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Impatience is the lack of patience expressed by restlessness and intolerance of delays or anxiety and eagerness, especially to begin something.


  • One wonders whether a generation that demands instant satisfaction of all its needs and instant solution of the world’s problems will produce anything of lasting value. Such a generation, even when equipped with the most modern technology, will be essentially primitive - it will stand in awe of nature, and submit to the tutelage of medicine men.
    • Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition (1973), 38.
  • Impatient straight to flesh his virgin sword.
    • Homer, The Odyssey, Book 20, line 381. Pope's translation; reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 390.
  • I wish, and I wish that the spring would go faster,
    Nor long summer bide so late;
    And I could grow on like the foxglove and aster,
    For some things are ill to wait.
    • Jean Ingelow, Song of Seven, Seven Times Two; reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 390.
  • The one who is slow to anger has great discernment, but the impatient one displays his foolishness.
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