES #1) in February 1993. The Summit brought together key managers from the private sector and senior government officials for a three day discourse on how to tackle Nigeria’s economic problems.

The success of the first Summit and the sudden realisation that it was possible for the private sector to cooperate and dialogue with the public sector led to a wider participation in later Summits.

Subsequently, a core group of participants from the first Summit developed a more formalised private sector structure, which formed the basis of the present NESG. The NESG was incorporated in 1996 as a company limited by guarantee.



www.nesgroup.org 07:25, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



[edit] 09:24, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ashish Joshi (musician)


Ashish Joshi, born September 30, 1976, is the first South African exponent of this art to explore it's boundaries in the form of African Jazz, Tribal African, Rock, World Music, Drum 'n Bass and Commercial Fusion.

Musical History


Studied classical form of the art under his guru, Sri Jeram Bhana, before taking his talent to the South African Musical industry. Has re-initiated interest in North Classical Indian music and revived culture in the youth of South Africa. Workshops in Africa in rural areas including an intensive week long workshop for students and lecturers of University of Namibia Musical Department. Continued in a semi-classical form whilst studying various other percussion and continued studies under current guru, Haren Tanna. International tours have yielded posistive results in expanding the use of Indian Classical instruments in wider genres of music.



Collaborations include recordings on SA Based rock band 'Not My Dog' album 'Braai Vibes'; Tony Cox' African impressions album 'China'; ensembles on 'The World In A Guitar' with Steve Newman and Greg Georgiades. Simpiwe Dana - 'Sandisile'; Strings 'n Skins - 'Strings 'n Skins'; Prime Circle - 'Live This Life'; Vivid Afrika - 'Vivid'.

Has done fusion (East meets West) club guide sessions with DJ's Krushed and Sorted, Ready D, Rudeboy Paul and The Blunted Stuntman.



http://www.tonycox.co.za/worldinaguitar/artists.htm http://www.alliance.org.za/article.php3?id_article=747 http://www.plumproductions.co.za/worldina.htm http://www.stringsnskins.com http://www.samusic.co.za/indexContent.asp?intChannelKey=2&intContentKey=5846 http://vividafrika.calabashmusic.com/

Musicinform 09:35, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Jrizzle4shizzle 10:25, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Lifeguards Football Club




Daijin Zenji


“Daijin Zenji”, meaning “Great minister of state and Master of Buddhist meditation”. This was the title given to the Buddhist monk Dōkyo upon his appointment as chief minister to Empress Shōtoku in 764. This was a title unique to Dōkyo.



Ross Bender, “The Political Meaning of the Hachiman Cult in Ancient and Early Medieval Japan”, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, 1980. 13:36, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Brocard Problem

  1. REDIRECT Brown number


[edit] 13:42, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kurdistan’s Identity


Kurdistan’s Identity (Kurdistan My Identity) is a summary of the truth about the Kurdish nation in Kurdistan (Mesopotamia). This book was published in January 2006 simultaneously in English and Kurdish. The book describes the truth of the Kurdish history, geography, religions, culture, languages and some solutions for the Kurdish question to achieve Freedom for The Democratic Republic of Kurdistan. 2000 copies of this book have been printed to give as a gift to people interested in the subject. The author’s (Hawre Qendil) aim is to introduce Kurdistan’s conflicts to his country mates and to the rest of the world, as he believes that in his book there is a peaceful solution for getting independence of Kurdistan. However this needs more sacrifices on the part of the Kurds and support of their friends.

Indiependence Music (website)


Indiependence Music (i'm) is a social networking website designed especially for unsigned musicians. 'Indie' musicians can create a band profile, upload music and sell their mp3s to the public. Visitors to the website can listen to music for free, or purchase songs directly from the band.



Indiependence Music homepage http://www.indiependencemusic.net
I'm Indie Money: Indie bands can now sell tracks directly to fans... http://www.ukula.com/TorontoArticle.aspx?SectionID=6&ObjectID=1740&CityID=3
IndiependenceMusic.net sponsor fundraising event for the Tucson Rotary Reading Seed Center http://www.tucsonadfed.org/pages/news.php?page=detail&item=53
Punk band, Circle Takes The Square release their remastered self-titled EP through Indiependencemusic.net http://punknews.org/article/20822 14:12, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ivor Porter


Sir Ivor F. Porter, OBE (b. 1913) is an Ambassador and Author in the United Kingdom.



Porter was raised in the Lake District and educated at Barrow-in-Furness Grammar School and Leeds University.

Foreign Office


He joined the Foreign Office in May 1946 and posted in Washington, Cyprus, India, and the delegation to NATO in Paris. He was presented with the title of Ambassador to several West African nations and the Geneva Arms Control Committee.

Special Operations Executive


In 1939 Porter was sent to Bucharest, Romania on an academic post with the British Council, but was quickly transfered to the Legation, and remained until Nazi occupation. In 1943 Porter was recruited by SOE, later leading a covert three-man mission that was parachuted into Romania to instigate resistance against the Nazis at "any cost". The SOE agents were captured by enemy forces and held as prisoners-of-war until the country's August 1944 coup d'état.



Porter has written two books since retirement: Operation Autonomous: With SOE in Wartime Romania and Michael of Romania: The King and the Country.[1]

The Ambassador is a relative of the American politician John A. Denison. He resides in London, England.



Uvelektro 14:25, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Office Toys


Kenny Hayes


CSKY Radio


CSKY is John Abbott College's student-run radio station. It is officialy licensed by the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission). Between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM, CSKY can be heard in a number of key student hangouts spots like the "Munchbox" , the cafeteria, the student lounge, the "Agora", the student activities office, etc. CSKY Radio broadcasts 1 1/2 hour blocks during all days of the week during the course of the semester. Each DJ is responsable for one show each week. DJ's are allowed to play any type of music they want as long as it is censored. With an average population of approximately 5 000 day students at JAC, CSKY is by far the largest club on campus. The schedule can usually accommodate up to 60 DJs/semester.

CSKY Radio is run by a very dynamic group of executive members. They consist of Deeb Mawad (GM/Webmaster), Andrew Curtis (Program Director), Matt Jodouin (Productions Mananger), Vincent Poupard (Sales Manager), Sean Brathwaithe (Music Director), Felicia H Stubbert (Promotions), David Emory (News #1) and Mike Pasto (News #2).

As of Fall 2006, various DJ's shows can be heard on campus such as DJ Acoustik, DC, Sean-Don, The Mullet, The Fro, Cambridge...



www.cskyradio.com 16:01, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dick Schaap Award


The Dick Schaap Award was established in 2002 to honor the memory of one of Americas pre-eminent sports writers, Dick Schaap. The award is presented by the Nassau County Sports Commission and is given out to the journalist, in any medium, that best exemplifies the principles and talents of Dick Schaap during the past year. The award recipient is determined by confidential balloting of the Dick Schaap Selection Committee, which is comprised of respected members of the media, and chaired by Dick's son, ESPN reporter Jeremy Schaap.

Although the recipient need not be a "sports journalist," he/she must convey the passion and insight for the stories and people he/she covers as Schaap did. Whether it was a sports segment, a cultural news story as he did on "20/20," an autobiography, newspaper story, or "parting shot" from his Sunday morning talk show on ESPN, Schaap's professionalism shined and was admired by many fellow journalists, as well as his readers & viewers.

Dick Schaap Award Recipients


2002 - Jim McKay, ABC Sports
2003 - Frank Deford, Sports Illustrated
2004 - Bob Costas, NBC & HBO Sports
2005 - Dave Anderson, NY Times
2006 - Bob Ryan, Boston Globe



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Schaap -->

Ausitn Grecca


Defence Medical Services, United Kingdom


The Defence Medical Services (DMS) of the Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom comprises of several elements :

The Defence Medical Services Department (DMSD) which is the headquarters for the DMS and is lead by the Surgeon General Lieutenant General Louis Lillywhite who is the clinical head and the Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Health) Vice Admiral Mclean.

The Defence Dental Services (DDS) which is a tri-service organisation comprising of the three Armed Forces to provide dental care.

The Defence Medical Education & Training Agency (DMETA) which provides tri-service training to Defence Medical personnel.

The Royal Naval Medical Services (RNMS)their mission is to deliver healthcare to the Royal Navy.

The Army Medical Services (AMS) and is their to promote the effective medical and dental services for the British Army.

The Royal Air Force Medical Services (RAFMS) aim is to maximise the numbers of Royal Air Force personnel fit for task and provide an effecrtive medical force for the RAF.



Defence Medical Services Website www.dmsd.mod.uk 17:00, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

arcana whine




Jordan Haines


Charles 'Buck' Offutt


James Ross (A.K.A - Rossy)




New Addiewell


Lifeguards FC




Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization


Tilman Baumgärtel


Tilman Baumgärtel (*1966 in Würzburg) is a German writer and media critic. He wrote extensively on net.art and Internet Art and on piracy.

He contributes to various German and international newspapers and reviews. Since 2005 he is a professor at the University of the Philippines in Manila. He is an organizer of the conference Asian Edition, a conference on media piracy in South East Asia.





  • net.art 2.0. Neue Materialien zur Netzkunst. New Material on art on the internet (bi-lingual: deutsch/englisch), Nürnberg 2001
  • install.exe, Basel 2003
  • games. Computerspiele von Künstlerinnen/Games. Computergames by artists, Frankfurt/Main 2004 19:32, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

MaxHeat & Millennium Music Mission Records


The Pro Flow Fa-Sho Show originated in the winter of 2003 and debuted accordingly on WZIP 88.1 FM in Akron Ohio, the hometown of LeBron James. MaD MaXxx had not yet developed into the veteran rhyming DJ but practiced and completed his training in order to secure a summer slot on-air. After obtaining a slot, NuJam (M3 Records C.E.O.) suggested the distinct "Pro Flow Fa-Sho Show" title due to his solo artist's unmatchable lyrical pro delivery. The idea was also to give the audience a constant tongue-twister that was somewhat fun to say & hear. Things at WZIP halted when MaXxx was finally given a choice (after months of pressure) to either "water down" his presentation to match the styles of his co-workers, or give up his spot. MaXxx's first and second albums then became prophetic. No Compromise was the answer, and the Pro Flow Show moved to the internet to satisfy the demand of his rapidly growing audience. The new "Pro Flow Fa-Sho Show", powered by M3 Records, provides listeners with various forms of entertainment ranging from theatrical audio productions of every genre of music to stimulating, precise, unscripted word schemes and critiques from the host, MaD MaxHeat. Listeners are guaranteed to receive the entertainment they come consistently to see. "Nitro, Rock or the Platinum Edition" also broadcasts marketing tips and industry interviews & spoken word. The show has a strong hip hop origin. Monthly International Audience is one million.



www.maxheat.com/live.html, garageradio.com, newartistradio.net, isonliveradio.com, radio-freedom.com, radiopodcast.org, 19:33, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Gas House Pizza


The Great Moderation


Redford Pennycock




Talak Desk Lamp


Elizabeth Herrick




Querembas is a 4-piece Nu Metal band from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, is the only bolivian heavy rock band that has toured all around its country, it has also won the RockAndBol Awards, a bolivian award for national rockbands, they won in the hardcore category. Is formed by Beby Guzman(bass),Ronald Subirana (vocals,samplers), Anibal Guzman (drums), and Johnatan Vaca (Guitar)

The Beggining


They started in october 2003, trying to make a different kind of music from you should listen in other bolivian bands, because nu metal is not usual in Latin America. They recorded their debut album ¨Guerreros¨ in 2004, getting a good radio airplay, and touring all around the country and some pats of Argentina, Paraguay and Peru, a particular thing about these guys is that all of its members are very young, for example, Beby was just 16 when the band started by the time she graduated from high school she had already 2 recorded albums.



Querembas has until now 2 albums: ¨Guerreros¨ from 2004 and ¨Ciegos¨ from 2005. Next album will be named ¨Manicomio¨ its gonna be released in 2007 and is being produced by Alcoholika's frontman Viko Paredes.



Querembas.com SantaCruzRock.net RockAndBol.com



I would like to add a subhead to the existing "TOPS" information.

During the 1980's, the Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) developed a method of documentation referred to as Task-Oriented Procedures (TOPs). TOPs was a simplified method of documenting a procedure as a flowchart and subdividing information into manageable modules based on the type of task. For example, all the procedures relating to installation were grouped together as individual diagrams with a master index. Same was true for turn-up and provisioning procedures, maintenance procedures, troubleshooting procedures, etc. The idea was to provide a quick-reference paper documentation system for experienced technical people who had already received training on a product and occasionally needed a quick reference so they did not miss a step, but did not have to read a lengthy narrative style procedural document. The instructions in each diagram element were often cryptic English (not grammatically correct). In the 1990's, TOPs was often used to develop software for on-line tools to automate a task. As interest in the Internet and web sites increased, the interest in TOPs documentation faded.


[edit] 21:54, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Gashlycrumb Tinies


-- 21:55, 15 November 2006 (UTC) An ink drawn dry humor book consisting of ink drawings by Edward Gorey detailing the deaths of ill-fated persons with names from A to Z.[reply]



http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/stage/7535/gorey.html http://www.wishville.co.uk/gorey/ 21:55, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kiely and the Minogues


Pat Ast


Bo Pelini


Bo Pelini(born December 13, 1967 in Youngstown, Ohio) is the defensive coordinator of Louisiana State University. Prior to LSU, Pelini coached at Nebraska and Oklahoma. In 2003 following the dismissal of Frank Solich, Pelini led Nebraska to a 17-3 Alamo Bowl victory over Michigan State. Pelini has shown interest in head coaching jobs at Michigan State and Iowa State.



http://collegefootball.rivals.com/viewcoach.asp?Coach=322 http://www.alamobowl.com/history/bowl.php?uid=11 http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=146643 22:57, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Daniel Joseph Floriano


Alfonso Faustino


Alfonso Faustino, Jr. was born on August 2, 1964, in Charleston, South Carolina. His parents are Julie Faustino and Alfonso Faustino. His father overcame many obstacles in his life, and his key to success was keeping a positive mental attitude, of which, he taught his children, Irene and Alfonso.

Alfonso learned to keep a positive mental attitude to overcome his own obstacles in finding a corporate job out of college -- through many rejections, it was his postive mental attitude that kept him from giving up. He got his first break by working at Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). After leaving PG&E, he got picked up by MCI Telecommunications. Eventually, Alfonso's career path would lead him to Larry Ellison's company, Oracle Corporation. While working at Oracle Corporation, Alfonso reached a level of financial and career success; however, he wasn't satisfied.

Throughout his career in corporate America, Alfonso tried to ignore his passion in acting -- finally, he could no longer ignore his acting interest, so he decided to pursue his passion in acting while working at Oracle Corporation. He submitted his picture to many talent agencies, and he, in a short period of time, received many responses from talent agencies inviting him to audition. Alfonso decided to sign on with Tonry Talent Agency in San Francisco. Mary Tonry, his agent, sent him to auditions; and, even though Alfonso got rejected many times, he always kept a postive mental attitude and continued going to auditions.

Alfonso got his first break in a television commercial for Sun Microsystems. As Alfonso continued to audition in the San Francisco Bay Area for television commercials, he got to know the producers and directors, and they enjoyed working with him. Soon, in some instances, Alfonso didn't have to audition; producers would call Mary and ask to book Alfonso for their commercials or industrial projects. Soon, Alfonso began to network with some film producers; and, in May 2004, Alfonso got a small acting part in a film called, Loving Alfie, where he played a devil who tries to seduce the leading man into a life of sin. A year later, he got his first leading-man role in a film called, A Dress For The Wedding, where Alfonso plays a husband to the leading lady, who finds a large sum of money in a suitcase on their way to a wedding. While working on the set, Alfonso became interested in the business behind the camera -- the production business.

After the filming of those two films, Loving Alfie and A Dress For The Wedding, Alfonso began to create a network containing some of the key and top names in the film industry and in the high-tech industry. He would mix the two groups to create a business synergy whereby high-tech investors would be introduced to some of the top names in the film industry, such as, but not limited to, Fred Roos, Jeremy Thomas, Jeff Allard, and Howard Deutch.

While creating his business network, Alfonso's horse trainer, Marian Nelson, introduced him to one of her clients, Jennifer Siebel, an actress. Alfonso and Jennifer met and found they had many things in common; however, she introduced something new to him -- conservation. Both of them began to talk about various conservation ideas, and he found one idea, of which, would capture his passion -- animals.

Through Jennifer, Alfonso realized his strong passion for animals -- all animals -- exotic and domestic. Alfonso exerted energy, passion, and attention toward the funding of his conservation project: Tanzania Wildlife Park Project. He kept plugging away to find a resource who would donate money to his project. Through his persistence, he found the resource -- Oracle Corporation.

While pursuing his film career, Alfonso worked full-time, as a software engineer manager at Oracle Corporation. After cultivating relationships with the President of Oracle Corporation, Charles Phillips, Alfonso submitted his Tranzania Project Plan for consideration, and Oracle approved and funded his project.

To this day, like his film career, Alfonso's Tanzania Project is at various stages of development and progress.

Although Alfonso experienced many rejections throughout his life, he never forgot the lesson his father taught him, "Keep positive!" It was this lesson that Alfonso holds as one of his most valuable tools.



http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1747549/bio http://imdb.com/name/nm1747549/otherworks http://www.oracle.com/oramag/profit/04-may/p24csf.html http://imdb.com/title/tt0430315/fullcredits http://imdb.com/title/tt0865886/ http://www.manpaper.com/ViewCelebInfo_4070.html http://www.amiannoyingornot.com/(dfnsrw45clk1zm45z2y50fvc)/view.aspx?ID=16488 http://alfonsofaustino.com/ 23:15, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Trophic cascade theory


Francisco Laranjo
