Bunsen Is a Beast
Bunsen Is a Beast is an animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around an eccentric beast named Bunsen, who begins attending a middle school that had previously only admitted humans. In spite of prejudice against beasts, Bunsen befriends a human boy named Mikey the Human Friend and his homeschooled companion Darcy. Together, Bunsen and his friends try to navigate through school life while outsmarting a student named Amanda Killman, who wants to rid society of Bunsen's kind.
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Season 1
[edit]Bunsen Is a Beast!
[edit]- [The episode starts off at school, where we cut to Bunsen's car where Bunsen's Dad is dropping Bunsen off]
- Bunsen's Dad: I know it's your first day at a new school, Bunsen, but don't be nervous.
- [Bunsen then exits the car]
- Bunsen: No worries, Dad. It's no big deal.
- [Bunsen closes the car door then bumps into the filming camera, then Action News 2 goes on]
- Bob: It's a very big deal here in Muckledunk, where beasts have moved to town and the first beast student ever is attending middle school.
- Ken: That's right, Bob. You know, humans and beasts have always had problems commingling.
- Bob: They sure have, Ken. We all remembered what happened in Tokyo...
- [Flashback to a Tokyo building where a monster foot crashes it, 2 people run from the monster and the monster roars and smashes some buildings, we then cut back to Bob and Ken]
- Ken: That was just a movie, Bob.
- Bob: Well, it scared the daylights out of me. Bunsen, given that beasts eat people, should we all run for our lives right now?
- [Bob aims the microphone at Bunsen's mouth]
- Bunsen: Ha! No reason be afraid of me. I'm just like you guys. [Bunsen's arms then multiply and then he shoots confetti from his head] Except I blast confetti from my head spout when I'm excited!
- Bob: I'm scared again!
Tooth or Consequences
[edit]- Mikey: Pass!
- Pass: That's my name. Don't wear it out.
- Bunsen, Mikey and Amanda: GO AWAY!!!!
Thunder and Frightening
[edit]- Mikey: You do know that's just lightning ..
- Bunsen:I am just afraid of the banging sounds!
- Amanda:If I can scare Bunsen, he can return to beast world.